Home Jesus' Parents Find No Room at the Suicide Bomber's Inn
Home Jesus' Parents Find No Room at the Suicide Bomber's Inn

Jesus' Parents Find No Room at the Suicide Bomber's Inn

No sooner does Christmas come around than the time emerges for displaying and exhibiting the remaining Christians in Bethelehem for the purpose of complaining about Israel. There is of course a steady decline in Bethelehem Christians under Palestinian rule but this is as usual attributed to Israel, despite Bethelehem being under Palestinian rule and Israeli soldiers never even setting foot there.

The Archbishop of Westminster, Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor proclaimed that "Christ was crying for the town of his birth" due to all the Israeli restrictions and roadblocks. Of course the good Cardinal didn't hear any crying when he moved Father Michael Hill, a known pedophile, around to another parish rather than inform the authorities or at least discharge him from the Church. Father Hill of course continued to molest children and was convicted of sexually assaulting twelve children.

Back then the Cardinal didn't hear any crying, not Jesus' or the children who were abused because of his coverup. Today however when Israel puts up roadblocks to protect its own children from suicide bombers, the Cardinal hears weeping. Not for the Israeli children murdered but for the inconvenienced Palestinians.

And of course every news service promptly picked up the Cardinal's comments. Hurling variations of Christ-Killer charges at the Jews has usually been all it took to spark the usual bouts of anti-semitism. And nothing has changed. News services once again report that if Jesus' parents were alive today they would never be able to reach Bethelehem.

What they fail to report is that Jesus' parents were Jews. If they were alive today, they might have been blown up on a bus or eating at a restaurant. If they survived all that heading towards arab areas, they would risk being gunned down in a drive by, by Arab terrorists. Once in Bethelehem, they would find a town where no Jews live that had been cleansed of any Jewish presence by successions of Christian and Muslim invasions and Arab settlement which now presumes to deny Jews the right to live anywhere in Israel. Had they tried to live there, they would have been killed or driven out as illegal Jewish settlers with the approval and support of the international community.

I don't know about Christ but someone should weep over that.


  1. You forgot the part where on the way back from Egypt, they were forced to smuggle TNT.


  2. Anonymous27/12/05

    Your posts get better and Better!!!!

  3. From a WorldNetDaily column of 12/27/05:

    "...That's why the Christians have left and continue to leave. They enjoyed life while their towns were under the control of Israel. Once they were turned over to the terrorists, there wasn't much left to keep them in the areas in which their families lived for generations.

    It took WND Jerusalem Bureau Chief Aaron Klein to set the record straight this year.

    'All this talk about Israel driving Christians out and causing pain is nonsense,' a Bethlehem Christian community leader told WND. 'You want to know what is at play here, just come throughout the year and see the intimidation from the Muslims. They have burned down our stores, built mosques in front of our churches, stole our real estate and took away our rights. Women have been raped and abducted. So don't tell me about Israel. It's the Muslims.'

    The story of religious cleansing in the Palestinian Authority today thus continues – and Israel gets the blame, even though it is perpetrated by the Muslim-controlled Arab leadership."


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