Every time there's an anti-war rally, the media is quick to rush in with coverage of ordinary folks next door, typically interviewing a soccer mom's who usually a librarian or in some branch of the civil service who will then give the usual canned answers about not wanting her kids to die in a senseless war. (Though the odds of her kids winding up in the military are far smaller than them winding up smoking pot at the Burning Man festival.)
What the media doesn't tell you is the truth about the extremist groups behind these rallies, like ANSWER. What they don't show is the sheer hatred of America, of Israel, of the troops at those rallies. The 9/11 Truthers, the Keffiyahs and the hateful slogans and chants. Instead they will claim that those rallying love America and care about the troops. Here is how much they care.
Above you will see a US soldier being burned in effigy while the crowd chants, "Bye, Bye G.I. In Iraq You're Gonna Die." And below you'll see a sampling of snapshots from anti-war rallies, courtesy of Little Green Footballs and ZombieTime.
Just don't question their patriotism.

The great mass of the unwashed hippy movement. Unwashed in so many ways.
ReplyDeleteThey hate the good and love evil.
There is not much more to say about them.
nothing except to flush them down the great toilet bowl of life
ReplyDeleteI think most just love trouble and dissent and do things to make noise without any real sense of what is right or wrong.
ReplyDeleteCertainly you never hear any sensible suggestions from them.
they want to tear things apart and they really do hate this country
ReplyDeleteI don't like the video.
ReplyDeleteIt's deeply disturbing. I've seen protest videos before but this one with all of the chanting and drum beating is eerily similiar to the beheading videos were muslim chant allah hu akbar.
These anti-American, anti- US military nuts are mimicking the Iraqis, Iranians et al.
I don't like that drumming and chanting. Not one bit.It doesn't sound like a bunch of 20 something scruffy punks looking for a cause, any cause, to rebel against. My gut instinct is picking up on the genuine hatred and evilness of these people.
Is it a bad thing to want to make sure these people are fed through a tube the rest of their lives?
ReplyDeleteThese people should be deported and any citizenship revoked
ReplyDeleteI agree Lou. How did people go from posting G-d Bless America signs in their windows and driving around with little flags on their cars to "I Love NY Without the WTC?"
ReplyDeleteSomebody should have been at that protest taking jotting license plates numbers and turning them over to the feds.
BTW: I'm glad you posted the video Sultan, so people can know what's happening :) I just found the video upsetting.
I wonder just how many of these people are certifiable.
ReplyDeleteMental institutions must be full.
Not being sarcastic either, I mean it.
This isn't sane behavior.
Arabic nations portray this same kind of psychotic stuff.
Like I always say. We're a country full of morons.
ReplyDeleteFor what it's worth (maybe not much), none of my friends (hardly war supporters) thought that what those protesters did was in any way constructive. Particularly since it just gives a free "gotcha!" to the right who seems all to eager to use the nuts and supposedly self-identified anarchists to beat the larger left.
It's deeply disturbing. I've seen protest videos before but this one with all of the chanting and drum beating is eerily similiar to the beheading videos were muslim chant allah hu akbar.
Cheap shot. Are you going to compare everybody who beats drums (Hare Krishnas?) and chants slogans (support our troops?) to Muslim jihadists?
These anti-American, anti- US military nuts are mimicking the Iraqis, Iranians et al.
A protest is a protest. Suggesting these people get their ideas from the Iranians seems pretty far-fetched.
It doesn't sound like a bunch of 20 something scruffy punks looking for a cause, any cause, to rebel against. My gut instinct is picking up on the genuine hatred and evilness of these people.
To be honest, I think it's quite a bit of both, obviously depending on exactly who you're talking about. As a quasi-recent--and fairly scruffy-- graduate (from a school near the Pacific North-West, no less), I can tell you that there are a bunch of different subgroups among the younger left:
A- the idealists, who think that things like nationalism are genuinely bad and espouse ideologies like anarchism. They may or may not support violence or confrontational modes of protest.
B- The radicals, who support violence or other provocations, and may or may not actually believe in the ideologies they use to justify their behavior. (I've encountered this first-hand- classmates who proudly formed "splinter protests" to destroy cafes and Starbuckses for no cause whatsoever other than "fucking shit up, man", and thought being arrested was cool.) Frankly, to lump idiots like those in with group A is simply insulting, much as I may disagree with that group on a number of issues.
Lastly, there's group C, which is largely apathetic and may or may not be better informed than group A, depending on the issue and if they actually care enough to get the information.
I disagree with group A, I loathe group B, and I largely identify with group C. Sadly, I can't tell you who's responsible for the video or the cheering. Are any of the above groups evil? That's not a call I feel I can make.
"none of my friends (hardly war supporters) thought that what those protesters did was in any way constructive. Particularly since it just gives a free "gotcha!" to the right who seems all to eager to use the nuts and supposedly self-identified anarchists to beat the larger left."
ReplyDeleteWhat you're kind of saying here is that what they did wrong wasn't the chanting about killing US soldiers, but that they embarrassed war opponents who were trying to appear more moderate
"Cheap shot. Are you going to compare everybody who beats drums (Hare Krishnas?) and chants slogans (support our troops?) to Muslim jihadists?"
If they're chanting about killing us soldiers, the overlap with Jihadis is pretty clear, isn't it?
What you're kind of saying here is that what they did wrong wasn't the chanting about killing US soldiers, but that they embarrassed war opponents who were trying to appear more moderate
ReplyDeleteGet your words out of my mouth. I think what they did was wrong AND stupid. One of the reasons it was stupid was that it helps discredit the larger left (in addition to the supposed anarchists themselves). This is not dissimilar from the arguments made by Conservatives in the wake of the latest Coulter comment-gate.
If they're chanting about killing us soldiers, the overlap with Jihadis is pretty clear, isn't it?
She never said anything about content, only form. On that point the comparison doesn't hold water. There are drums in the St. Patrick's Day parade, too.
Too many spend time defending the bad guys.
ReplyDeletethis was the first time you said it was wrong, so possibly you should have been clearer from the beginning
ReplyDeletethe drumming is there as part of the chanting, they're not drumming because they like drumming, it's part of the chant
that's like arguing that you can't object to burning a cross unless you also object to burning bonfires
this was the first time you said it was wrong, so possibly you should have been clearer from the beginning
ReplyDeleteI'll try to remember. I assumed that my first post had enough in there that you wouldn't think I was a fan, but I guess I was mistaken.
All i can say is, i'm really glad liberals are against guns, or we could have a real problem.
ReplyDeleteAnd i agree, how the F*** did we go from "God bless the troops", back to all this vietnam era bulls***? If you knew people killed by terrorists, or any of the 10,00 kurds sadam killed with VX nerve gas, then you would think differently....i dunno
they're opposed to guns in the hands of people who can defend themselves against terrorists
ReplyDeletethey're fully in favor of their own police having guns when they get into power
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