Airline travelers flying the unfriendly skies are presented with two options, that are actually only a single option, to have themselves and their children degraded in public in order to spare Muslim feelings. That we have a ban on profiling travelers, but no ban on molesting or humiliating them, tells us everything we need to know about why we have the current system that we do.
In a war we terrorize the enemy. In a siege we terrorize our own. And we have been terrorizing our own for a long time now.
In 1999, we dropped thousands of tons of explosives on Yugoslavia, bombing trains, fuel depots, homes, bridges and people. We did that in order to give the Muslim drug dealing terrorists of the KLA their own state. Today that state is a gateway for drug trafficking and sex slaves into Europe, and a training ground for terrorists.
Since 1991, we have been bribing, intimidating and pressuring Israel to give the Muslim-Marxist terrorists of the PLO their own state. Flip open any newspaper and you can find articles and editorials dripping with outrage because after 18 years of terrorism, the terrorists still haven't gotten their own state.
Now we're terrorizing ordinary Americans for being critical of Islam. Drop a bible in the toilet, and you've created art. Drop a Koran in the toilet, and you've committed a hate crime. What's the difference? Muslim privilege. Offending Jews or Christians results in strongly worded letters. Offending Muslims results in murder. And to avoid murder, we privilege Muslims. We give them special rights. We ban criticism of their ideology. We refuse to publish cartoons that will touch off their homicidal urges.
But we go beyond that still.
We molest 3 year olds in airports, because we can't possibly screen Muslim terrorists. No, we must spread the abuse and humiliation to ordinary Americans, so that the people who are trying to kill us never feel bad about it.
The Christmas Bomber, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, got on board without even showing a passport. Meanwhile senior citizens with serious medical problems are being humiliated at checkpoints. The 9/11 attackers breezed through a system geared to move Saudis into the United States as fast as possible. And any attempt to shut down the pipeline from the Muslim world into America, triggers an instant revolt from universities that draw revenue from foreign students and companies which rely on cheap H1-B visa labor.
TSA security measures have not stopped a single terrorist. Their only purpose is to show that the government is "taking terrorism seriously". And when the TSA rolls back the measures, as they are intended to by design, the politicians will take credit and the government will blame the next terrorist attack on the public for opposing tougher security measures. The people in charge don't care either way. Their only interest is in covering their asses for the day when something does happen, so they can claim that the system worked. Until then they're far more interested in how much money they can pick up from TSA unionization, than from stopping an attack.
The Muslim terrorists don't care that much either. They're not sacrificing any major assets on these attacks. The bombers they're sending out are young and dumb. If they succeed, it's a long shot and their backers will celebrate. If they don't succeed, their backers will still celebrate because the long range plan is in motion. And the long range plans depends not on blowing up airplanes, but on terrorizing their enemies.
Muslims don't need to actually blow up planes in order to terrorize Americans. All they need to do is to force Americans to live with the possibility that their plane might blow up. To make them live with the checkpoints, with the sense of helplessness and humiliation of tough security measures, and to pit them against their governments. And right now they're laughing themselves silly in Riyadh and Tehran, every time there's another TSA story coming down the wire. Because their endgame is working.
In a war, you terrorize the enemy. In a siege, you terrorize your own. The Muslims are fighting a war against us, while we're living under siege. And terrorizing our own.
Muslim terrorists don't expect to wipe out America with a bomb. Their goal is to break American morale. To shift the context so effectively that America will be willing to cut any kind of deal with them, in order to get things back to normal. The idea seems absurd right now, but it's actually coming along really well.
A few months ago, the authorities decided that there's no such thing as free speech when it comes to the Koran. Anyone who burned a copy of their own Koran was charged with being responsible for the Muslim murders of Americans. And that's the essence of being a Dhimmi, to accept responsibility for the violence of your oppressors. That is the Muslim Privilege that Jews, Christians, Zoroastrians, Hindus and millions of others have had to live with, while under the Islamic boot.
If we can give up free speech in the face of Islam, we can give up anything. You won't see the Dutch cartoons of Mohammed appear in American newspapers. Articles that connect the Koran to Muslim violence are forbidden. Burning a Koran gets you fired by the State of New Jersey and fined by the State of Florida. And all that is only the beginning. It's the start of what Muslims will demand from us.
But once we have gotten used to accepting any violation of our rights in order to stay safe, then we are walking along a shadowy bridge between the TSA and Islam. Between surrendering to the TSA in the name of security, to surrendering to Islam in order to gain a sense of security. And that is the road, that the bearded monarchs behind the terrorists want us to walk. At the end of the road is the choice between being a Dhimmi or a Muslim. To be one of the oppressed or the oppressors.
Countless peoples have had that choice offered to them throughout history. And those who voluntarily converted to Islam chose to be the oppressors, the killers and the slave-masters. That is what Islam really is, the historical legacy of a billion people who chose to brutalize others, rather than to be brutalized. To enslave others, rather than to be slaves. It is the poisonous dregs of the human soul, the choice that destroys your morality and humanity in the making of it. That is what being a Muslim really means.
That is what Muslim privilege really is. And we are living under it today. We are not only under siege by Islam, we are under siege by our own political and cultural elites who have already preemptively surrendered to Islam. Who refuse to fight a war, and instead wait for the siege to end.
Ali Sina, of FaithFreedom has courageously paraphrased Lincoln's "As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master", by saying, "As I would not be a dhimmi, so I would not be a Muslim." But many Western leaders are throwing their support to Islam. They are sacrificing other free nations and even the dignity and pride of their own people. They are voluntarily becoming Dhimmis, so that they can stay one step ahead of the tide. So that they can be the "House Negroes", while their citizens can be the field slaves. They endorse the bigoted tenets of Sharia law, the oppression and the dehumanization of Islam, because they believe that Islam is inevitable.
That is the ugly truth at the bottom of it all. The reason why we are terrorizing our own, rather than terrorizing our enemies. You can see it in the pathetic appeasement of Islam, the acts of humiliation and degradation, the bowing and scraping before desert tyrants with hardly a single moral to their name. You can hear echoes of it in George W. Bush warning Christian leaders that it was impossible to fight all of Islam. You can see it in the various "Nation Building" and "Hearts and Minds" strategies being deployed at the expense of our soldiers' lives. We can see it everywhere.
They believe that we can't win. So they've already surrendered. The TSA measures aren't meant to keep us safe, but to protect them from blame when the inevitable happens. To keep the public cowed and in their place, to avoid any violence during the coming "transition" from freedom to Islam. Terrorizing our own is the symptom of a siege state. Of rats crammed together in a box, biting each other and establishing dominance within the confines of their prison. The siege state is turning the free world into a prison. Terrified by Muslim demographics and the thought of breaking through the Overton Window of ideas that can't be acted on, we are locking ourselves up in cages of our own making. And our new masters wait on the other side.
(Note: Illustrations for this article are satirical photoshops. This has not happened yet. But it's only a matter of time.)

In 1999, we dropped thousands of tons of explosives on Yugoslavia, bombing trains, fuel depots, homes, bridges and people. We did that in order to give the Muslim drug dealing terrorists of the KLA their own state. Today that state is a gateway for drug trafficking and sex slaves into Europe, and a training ground for terrorists.
Since 1991, we have been bribing, intimidating and pressuring Israel to give the Muslim-Marxist terrorists of the PLO their own state. Flip open any newspaper and you can find articles and editorials dripping with outrage because after 18 years of terrorism, the terrorists still haven't gotten their own state.
Now we're terrorizing ordinary Americans for being critical of Islam. Drop a bible in the toilet, and you've created art. Drop a Koran in the toilet, and you've committed a hate crime. What's the difference? Muslim privilege. Offending Jews or Christians results in strongly worded letters. Offending Muslims results in murder. And to avoid murder, we privilege Muslims. We give them special rights. We ban criticism of their ideology. We refuse to publish cartoons that will touch off their homicidal urges.
But we go beyond that still.
We molest 3 year olds in airports, because we can't possibly screen Muslim terrorists. No, we must spread the abuse and humiliation to ordinary Americans, so that the people who are trying to kill us never feel bad about it.
The Christmas Bomber, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, got on board without even showing a passport. Meanwhile senior citizens with serious medical problems are being humiliated at checkpoints. The 9/11 attackers breezed through a system geared to move Saudis into the United States as fast as possible. And any attempt to shut down the pipeline from the Muslim world into America, triggers an instant revolt from universities that draw revenue from foreign students and companies which rely on cheap H1-B visa labor.
TSA security measures have not stopped a single terrorist. Their only purpose is to show that the government is "taking terrorism seriously". And when the TSA rolls back the measures, as they are intended to by design, the politicians will take credit and the government will blame the next terrorist attack on the public for opposing tougher security measures. The people in charge don't care either way. Their only interest is in covering their asses for the day when something does happen, so they can claim that the system worked. Until then they're far more interested in how much money they can pick up from TSA unionization, than from stopping an attack.
The Muslim terrorists don't care that much either. They're not sacrificing any major assets on these attacks. The bombers they're sending out are young and dumb. If they succeed, it's a long shot and their backers will celebrate. If they don't succeed, their backers will still celebrate because the long range plan is in motion. And the long range plans depends not on blowing up airplanes, but on terrorizing their enemies.
Muslims don't need to actually blow up planes in order to terrorize Americans. All they need to do is to force Americans to live with the possibility that their plane might blow up. To make them live with the checkpoints, with the sense of helplessness and humiliation of tough security measures, and to pit them against their governments. And right now they're laughing themselves silly in Riyadh and Tehran, every time there's another TSA story coming down the wire. Because their endgame is working.
In a war, you terrorize the enemy. In a siege, you terrorize your own. The Muslims are fighting a war against us, while we're living under siege. And terrorizing our own.
Muslim terrorists don't expect to wipe out America with a bomb. Their goal is to break American morale. To shift the context so effectively that America will be willing to cut any kind of deal with them, in order to get things back to normal. The idea seems absurd right now, but it's actually coming along really well.
A few months ago, the authorities decided that there's no such thing as free speech when it comes to the Koran. Anyone who burned a copy of their own Koran was charged with being responsible for the Muslim murders of Americans. And that's the essence of being a Dhimmi, to accept responsibility for the violence of your oppressors. That is the Muslim Privilege that Jews, Christians, Zoroastrians, Hindus and millions of others have had to live with, while under the Islamic boot.
If we can give up free speech in the face of Islam, we can give up anything. You won't see the Dutch cartoons of Mohammed appear in American newspapers. Articles that connect the Koran to Muslim violence are forbidden. Burning a Koran gets you fired by the State of New Jersey and fined by the State of Florida. And all that is only the beginning. It's the start of what Muslims will demand from us.
But once we have gotten used to accepting any violation of our rights in order to stay safe, then we are walking along a shadowy bridge between the TSA and Islam. Between surrendering to the TSA in the name of security, to surrendering to Islam in order to gain a sense of security. And that is the road, that the bearded monarchs behind the terrorists want us to walk. At the end of the road is the choice between being a Dhimmi or a Muslim. To be one of the oppressed or the oppressors.
Countless peoples have had that choice offered to them throughout history. And those who voluntarily converted to Islam chose to be the oppressors, the killers and the slave-masters. That is what Islam really is, the historical legacy of a billion people who chose to brutalize others, rather than to be brutalized. To enslave others, rather than to be slaves. It is the poisonous dregs of the human soul, the choice that destroys your morality and humanity in the making of it. That is what being a Muslim really means.
That is what Muslim privilege really is. And we are living under it today. We are not only under siege by Islam, we are under siege by our own political and cultural elites who have already preemptively surrendered to Islam. Who refuse to fight a war, and instead wait for the siege to end.
Ali Sina, of FaithFreedom has courageously paraphrased Lincoln's "As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master", by saying, "As I would not be a dhimmi, so I would not be a Muslim." But many Western leaders are throwing their support to Islam. They are sacrificing other free nations and even the dignity and pride of their own people. They are voluntarily becoming Dhimmis, so that they can stay one step ahead of the tide. So that they can be the "House Negroes", while their citizens can be the field slaves. They endorse the bigoted tenets of Sharia law, the oppression and the dehumanization of Islam, because they believe that Islam is inevitable.

They believe that we can't win. So they've already surrendered. The TSA measures aren't meant to keep us safe, but to protect them from blame when the inevitable happens. To keep the public cowed and in their place, to avoid any violence during the coming "transition" from freedom to Islam. Terrorizing our own is the symptom of a siege state. Of rats crammed together in a box, biting each other and establishing dominance within the confines of their prison. The siege state is turning the free world into a prison. Terrified by Muslim demographics and the thought of breaking through the Overton Window of ideas that can't be acted on, we are locking ourselves up in cages of our own making. And our new masters wait on the other side.
(Note: Illustrations for this article are satirical photoshops. This has not happened yet. But it's only a matter of time.)
The constant barrage of missiles and morters from Gaza into Israel onto women, children and old people is something that is imposed on Israel and Israel is supposed to suppress the obvious, that this is an act of war. It is a war making provocation. Any other country could justifiably step in remove the provocation using any ends and means necessary.
ReplyDeleteIt is a similar pressure that is being ratcheted up on the Muslim occupied countries in the West.
"Since 1991, we have been bribing, intimidating and pressuring Israel to give the Muslim-Marxist terrorists of the PLO their own state."
The PLO was never really a Marxist front. They applied language to that end in order to generate sympathy from Marxists in Europe. But Marxism has never had much vitality among Muslims. They hate communism as much as anyone ever did in the West and for the same reason. It is a strictly atheist ideology. Recall again the war against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan. And recall again the roots of the PLO in relation to Nazi Germany.
Many on the "left" who sympathize with the fake nationalism of the Palestinians are nostalgic for the days in the sixties when the PLO was very chic in left wing circles. I would say that there is nothing left of leftism in Palestinian Nationalism. It's all religion now.
TSA needs to be profiling.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad I don't fly. I used to get tongue-tied and anxious enough just crossing into Canada and being asked for my citizenship, nature of my visit, and how long I'd be in the country.
ReplyDeleteDitto on the other side of the border coming back to the US. Damn but those Customs guys with the mirror sunglasses were intimidating. Nothing more intimidating than being questioned by someone whose eyes you can't look into.
Even though you're not doing anything wrong, most people feel intimidated by authorities. I can't imagine subjected to the TSA screening, which it seems doesn't ask basic information just starts manhandling people and mooching through their belongings.
I'd imagine for people who fly a lot that anxiety has turned to anger.
Give the TSA time. They'll eventually want to prove to Muslims that we're not bigots and set hiring quotas for Muslim job applicants.
It would be interesting to know just how many Muslim passengers are subjected to randomized screening compared to non-Muslims.
Slowly but surely 1984/Brave new world approaches. The date may have been wrong but the idea's vented in these magnificent books come to life in our free society, something we once considered unheard of: It could only happen in a sort of Soviet Union, not in the greatest democracy on earth. The salami tactics of one step at the time curbing of the individual's freedom under whatever pretext the government heeds necessary however can only be stopped if by a radical revolution by those that feel the repression gets to much to bear. In essence this would however result in a new civil war with possibly millions of innocent victims. Shall we, made complacent by affluence all these decades ever be ready for such drastic action? I doubt it and am afraid we shall be as any great empire so far, falling to shambles at the end of it's lifespan.
ReplyDeleteHumiliation of infidels is of primary importance in Islam. How they must laugh to see us doing their job for them.
ReplyDeleteComing through Ben Gurion (or flying El Al) I get profiled, but I don't get groped or humiliated in any way, I answer some searching questions from a charming young person who wants to ascertain if I am what I say I am.
ReplyDeleteMy sons and daughter who speak Hebrew fluently do not even have the interview....
It is an absurd idiotic byproduct of left thinking that we have no 'nationality' and we are therefore all an 'equal' threat to the community at large.
As a visitor to the US, I should not expect the same treatment as a US citizen who is paying taxes to the US government, and who therefore have the right to protect themselves from alien threats (like me).
When in the Gulf, GCC citizens get special consideration, it is after all, their home lands, it is only the idiotic and suicidal 'west' who wants to be 'loved' by all concerned, but for why?
The Left equates 'nationalism' with nazism, and nazism was a form of rightist (corporatist) 'socialism' which worked, and that scares the c**p out of the left who have to struggle with the consistant failures of leftist (labour)socialism.
9/11 was predominantly a Saudi operation, it was an overt act of war perpetrated by Saudi citizens against the USA, but the POTUS then bows to the Saudi King!
It is just treachery and treason, made possible by the idiotic cowardice of US politicians, backed by a dishonest media which tries to deceive most of the people, emough of the time to keep the status quo.
Do the world a favour and throw them ALL out!
Muslims are currently waging a propaganda war against us, trying to intimidate us and weaken our morale. They are also trying to destroy our right to free expression with regard to criticism of Islam.
ReplyDeleteIt is not just a propaganda war but also a war that has several other components
1. The Demographic war - the most lethal of them all.
2. Financial Jihad
3. Destroying the Kuffar economy
4. Disturbing the peace
5. Terrorism - and its effects on the security and economy of the nation.
All this was predictable from the start. Muslims are required to stay as a cohesive community just as any invader needs to, to repel any opposing force. For hundreds of years, Western writers and thinkers have warned of the dangers that Islam poses the West and Europe. But what did our politicians do? They ignored all that and quite literally invited millions of Muslims to settle in the West, many of them on Welfare.
We are sleepwalking to a catastrophe - civil wars breaking out all over the West, a veritable bunch of Bosnias.
What is required is for a prominent set of politicians, writers, and thinkers, to state with humility and compassion, that we, i.e., the West have made a colossal mistake, and before it is too late, to right that. That humanity and compassion for all, Muslims included, require that separation from Islam/Muslims be undertaken as a matter of urgency, or else we are looking at the demise of the West, or a civil war that makes Bosnia look like a garden party.
There are no easy options left now except a parting of communities. Some non-Muslims will be adversely affected by measures against Muslims, but that is the nature of war. This is the most humane solution we have at the moment, and even this option is time limited. It is worth mentioning that once the process starts, Muslims themselves will begin to leave voluntarily, as the West will no longer be a hospitable place for their mores and customs.
I"m really curious on when is enough, enough.
ReplyDeleteThere are plenty of Muslims working for the TSA and in other areas of the airports right now. Wasn't there a recent incident of a airport worker trying to provide details of security to Muslim terrorists?
ReplyDeleteYou can behavior profile, but since Muslims are of every race and terrorist groups are recruiting white Muslims racial profiling for religious belief seems more like an easy fix which isn't a real fix.
"But many Western leaders are throwing their support to Islam. They are sacrificing other free nations and even the dignity and pride of their own people. They are voluntarily becoming Dhimmis, so that they can stay one step ahead of the tide."
ReplyDeleteCongress Party politicians would make most decent people sick. They pander to Muslims, demonize Hindus just for pure political calculation to gain power. Notice there are no "secular" Congress Party in the Indian Islamic state of Pakistan. Muslims once in power thanks to Congress sell outs would throw them under the bus.
"Is Hindu radicalism a bigger threat to India than the Lashkar-e-Taiba? Yes, if you are to believe Rahul Gandhi, the ruling Congress Party's 40-year-old general secretary, widely regarded as India's prime minister in waiting. According to a cable released last week by WikiLeaks, Mr. Gandhi had this to say last year in response to a question U.S. Ambassador to India Timothy Roemer posed about the Pakistan-based transnational terrorist group Lashkar-e-Taiba—responsible for the 2008 Mumbai attacks: "The bigger threat may be the growth of radicalized Hindu groups, which create religious tensions and political confrontations with the Muslim community."
... Instead, his party issued a clarification stating that in Mr. Gandhi's view "terrorism and communalism of all types are a threat to India."
This anodyne formulation does little to reassure those who believe that when it comes to radical Islam, Mr. Gandhi and his party are at best dangerously naïve and at worst calculatingly cynical. Taken together with earlier remarks by Mr. Gandhi and senior Congress Party leaders, the comment to Mr. Roemer is part of a disturbing pattern...."
I found this a while back, this "Opt Out Alliance" thing... does this seem legitimate to anyone?
"Western leaders ... can be the "House Negroes" ... because they believe that Islam is inevitable."
ReplyDelete"House Negroes" succinctly explains the ilk in America that supports Saudi dhimmitude.
Are there levels of dhimmitude? I think I read there are in one of Baat Yeor's books?
But if you were trying to explain "House Negroes" to an Israeli, or a Russian, or any European; what group would you be able to compare similar ideology to?
even among the inferiors, there are taskmasters and bosses, and there are slaves
ReplyDelete"...we are under siege by our own political and cultural elites...Who refuse to fight a war, and instead wait for the siege to end."
You don't waste words. So I have to follow up on a point that you make: When is the siege over? What are they waiting for? What is the end game, in their minds at least?
The siege will end when either we stop fighting back. Or give up.
ReplyDeleteDear Mr Knish
ReplyDeleteI was borne in Iraq and have researched the subjects of Muhammad, his Quran, his Sunna & Hadiths for the last 30 years that are backed up with 780 chapters & over 290 videos just by Googling 'al rassooli'.
I wish I had written this concise and no holds barred editorial.
Only the PEOPLES of Europe & USA can change these dynamics by going OUT in their millions to demonstrate their outrage and to REVEAL the facts about Muhammad's Quran in every medium possible because the worst NIGHTMARE of 'islam' is KNOWLEDGE of its scripture.
IQ al Rassooli
Excellent Sultan. The truth and all its evil laid out in daylight.
ReplyDeleteThis is why we need Col. Allen West to run for POTUS! We need a true man of courage and convictions who will not be afraid to take down our enemies to preserve our freedom. Allen West is the ONLY politician I have seen who has what it takes to do right by us and fight for our right to exist as free people who will not submit to islam.
ReplyDeleteInteresting comment since I have been advocating exactly the same in several of my radio interviews in the USA such as the Laurie Roth and Gathering Storm talk shows.
Literally, there is not a single American -so far- who has his strong character, his knowledge of Muhammadan Islam, his no holds barred Politically Incorrect statements and his excellent military experiences.
I sent him an e mail advocating that he puts his name forth as a contender for the Presidency whether as a Republican or an Independent.
The USA needs a Churchill or a Regan. Lt Col Allen West is the nearest to either of them.
"American Must Die":
Tyson Foods will now go out of business!
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