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Home Israel in the Teeth of the Storm

Israel in the Teeth of the Storm

Gaza has become the cause celebre of the European left, and there are no shortage of activists, left wing celebrities and politicians eager to get their own Jane Fonda photo op with the Muslim Brotherhood derived terrorists of Hamas, who in any other forum would be chopping their heads off.

In the name of "human rights" the presses churn out cartoons that recall the best work of Nazi Germany's Der   Sturmer and the USSR's Krokodil, in all the splendid pornographic iconography of anti-semitism mingling the Star of David with the Swastika, greedy Jews controlling the government, monstrous Jews devouring Arab children, when they aren't crucifying them.

To go by all this torrent of hate, this sewer flow of bile and boiling cauldron of rage, one might imagine that Israel was conducting a non-stop military invasion of Gaza, complete with ruined buildings and charred rubble. You might picture a Sharon style bulldozing of Hamas compounds and squads of Israeli paratroopers firing in all directions. And you would be wrong.

The simple summary of the situation is that in response to the Hamas takeover of Gaza, Israel closed its border with Gaza. Yes, all the lamenting shrieks, the mangled carols and the Red and Brownshirts screaming madly about the Zionist cancer is in response to Israel exercising its most basic right of self-defense by building a wall and getting behind it.

Naturally in the eyes of the left, this refusal by Israel to have open borders with a blatantly terrorist entity that was trying to bring back crucifixion, was considered the worst Zionist war crime yet. And the European left developed an all encompassing concern for what they called, "The People of Gaza", by which like "The Russian People" in 1928 and "The People of Iraq" in 2003, they really meant the murdering thugs at the top whom they supported. Calling them "The People" is always safer, particularly when really you mean the Muslim Brotherhood, the Bolsheviks or Saddam Hussein, and by the twisted progressive logic of the left, homicidal mania directed at the forces of capitalism makes one a genuine representative of the workers and peasants, e.g. the People.

The "Wall" which kept the friendly neighborhood Hamas suicide bombers out of Tel Aviv cafes and Jerusalem buses, was declared the Apartheid Wall, thus making it somehow different than all the other non-apartheid border fences and walls in the world, including the Great Wall of China, built to keep barbarian hordes on the other side. And of course substantively different than the Egypt, Gaza border which is somehow not at all an Apartheid border. Presumably because there aren't Jews on one side of it.

And what Israel demonstrated, yet failed to learn, is that even resorting to a passive means of self-defense while letting through as much humanitarian aid as could be gathered, providing medical care and even Swine Flu vaccines, not only serves as absolutely no defense, but incites the human rights crew to even greater extremes of rage. It is hard to see how Israel could be doing less to defend itself than it is, short of just gassing its own citizens to get it over with, and yet the furor is easily equal to what one might expect if there Israeli tanks rolling across Gaza every night. 

Sweden and Counterpunch rediscovered the medieval blood libel. In the UK, Caryl Churchill launched Seven Jewish Children: A Play for Gaza, a slightly more liberal version of the kind of productions that Goebbels used to personally oversee. And then there are the rewritten Christmas Carols, the boycotts, and the British and American celebrities like Roger Waters, Oliver Stone Mike Leigh and Viggo Mortensen, lining up for their own Jane Fonda moment. Ken Loach, who had previously whined that critics were unfairly accusing him of being a bigot, said that anti-semitism was understandable.

George Galloway's Viva Palestina organization, the name alone a pathetically awkward synthesis of Marxist romanticism and Islamism, is raising money to ship ambulances to Gaza. And if you're wondering why Gaza suddenly has an ambulance shortage, it's because Hamas took the last batch for its own purposes, which includes using ambulances to carry out terrorist attacks. The same thing is likely to happen to this batch as well, which means that Viva Palestina is little more than a terrorist smuggling network. Of course donors to any Galloway project might want to keep in mind that with Saddam unable to offer Georgie any more money on account of being unavoidably deceased, Parliament's oldest Marxist Scottish soccer hooligan has found himself a little short of funds.

Back when George Galloway was campaigning against the sanctions placed on Saddam, he met a 4 year old Iraqi girl named Mariam Hamza with Leukemia, and set up the Mariam Appeal in her name, vowing that he would use the money to pay for her treatment in Glasgow. Needless to say little Mariam never saw the millions that Galloway raised in her name or any Glasgow hospital. Neither did any other children. Instead the money was used to fund Galloway's trips around the world, preaching hate for America and Israel, and promoting terrorism and tyranny.

But if Galloway's rabid bigotry and enthusiastic support for terrorists were once extreme, today when academic associations launch boycotts of Israel, left wing actors boycott Israeli films and Nazi propaganda gets put to new use by Europe's leftist elites in playhouses and newspapers-- he is positively mainstream. Some 70 years after Kristalnacht, all the old political tools of National Socialism have been brushed off for use by Progressive Socialists, from boycotts to bigotry to outright murder by proxy.

While the official organizations of European Jewry continue to profess concern about the rise of the right, in line with official government and left wing concerns about Islamophobia, they know quite well that the reason synagogues need surveillance cameras. Jewish schoolchildren are advised not to wear distinguishing clothing and Jewish schools need high walls, is most likely to be directly connected to the passionate feelings of Mohammed and Achmed on the subject of Jews and what should be done with them, rather than Pierre and Pete. That is not to say that the BNP or Le Pen's merry albeit aging boys and girls do not have strong feelings on the subject, but they are a good deal less likely to air them accompanied by a molotov cocktail or a knife, than your friendly neighborhood Algerian, Moroccan or Pakistani out of Manchester or Paris.

But Israel has naturally taken the blame for that as well. And some European Jews who have never squashed their inner galut yid, have fallen for it. Like so many diplomats they have discovered that it is easier to pressure Israel to make concessions to terrorism, than to pressure terrorists to stop being terrorists. The former is futile, but entirely achieve. The latter is both futile and impossible to achieve. But now that Israeli citizens crouch behind a wall and rocket proof their homes, now that Israel has taken passive defenses in the face of terrorism to a new level, the hate has only continued to grow.

Walls and passive defenses are not the answer. Nor is pointing to the number of Palestinian Arabs treated free of charge in Israeli hospitals, some of whom nevertheless did their best to blow said facilities sky high. A passive defense is an active surrender, and trying to compare your level of humanitarianism to that of terrorist killers who blew up entire families at Passover seders and tried to assemble an HIV poisoned bomb, but who are nevertheless the toast of the European cultural elites, is an exercise in insane futility. It is not that they merely cannot tell the difference between two warring sides, they can. And not only that, fully aware of what they are doing, they are now eagerly engaging in a propaganda war on behalf of an Islamist terrorist organization that is a genetic cousin of Al Queda's.

The last 17 years have conclusively proven that there is absolutely nothing that Israel can do that will appease Islamic terrorists or their foreign backers. Israel can continue playing out this game to the next stage, at which point the Quartet will carve up Jerusalem, and the war will move on the next stage, and the next... until there is no Israel left. Or Israel can tear down the defensive walls it has built and go on the offensive. And for Jews abroad in turn it is past time that we stopped apologizing for a country that has had far more patience with terrorists, than any of the Middle Eastern countries they go on holiday to, such as Egypt and Jordan, have.

When the Intifada began, Israel brought out the tear gas and Jordan brought out the machine guns. And that succinctly explains why there are two Palestinian terrorist states inside Israel, and none inside Jordan, despite a 90 percent Palestinian Arab composition. In the final analysis force trumps humanism, particularly with humanitarians who for all their talk of peace and love, love nothing so much as a regime with a great many gulags and dungeons. Every concession that Israel has made, has only led to more terrorism from Muslim terrorists, and viler rhetoric and more open hate, from their left wing fellow travelers. When Israel stops being on the defensive, its enemies, all those who hope and strive for the death of free nations so that their favored tyrants and thugs might rule over them, will find themselves on the defensive instead.

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  1. I think it's pretty simple as to why there are two Palestinian terrorist states inside Israel, and none inside Jordan. They don't want Jordan, it's already theirs. They want all of Israel, not just more Palestinian states with-in the borders. A little here and there, one bite at a time until it is all theirs … unless Israel's leadership says no more, which will mean going it alone for a while.

    It looks like from the results of the election of Scott Brown tonight that the American people are ready to take back their country … so maybe there is still hope that as a nation we will still stand with Israel instead of the Palestinians as Obama is doing.

  2. Mikec20/1/10

    To most people in the USA and Europe, Israel is a "small country far away".

    The naive politicians of 1938 thought that Hitler was rational and reasonable and that he had the same agenda as most world leaders of the time (progressivism, eugenics etc).

    CZ was therefore a small price to pay for "world peace" and, since, to a progressive (aka SOCIALIST), the end justifies the means (carving up an unimportant nations).

    This policy backfired rather badly, and the national SOCIALISTS invaded Poland and then France using Skoda tanks looted from CZ.

    Israel is the front line against yet another national SOCIALIST threat, and O wants to be like FDR!

  3. Anonymous20/1/10

    It well known that appeasement of dictators and Fascist ideologies never pays. The corollary to this is that, making dictators and Fascist ideologies pay for their aggression, teaches them a lesson, and maybe even sets them on the path to civilisation.

    Therefore, Israel's humanitarian largesse has done its enemies no favour - quite the contrary, it has encouraged them in their barbarity.

    The real tragedy is that Israel, in the process, has lost the opportunity to acquire strategic defensive land.

    If in the eighties, Israel had openly announced, that terrorism against Israel would lead not just to retaliation, but the permanent non-negotiable incorporation of parts of Judea and Samaria into Israel, it would have stopped the Jihad immediately. The Jihadis in Hamas would also have discouraged their Marxist allies to stop provoking Israel, for that would lead to loss of territory.

    Such a policy would have earned Israel not just respect, but strategic as well as historic land, that should be in historic Israel. It would make clear to the America and Europe that Israel was not a pushover, but had to be treated with respect.

    Frankly, Israel’s present dire predicament lies not with Hamas or the Lefty Westerners, but with its past leaders. and those who elected them.

  4. it's the whole trifecta of factors, on the one hand terrorism has pressured Israel into concessions, and more importantly pressured the West into forcing concessions on Israel

    on the other hand the west has also used that pressure to subvert Israel using left wing groups that have gained influence within Israel. It's the Soros scenario.

  5. Anonymous20/1/10

    The predicament we have with Muslim immigrants is our fault. Islam and Muslims have made quite clear that they believe in Sharia. Allowing large numbers of Muslims into the West, has now left us with the state intruding in even greater measure into the private affairs of individuals, for reasons of security. The continuous fear of terrorism, in travel, in supermarkets, and elsewhere, is a direct consequence of allowing Muslims to settle in the West.

    The fault lies not with Muslims, but with our leaders, who should have known about Islam, and in the final analysis, with us the electorate.

    The same goes for Israel. Forget sentimental common values and the like. Israel should know by now that it is of value to America and Europe, only as long as it has something to give. For the Islamic/Arab world, the only way they can get Israel to give anything is by pressuring America or Europe. Therefore the less Israel is able to give before it might as well not exist, the less value it has for America or Europe.

    Ergo, give nothing, while making maximum but reasonable demands from America, Europe and the Arabs, and we have a game plan for eventual peace – maybe. But even if that did not happen, Israel will not have lost any territory, making Israel’s predicament worse then before.

  6. Anonymous20/1/10

    When will we, the Jews, open our eyes and see the world as it is, they want us destroyed and no matter what, Israel, is just another name for Jews. All the noises made by humanism, UN, multiculturalism and liberalism do not apply to us. Israelis don't know that, since living in Israel is pretty insulary, also they receive their information from the leftist media (the ones who are not English speaking). Some of the Jews living in the diaspora identify with the majority against their own--just like the Jews who converted in Spain. If only we would have been united and standing tall none of this would have happen.

  7. As for stopping jihad in the 80's, nothing stops a jackass when it decides to buck around.

  8. I think Israel will eventually have to become an isolationist (sheesh, is that even a word?) nation. Very neutral but unlike Switzerland, non-pacifist; defending itself. And I'm not entirely sure the perception of Switzerland as a pacifist, neutral nation is accurate.

    Knowing that liberals always throw the poor average Palestinian into the argument when discussing the middle east conflict, I begin with, "Just how has Hamas helped them in terms of jobs? In terms of not turning their children into suicide bombers condemned to an early death for him and his Israeli victims?"


    I wonder how long it will be before the liberals in the entertainment community will give Israel the Sun City treatment as they did with S. Africa complete with the "I'm Not Gonna Play Sun City" CD and video? Given most Americans don't follow middle east affairs that could be the death nail for Israel. Hamas's greatest weapon.

    That sort of international PR against Israel could do real harm. Carter already got the ball rolling with his Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid.

    The only good thing is that the entertainment industry knows Israel is a Jewish state and going against Israel brands a person with a scarlet letter--A for Anti-Semite.

    They're too interested in their own positive PR to risk that.

    Complicated stuff.

  9. Anonymous21/1/10

    a while ago Prof. Barry Rubin spoke at a local synagogue. one of the thoughts he said impressed me the most: "they hated us when we didn't defend ourselves, today they hate us when we do. they hated us when we didn't have a nation, today they hate us when we do have a nation."
    herb glatter, jenkintown, pa

  10. Anon--that's the greatest lesson we all need to learn. No matter what, they hate us.

  11. *SUPERB*

    Galloway recently surpassed himself by actually calling Israel a 'mini Mengele' state. The man's hatred for Israel is pathological.

    Two days ago I attended an annual lobbying day organised by the Zionist Federation and UK Christian Friends Of Israel. It was well attended and many of the politicians who met with us were very well informed and supportive of Israel.

    Sadly, as they themselves stated, they are in the minority. In the British parliament anyone seeking to give Israel a fair hearing is subjected to verbal bullying and a lot of vitriol.

    Two Politicians - one of whom was a Liberal Democrat - revealed alarming ignorance about Gaza and the nature of Hamas. Listening to them it became painfully clear that Israel can never rely on Britain for anything. Whether this will change should David Cameron come to power remains to be seen - he calls himself a 'zionist' but words are easy.

    You are also probably aware that at present, any Israeli politicians who attempt to visit Britain are in danger of being arrested - we discussed this a lot at the lobbying day and I'll be posting something on it tomorrow. Britain is becoming increasingly inimical to both Jews and Israel.

    Not surprisingly, we also learned that British Muslims are constantly organising dinners and receptions for politicians.


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