LA’s Political Bosses Are On Fire
The ashes of the most destructive fire in Los Angeles history have settled, but a new wildfire is burning through the ranks of the elected and unelected officials who let the disaster happen. In a truly historic event in which all sorts of glass ceilings were no doubt broken, the first black female mayor of Los Angeles fired the first lesbian fire chief for not warning her that there would be heavy winds before she set off on a trip to Africa that she had promised she wouldn’t go on. Former Fire Chief Kristin Crowley, a paramedic like the other two lesbians also named Kirsten running the LAFD, appealed to the Los Angeles City Council leading to a historic diversity face-off between an incompetent black woman and an incompetent white lesbian. City Council President Marqueece Harris-Dawson, a former Bass ally and, like her, a former community organizer, initially rejected the appeal. Harris-Dawson was hardly an objective observer since he was the one who had to declare an emergency beca...