Congressman Pleads With Congress to Stop Him Before He Trades Stocks Again
In 2023, Rep. Ro Khanna, the most active stock trader in Congress, demanded that some sort of law be passed to urgently stop members like him from trading stocks. “All I want for Christmas is to clean up the corruption in Congress,” Rep. Khanna, who is Hindu, declared. “Our political system should not be for sale.” That year, Rep. Khanna made 4,253 trades making him by far the House’s most active trader. The completely useless resolution that Khanna knew had no chance of passing urged banning “members of Congress from holding and trading individual stocks”, imposed term limits, a ban on PAC contributions, a “binding code of ethics” and term limits for Supreme Court justices. In 2024, Rep. Khanna traded $450,000 worth of stocks and was once again named the “most active trader” in Congress. The 200 transactions by Silicon Valley’s congressman included significant investments in tech companies, including major federal cybersecurity contractors like CrowdStrike and AOC, even while Rep. K...