Call it the Bread and Circuses Presidency, or better yet the Bailouts and Reality TV Presidency. Forget expecting results or ethics from the occupant of the White House. Just join an organization or a cause and stick your hand out for your share of of misappropriated taxpayer money, and get ready to vote online for which puppy the Obamas should adopt.… iam pridem, ex quo suffragia nulli uendimus, effudit curas; nam qui dabat olim imperium, fasces, legiones, omnia, nunc se continet atque duas tantum res anxius optat, panem et circenses.… Already long ago, from when we sold our vote to no man, the People have abdicated our duties; for the People who once upon a time handed out military command, high civil office, legions — everything, now restrains itself and anxiously hopes for just two things: bread and circuses
- (Juvenal, Satire 10.77–81)
So America continues the transition from a citizenry to a people that waits for government handouts and the comforts of a monarchy as spectacle, broadcast simultaneously on all channels. While Obama preps a cabinet slate, half of whom belong in jail, the media continues applauding loudly to drown out any criticism. And the public watches with glazed eyes.
The millions who will trudge to watch this "historic" triumph of style over substance, dishonest criminality over ethics, and anti-americanism over America, will get exactly what they expect. A $150,000,000 coronation for the Prince of Chicago, a lavish subversion of American democracy splashed across every television and website.
When Rome moved from Republic to Empire, the corrupt decadent Emperors understood what the mob wanted. As Obama's backers work to make America a post-Democratic post-Republic oligarchy, they're doing it with Bread and Circuses.
The ObamaGirl Revolution (TM) will be brought to you by Pepsi (TM) and Jones Soda (TM). Now stay tuned for a news report on a letter by Obama's flacks supposedly written to his children, yet broadcast to all of America. Feel free to buy some Frito chips, the official chip of the Obama inauguration. And now breaking news, a special interview with the Obamas new dog. Switch to another channel to see all the movie stars getting their moment too. Welcome to the Fall of the Republic, brought to you by Pepsi.
Never mind that a Muslim Brotherhood proxy will be delivering a prayer at Obama's inauguration, which means that Al Queda and Hamas will have a place of honor at the event. Keep your eyes on the celebrities and the concerts.
The War on Terror conducted officially by the American government is over, and this time instead of four planes, America itself has been hijacked. The lead hijacker, the 21st hijacker, will shortly place his hand on a Bible, and swear to defend a country he was not born in and overtly despises. And he will try to keep a straight face while doing it, and perhaps show enough restraint not to scratch himself with his middle finger or grab his crotch during the ceremony.
After the last month of outreach, there will no doubt be conservatives that will write approvingly of this. Though what exactly they will be conserving besides their own mainstream relevance, New York Times and Washington Post columns is unclear. When the mob gets big enough, many feel compelled to march with the mob. That is their choice and a matter for their own consciences.

There will finally be the Obama Zombies, the grass roots supporters who donated more than they could for Obama, who worked to the bone for him, and now imagine that their sacrifices will have some meaning. Theirs will be the spectacle but nothing else. Some of them are already realizing that they have been used. Others will take a while to realize that the Cult of Personality they have joined has nothing to offer them. But sooner or later, all of them will know the truth, whether they choose to deny it or not.
But what the spectacle in Washington D.C. will truly testify to, is the danger that the American Republic is in, a danger caused by the abandonment of a loyal, responsible and committed citizenry, in favor of a universal mobocracy, cultivated by popular culture, and devoid of actual political knowledge. Subtract all the ballots motivated by ignorance, racism and fraud-- and this election would never have concluded the way it did. And that in truth is what this Inauguration will be a historic triumph for, no matter what the Lapdog Media or any of the Poodle Pundits say.
It will be an Inauguration of Ignorance, a Festival of Fraud and a Reception of Racism. The only history being made here is the Fall of a Republic, into a phony populist monarchy. When the 21st Hijacker in Chief takes his oath of office, America will be facing the greatest challenge to its own survival since the Civil War, a ruthlessly corrupt Bread and Circuses Presidency.

Exactly. January 21, 2009 will be a bread and circuses travesty for all the world to see and participate in.
ReplyDeleteThey've elected a skinny black man from Chicago as our star president. Locally at least 10 movie theatres are going to show the inauguration. Is this a throwback to the movie reels of the 1930s-1940s?
Or perhaps big screen TVs not big enough for the man many have elected king?
I simply see Obama as a skinny black man dressed up like Al Capone.
Shavua tov, Sultan:) And thank you, too.
The FBI and others spent years chasing down The Mafia and jailing them....however I believe their thugocracy wasn't near as bad as the chief thug and gangster that will occupy our White House. Omerosa and her skinny gangster asshat are about the most obscene nouveau riche couple to ever take care of our White House! The letter in the Parade magazine was disgusting. I have many special thought to share with my kids but they are in books especially printed to share my special thought with them....
ReplyDeleteI honestly don't think the chief gangster even wrote the letter. It is simple enough for Jon "Groper" Favreau to write in the gangster's nuanced speak.
Someone wrote today that even a bottle of Pepto Bismol won't cure their physical illness. Yes they have a desire to vomit every day! Me too!
Thank you once again for writing my "thoughts" in such a meaningful way.
ReplyDeleteOnce in awhile – well, actually more often than that – you really knock it out of the park, and this was one of those times.
Will four years with this guy be enough to teach the Entertainment Generation the difference between real life and fiction? Here’s hoping you’re right.
I agree wholeheartedly. Tuesday will be a day of shame as we see the cult-like outpouring of allegiance to a liberal dictator. Not to mention the outpouring of passivity and collectivism from a once independent nation. I do not think the american public realizes who they have truly voted for or what they even stand for. Utterly disgraceful.
ReplyDeleteFrom someone already pissed off, I wish my brother would read your essay and understand it but alas those of us in the choir know your words speak the truth and we can't help but get even more pissed off.
ReplyDeleteHank Roth
yes indeed.
ReplyDeleteNavyVet: well said. Obama is the new mafia boss from Chicago and our new thug in chief. How and why the feds are silent I don't know.
ReplyDeleteBut I sometimes feel as though the feds are secretly keeping tabs on him and his connections; the CIA, too. Presidents come and go but the feds remain ever vigiliant. If we can see what a threat he is to national security I'm sure the feds do, too.
I wouldn't be surprised if they had one of those mafia family trees drawn up--Obama's pic on top, Biden's name and picture to the left...and so forth down the family tree and branches.
BTW: Obama actually published the letter he wrote to his daughters? Um, YUCK. I don't know what's worse--leaking his self-serving prayer at the Kotel to the media or publishing a letter to his daughters.
Using small children as public relations props. Disgusting.
SK- great piece. Ignorance, fraud and racism-you nailed it. Chgo politics takes a trip to 1600 Penn Ave.
Obama isnt the only one who uses kids for politics.
ReplyDeleteExcellent article, you've done a great service here.
ReplyDeleteDebbie Hamilton
Right Truth
How you wrote what I was thinking I'll never know, but a fine job it was.
ReplyDeleteDead on.
The winners? Saul Alinsky, Ward Churchill, Bill Ayers (as long as he doesn't go to Canada hehe) community organizers, etc.
Thanks for writing the article, I'm sure we can look back on it for verification of accuracy.
Anyone from Chicago knows what Obama means when he says he is going to "fix" America.
ReplyDeleteSultan, this is the third post I've link to my blog—since discovering your site this morning!
ReplyDeleteIt's getting monotonous. You really have to stop being so dreadfully brilliant.
You hardly leave anything for the rest of us to say!
thank you, I'll try to channel Obama or Biden and dumb it down a few days a week
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