Home United Jerusalem Resolution and black Saudi gold
Home United Jerusalem Resolution and black Saudi gold

United Jerusalem Resolution and black Saudi gold

introduced by Senators Brownback, Crappo and Smith and tells some salient facts

(1) Jerusalem has been the capital of the Jewish people for 3,000 years.
(2) Jerusalem has never been the capital for any other state other than for the Jewish people.
(3) Jerusalem is central to Judaism and is cited in the Tanach, the Hebrew Bible, 766 times.
(4) Jerusalem is not mentioned by name in the Koran.
(5) Every sovereign nation has the right to designate its own capital.
(6) Jerusalem is the seat of the Government of Israel, including the President, the parliament, and the Supreme Court.
(7) United States law states as a matter of United States policy that Jerusalem should be the undivided capital of Israel.
(8) Israel is the only country in which the United States neither maintains an embassy in the city designated as the capital by the host country nor recognizes such city as the capital.

of course it has no chance of passing; especially on a day when Bush met with the Saudi Crown Prince and his priority seemed to be oil prices and the 'peace process' which means that in exchange for lower prices, this terrorist regime will demand the further demolition of israel.


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