UPDATE: Video of Mickey Levy 's attack on Nadia Matar available here

Police chief Moshe Karadi who had defied the Knesset Commission investigating the Amona police riot is now finally being removed, not for the brutality his forces have engaged in against protesters opposed to the Kadima regime, but for corruption. Along with the resignation of Dan Halutz, this marks the removal of two of the top people responsible for the Pogrom at Amona.
They have not of course been removed for their actions at Amona, but because their general incompetence and corruption passed the point where it could be further tolerated.
The story however is far from over. Replacing outgoing Police Chief Moshe Karadi, will be the Chief Warden of Israel's prisons, Yaakov Ganot. Ganot had supervised the prisons during the Disengagement and prepared for the arrests of large numbers of civil disobedience protesters and maintained conditions in which prisoners have been deprived of civil rights and abused.

Worse yet, former Jerusalem police chief Mickey Levy will become the new Deputy Police Chief. Mickey Levy is infamous for supervising the beating of protesters all the way back to the Oslo days. Then there's the utterly shameful case in which Women in Green head Nadia Matar and Mickey Levy.
At a 1994 demonstration, Levy assaulted Nadia Matar and dragged her to a police van. She was then charged in court with assaulting Levy. It took a subpoena of a Channel 2 tape to demonstrate that Levy was lying. However Levy was never charged with assault or perjury, instead of all charges against him were dropped. Olmert helped put him on the fast track to promotion and it was open news that Olmert intended to push Levy up the ladder. Now Mickey Levy, despite or rather because of his long history of police brutality and violent assaults against Zionist protesters is a step away from being chief of police.
It will take much more than the current resignations to clean up the extraordinarily dirty police, a system that became a good deal dirtier under Sharon and Olmert.

MiShenichnas Adar Yetzei Karadi
In time for Parshas Misphatim, at least some justice was done here.

Police chief Moshe Karadi who had defied the Knesset Commission investigating the Amona police riot is now finally being removed, not for the brutality his forces have engaged in against protesters opposed to the Kadima regime, but for corruption. Along with the resignation of Dan Halutz, this marks the removal of two of the top people responsible for the Pogrom at Amona.
They have not of course been removed for their actions at Amona, but because their general incompetence and corruption passed the point where it could be further tolerated.
The story however is far from over. Replacing outgoing Police Chief Moshe Karadi, will be the Chief Warden of Israel's prisons, Yaakov Ganot. Ganot had supervised the prisons during the Disengagement and prepared for the arrests of large numbers of civil disobedience protesters and maintained conditions in which prisoners have been deprived of civil rights and abused.

Worse yet, former Jerusalem police chief Mickey Levy will become the new Deputy Police Chief. Mickey Levy is infamous for supervising the beating of protesters all the way back to the Oslo days. Then there's the utterly shameful case in which Women in Green head Nadia Matar and Mickey Levy.
At a 1994 demonstration, Levy assaulted Nadia Matar and dragged her to a police van. She was then charged in court with assaulting Levy. It took a subpoena of a Channel 2 tape to demonstrate that Levy was lying. However Levy was never charged with assault or perjury, instead of all charges against him were dropped. Olmert helped put him on the fast track to promotion and it was open news that Olmert intended to push Levy up the ladder. Now Mickey Levy, despite or rather because of his long history of police brutality and violent assaults against Zionist protesters is a step away from being chief of police.
It will take much more than the current resignations to clean up the extraordinarily dirty police, a system that became a good deal dirtier under Sharon and Olmert.

MiShenichnas Adar Yetzei Karadi
In time for Parshas Misphatim, at least some justice was done here.
How come none of these men look like Jews at all?
ReplyDeleteThey look like Mafia thugs from Sicily, not Jews.
Maybe because they ain't Jews?
I wonder how many in Israel are really Jewish anymore
I don't know about their physical appearances, but their corrupt behavior certainly resembles La Costra Nostra. Let's hope that unlike La Costra Nostra they never branch out to the US!
ReplyDeleteKaradi and his gang are brutal, even as far as police corruption goes. Most high-level police corruption involves cops being on the take, drug dealing etc. It's rare you find high-ranking cops actually involved in beating civilians.
They usually leave it to their henchmen to do the dirty work.
Police brutality is absolutely inappropriate- in Israel against Jews, or in the territories against Arabs.
ReplyDeleteIsrael should have a clear-cut standard across the board and enforce it. Unfortunately many Israelis only seem to care and speak up about government abuses when THEIR people are being affected.
Example: tons of mafdal people protested (and rightly so) about the assault of MKs at Amona. But where were they when Mohammed Barakeh was hurt by security forces at an anti-fence protest?
As long as mafdal, haredi, left-wingers, right-wingers, or Arabs only protest government abuse and wrongdoing when their people are being beaten or screwed, there will never be any serious change in govt. conduct.
They look like Mafia thugs from Sicily, not Jews.
Maybe because they ain't Jews?
Because there were never any Jews in Italy... We can't all be from some random buttcrack shtetl in the Ukraine.
under sharon\olmert organized crime has gotten a lot of traction in the government
ReplyDeleteand yes they look like thugs and not jewish really
Sorry if this is a duplicate post--blogger's fault, but I think I finally got the knack of using this now).
ReplyDeleteLouis, I don't know about their physical appearances but the certainly do look like they're from La Costra Nostra. I hope that unlike La Costra Nostra they don't branch out to the US/NYC. Or for La Costra Nostra to branch into Israel!
Seriously though, it's uncommon for high-ranking coppers to be involved in beating civilians. They usually leave it to their lesser ranking henchmen to do the dirty work and take the fall. High-ranking corruption usually centers around cops being on the take or drug dealing.
I feel for the Israeli civilians who are subjected to the law and order meted out by such corrupt and brutal cops with little recourse for justice. I really do.
friar, arab charges of police brutality meet with judicial intervention by domestic lawyers and civil rights groups and international bodies
ReplyDeletepolice brutality against israelis, whether religious, settler or russian immigrants, gets ignored by the usual old boys network
ReplyDeleteit's more like the other way around, when israel's privatization began as in russia, that combined with russian immigration and the resulting growth of organized crime, became itself a target for organized crime
basically with socialist industries become privatized, it was a candy store just waiting to be raided
with russian immigration and the turnover in russia, israel became a stop on the international smuggling and money laundering route stretching from moscow into europe and the middle east and america
on the flip side, you have a variety of dubious european, middle-eastern and israeli businessmen, who are tied up with these networks
ReplyDeleteBecause there were never any Jews in Italy... We can't all be from some random buttcrack shtetl in the Ukraine."
You are such a pig.
There are and were Jews in Italy you filthy moron
They look like Mussolini.
ReplyDeleteThere are and were Jews in Italy
ReplyDeleteMy point?
Sultan- you say there's more government response to brutality against Arabs than against Jews. I've heard different, but even if it's the case, it doesn't change the fact that among some segments of the Israeli population, brutality against Arab citizens is ignored, or worse, accepted and encouraged. As I said before, there should be the same standards across the board, for everyone. It's a shame that there are humans rights groups specifically for Arabs or for settlers. As I see it, there is a sad lack of institutions fighting for the rights of all Israelis.
ReplyDeleteLike I said, IMO, a major part of the problem is that Israeli society continues to be so factionalized (perhaps a result of the multi-party political system), and when power trades off between Labor and Likud, condemnation of brutality and other government abuses is used as a political tool- which also means that it's easily disregarded by the public at large. The fact that people are only objecting when their own side is abused only perpetuates the idea that beating someone is ok unless they have a kippa, or unless they speak Arabic, or whatever. It's the Niemoller poem all over again.
it's really no different in the united states, bias attacks are far more likely to be declared when a minority is the victim, rather than the other way around, even when there's clear evidence of racial slurs and taunts
ReplyDeletecivil rights organizations serve primarily liberal ends, less so than in israel, because they recognize the interconnectedness of laws and that precedents can be created from right wing as well as left-wing cases...
a situation that does not exist in israel where the judiciary has become untethered from any legitimate judicial aim and simply become a freelance legislative branch that's impossible to overrule
that's a legacy of the barak court, and in an era where Peace Now is pretty much the government and Settlers are public enemy number one and there are soldiers and civilians serving time for clear cut cases of self-defense against Arabs, while the hands of the police have been loosened to carry out any attack against settlers they desire...
the split is inevitable
" Friar Yid (not Shlita) said...
ReplyDeleteThere are and were Jews in Italy
My point? "
after having said this filthy little crack:"Because there were never any Jews in Italy... We can't all be from some random buttcrack shtetl in the Ukraine."
So,Friar, your point is on top of your head maybe?
Chana- Actually, my (apparently failed) point was that it's incredibly racist for louis to assert that looking like one is "a mafia thug" from Italy (Sicily or otherwise) is some sort of reliable barometer for Jewishness, seeing as how Jews have lived in oodles of places (Italy, even!) and come in all colors and physiognomies (swarthy and olive-toned, even!).
ReplyDeleteOh, and FYI, my family happens to come from quite a few random buttcracks sprinkled throughout Eastern Europe- chill out.
When you see someone who looks like a Sicilian gangster, you have to wonder if they're a Jew or not. Especially when there's a whole bunch of them in a row.
ReplyDeleteThese guys look more like Telly Savalas.
"Oh, and FYI, my family happens to come from quite a few random buttcracks sprinkled throughout Eastern Europe"
ReplyDeleteToo bad they never managed to bring your head out of there and over to America.
When you see someone who looks like a Sicilian gangster, you have to wonder if they're a Jew or not. Especially when there's a whole bunch of them in a row.
ReplyDeleteHorsecrap. I challenge you to pick an Ethiopian Jew out of a lineup of 10 random black guys. Just because a Jew has a tan doesn't make their Jew-cred suspect, any more than blond hair or blue eyes. And exactly what ethereal quality makes these guys look like gangsters? Bushy eyebrows?
Too bad they never managed to bring your head out of there and over to America.
Oy, what a crick in my neck!
Even though Ethiopians who are gerei tzedek and therefore entitled to live in EY or anywhere else as full Jews happen to have NO DNA IN COMMON WITH OTHER JEWS, I can pick one out very easily among a crowd of say, gerei tzedek of "US Black" origin. Africa is not monolithic, and only a fool with no knowledge of history could claim that African Americans have the same bloodlines as their distant cousins in East Africa.
ReplyDeleteFriar, you dig a deeper grave for your buttcrack every time you open it.
Regardin Iraeli police brutality--there is most definitely a double standard when it comes to Palestinian victims and ISraeli victims. With the exception of information in Israeli newspapers and blogs, the pogrom at Amona was unheard of. Nobody knew about it all.
ReplyDeleteAnd it hard to ignore that the majority of Israeli Jews being victimized by police are religious
Everytime a Palestinian kid is killed it's news around the world. Nightline, BBC can't cover it enough.
Friar, you dig a deeper grave for your buttcrack every time you open it.
ReplyDeleteWait, so where's my head?
I can pick one out very easily among a crowd of say, gerei tzedek of "US Black" origin.
Mazel tov, now try it with ten Africans. Hell, try it with ten Ethiopians. At a certain point, I'm pretty sure your Jewdar will start fritzing.
Africa is not monolithic, and only a fool with no knowledge of history could claim that African Americans have the same bloodlines as their distant cousins in East Africa.
As opposed, of course, to the geniuses here insinuating that Jews who look "like Sicilians" are disqualified from being Jews. I must have missed something here.
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