Lord Janner in Parliament
Lord Granville Janner was President of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, representing most British Jews for 6 years. He's the founder of the Commonwealth Jewish Council and Chairman of the Holocaust Educational Trust. In short he's the most prominent and senior openly Jewish politician in Britain whose Jewishness is a major part of his identity who has repeatedly spoken out on Jewish issues.
On the 27th Lord Janner got into an argument with Lord Brammall in one of the rooms adjoining the Lords chamber over Israel. Lord Brammall, who was the Chief of the Defense Staff during that heroic era in English history known as the Falklands War has never missed an opportunity to get in a rant about Israel, no matter what the topic might actually be.
To give you a sense of his style, on January 16th 2003, when the topic was Reform of the Palestinian Authority, Lord Brammal in the predictable style of terrorist advocates made this convoluted remark linking the War in Iraq to making the West Bank and Gaza Judenrein.
"My Lords, will the Minister go further? Does she agree that any invasion of Iraq that has not meanwhile ensured a withdrawal of those illegal settlements, or at least meaningful negotiations towards it, risks incurring intense odium throughout the Middle East, which could invalidate any benefit that military action may bring?"
When the topic was the terrorists killing Jews, Bramall returned to his same old bugbear claiming that Israel could stop the terrorists by making Gaza and the West Bank Judenrein again and by extension that it was Israel's fault that Israelis were being killed for not making concessions.
"My Lords very briefly, does the Minister agree that the only way to stop these appalling suicide bombers is for the Israeli Government to say that if the bombers do stop, they will start to dismantle the illegal settlements in Palestine? That will give the Palestinians some hope instead of absolutely none."
Is it 1939 in Britain yet?
Not surprised at the British paper's response.
ReplyDeleteEngland is such an incredibly beautiful country, it's too bad that many of it's residents are prigs and mar the landscape.
Now the world can see why America broke off from these people.
ReplyDeleteThey are beyond pandering.
yes and it's just getting worse and if you think about that when someone of that generation is acting that way, what's the new generation acting like
ReplyDeleteWhen you look at the way both countries pander to terrorists, illegals, etc., then when America split-off, it was just one group of morons breaking away from another group of morons. :]
ReplyDeleteThe fact that the British people let these comments go without even a hint of outrage speaks volumes. It tells me that they're just as racist as anyone else. Of course now Israel bashing is the 21st century variety of anti-Semitism.
ReplyDelete"oh no, honestly, I love the Jewish people. Don't get me wrong. I just don't agree with Israel's policies." Can't count the number of times I've heard variations of that statement. Anti-Semitism for the 21st century.
The first Americans were hardly morons.
ReplyDeleteThey were strong minded freedom loving individualists who stood up for what they believed was right.
The nation had the strong blessings of Almighty God from its beginnings.
Europe was mired in awful thinking on religion and politics and social ranking in those days.
There is no greater nation although today it is asleep.
As of now, I think America is teetering on the edge when it comes to morality and conscience. It can go either way.
ReplyDeleteIf you'll indulge me, I have another comment:) As far as I see it, anyone that condones pro-Palestinian/Arab policies that clearly put Israeli (largely Jewish) lives in danger is as anti-Semitic as they come, no matter how much they try to qualify their positions and remarks.
ReplyDeleteI still vote for morons. For instance, George Washington became anti-Britain only when he discovered he wasn't going to rise in rank. Until that moment, he didn't agree with separating. To me, ego is a moron motive.
ReplyDeleteAnd as for a greater nation, the nation of Israel, though scattered across the globe is still the greatest. :] We always were and always will be. (even bigger grin)
As of now America and the world are seperating into 2 factions: good and evil.
ReplyDeleteEurope is going that way also.
We will see Europe split between islamofascists in alliance with european fascists and decent people on the other side.
The same will happen all around the world.
Calling the founding fathers morons is disgusting.Why live in America if you hate its foundations?
ReplyDeleteAl, are you saying America--love it or leave it? Well, I love this country and I don't want to leave it. Nor do I want to see it abandon Israel, as it appears Condi Rice is doing albeit in drips and drabs so that the voting public will warm up to the idea of caving into Israel's enemies (which are also enemies of the free world).
ReplyDeleteI don't wear blinders when it comes to those who were the founders. I don't make them more than they were. Washington's rebellion was based on his ego. His own journals say so. Franklin had 18 illegitimate kids. Jefferson re-wrote the bible because he didn't believe in miracles and created what's called the "Jefferson" bible. Like any politicians they did what they did for themselves. They did it for personal gain. Feel free to consider that greatness, I don't. :]
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