In the last three months we played a role in overthrowing nearly every Middle Eastern government we were allied with-- that wasn't supporting terrorism.
We pushed out Ben Ali in Tunisia, but let the Saudis move tanks into Bahrain. Egypt's Mubarak was a monster who had to go, but Syria's Assad is a reformer. Now Yemen's Saleh who let us hunt terrorists in his country is on our hit list, but the Qatari royal family which is linked to Al-Qaeda and finances Al-Jazeera are our best friends. Gaddafi who cut a deal to give up his nukes got bombed, Iran which is pushing hard for a nuclear bomb has clear skies.
Middle Eastern leaders who support and finance terrorists got a pass, but our own allies in the War on Terror got creamed. Iran, Syria and the Gulf Arab states who are responsible for most of the terrorism against us have nothing to worry about. Saleh and Mubarak who aided the War on Terror got shown the door.
Want good relations with the US? Start funding terrorists and building nukes. That's the only lesson any Middle-Eastern leader can take away from this disaster. The message we have put out there is that the worse they treat us, the better we will treat them. We will tolerate enemies and allies abusing us and plotting to kill us. But allies who actually go out on a limb to support us and act as if they have common interests with us. That we won't put up with. They have to go.
The tally of stupidity in what fanciful pundits called the 'Arab Spring' is almost endless. Not only did we mistake factional protests for democratic change and the will of the people, but we got behind groups and organizations overtly hostile to us and took their side against governments that had actually been friendly to us.
Obama intervened politically in Egypt on behalf of Islamists and Anti-American leftists, bringing down the government of the only major Muslim country in the region that was not actively funding terrorists. A government that not only offered significant help during the War on Terror, but was the only non-Islamist bulwark against Iran. All that is almost certainly gone now.
Bush's bloodless deal with Gaddafi got him out of the nukes and terror business. That too is gone now. The rebels are losing and Gaddafi isn't going to be intimidated by us ever again. The US went in like a lion and out like a lamb. Bush's invasion of Iraq intimidated Gaddafi into giving in. Obama's botched assault on Libya has reassured every thug from Syria to Iran that they have nothing to fear from us.
On any threat level map, North Africa which was reasonably quiet under Bush has just gone dark red. And it won't take much for it to go bright red now. From Tunisia to Libya to Egypt-- the Islamists have gotten a major shot in the arm on the other side of the Mediterranean. Al-Qaeda fighters are swarming within sight of Italy. In a day, Libyan fighters can travel by boat to Italy's Pelagie islands. When Eisenhower wanted to invade Italy from North Africa, he began with the islands as a jumping off point. Muslim 'refugees' have been doing their own version of 'Operation Corkscrew' by using the islands to invade Italy. And once inside Italy they have access to the entire European Union.
The 'revolutions' have targeted North Africa. Half of North Africa has either has either been wholly or partly overthrown. Morocco and Algeria are the sole holdouts. If the Brotherhood takes Egypt then they won't be holding out for long. And then there will be a Caliphate within striking distance of Southern Europe.
But Europe supported all this in the name of democracy and human rights. And European leaders organized a bombing campaign against Gaddafi when he was the only thing keeping half of North Africa from moving to Europe. America, which could have saved Mubarak with a word, instead called for his removal in the name of a protest movement organized by the Muslim Brotherhood and the leftist Kefaya group which had gotten its start protesting against the American overthrow of Saddam.
What country in its right mind backs the overthrow of any ally by an enemy? We do. When Egyptian socialist thug Nasser nationalized the Suez Canal, and England and France sent in the troops, we threatened to destroy the British economy unless they withdrew. Our reward for that was that Nasser's Egypt became the chief Soviet spearhead in the region. For the last two decades, our number one foreign policy priority in the Middle East is to force Israel to hand over territory to PA leader Mahmoud Abbas, a graduate of the KGB's Patrice Lumumba University, whose other famous alumnus was Carlos the Jackal.
Carter backed the leftists and Islamists over the Shah of Iran. Then he backed the Islamists over the leftists. That's what turned Iran into the paradise it is today. This time around we backed the leftists and Islamists over Mubarak. Now the leftists are being swallowed up by the Islamists who have been waiting 80 years for this moment.
From the halls of power to the front page, no Egyptian was a bigger enthusiast of the January 25 protests than our own political and cultural leaders. The press was full of posed photographs, glowing descriptions of a people's revolution and denunciations of Mubarak. Activists whose chief political experiencing was retweeting memes got full page interviews. Governments and Soros' pet NGO's got behind Kefaya and Iranian puppet El Baradei. Columnists glowingly portrayed the pathetic El Baradei as the democratic future of Egypt.
Then Mubarak stepped down and the 'heroes' of Tahrir Square got stomped flat by the military and the brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood's successful referendum campaign was an explicit mandate for Islamism over secularism. Protests have been banned, curfews imposed and the army is arresting and humiliating the remaining pro-democracy activists. And El Baradei and Kefaya are playing the only card left in their empty deck. Israel.
El Baradei is vowing war with Israel. Mahmoud Salem, aka Sandmonkey, the favorite Egyptian activist of so many neo-conservative bloggers, is encouraging Egyptians to support El Baradei over Amr Moussa, by tweeting that Amr Moussa is a Yankee-Zionist puppet and El Baradei is the only man Israel is afraid of. There's your liberal Democratic Egypt trotting out xenophobia and warmongering in a futile bid to get ahead of the Muslim Brotherhood. And its campaign slogan sounds a lot like the cries of "Jew, Jew" by the men who beat and raped Lara Logan.
Baradei is the darling of the same pundits and politicians who denounce nationalist Israeli candidates as extremists. Yet no Israeli party runs on a platform of war with Egypt. And there's your fundamental difference, not just between Egypt and Israel, but between the Muslim and non-Muslim world. A clash of civilizations between cultures with radically different moral codes and understanding of the value of human life. Much as Western pundits would like to believe that El Baradei is on their side of this moral equation, he isn't.
Egypt's problem was never Mubarak. It isn't Israel or America or globalism. It was always Egypt. And the problem will go on being Egypt no matter who is at the wheel six months or six years from now. The fundamental problem of the Muslim world is not a lack of democracy. That is only the symptom. Just as our fundamental problem is not Obama. He too is only the symptom.
Changing governments may improve matters, but without altering the underlying dynamic, the big picture will not change. And that dynamic is rooted in the culture. It cannot be changed by elections. Leaders reflect the culture, and even the occasional ruthless leader who imposes change is a product of historic forces at work. Egypt does not have a political problem, it has a cultural problem. And the US does not have a political problem, it has a cultural problem. Problems are reflected in destructive behavior.
Imagine if the Soviet Union had aided in the overthrow of Cuba, East Germany and the rest of the Warsaw Pact. That might have happened if Reagan had been put in charge of the USSR. And putting Obama in charge of America was like putting Reagan in charge of the USSR. But who put Obama in charge of America? For all the Soros money, fraud and the maneuvering behind the scenes-- it took a major cultural shift for that to be possible. The crisis of America can be found in that shift. And that of our revolting Middle East policy.
We pushed out Ben Ali in Tunisia, but let the Saudis move tanks into Bahrain. Egypt's Mubarak was a monster who had to go, but Syria's Assad is a reformer. Now Yemen's Saleh who let us hunt terrorists in his country is on our hit list, but the Qatari royal family which is linked to Al-Qaeda and finances Al-Jazeera are our best friends. Gaddafi who cut a deal to give up his nukes got bombed, Iran which is pushing hard for a nuclear bomb has clear skies.
Middle Eastern leaders who support and finance terrorists got a pass, but our own allies in the War on Terror got creamed. Iran, Syria and the Gulf Arab states who are responsible for most of the terrorism against us have nothing to worry about. Saleh and Mubarak who aided the War on Terror got shown the door.
Want good relations with the US? Start funding terrorists and building nukes. That's the only lesson any Middle-Eastern leader can take away from this disaster. The message we have put out there is that the worse they treat us, the better we will treat them. We will tolerate enemies and allies abusing us and plotting to kill us. But allies who actually go out on a limb to support us and act as if they have common interests with us. That we won't put up with. They have to go.
The tally of stupidity in what fanciful pundits called the 'Arab Spring' is almost endless. Not only did we mistake factional protests for democratic change and the will of the people, but we got behind groups and organizations overtly hostile to us and took their side against governments that had actually been friendly to us.
Obama intervened politically in Egypt on behalf of Islamists and Anti-American leftists, bringing down the government of the only major Muslim country in the region that was not actively funding terrorists. A government that not only offered significant help during the War on Terror, but was the only non-Islamist bulwark against Iran. All that is almost certainly gone now.
Bush's bloodless deal with Gaddafi got him out of the nukes and terror business. That too is gone now. The rebels are losing and Gaddafi isn't going to be intimidated by us ever again. The US went in like a lion and out like a lamb. Bush's invasion of Iraq intimidated Gaddafi into giving in. Obama's botched assault on Libya has reassured every thug from Syria to Iran that they have nothing to fear from us.
On any threat level map, North Africa which was reasonably quiet under Bush has just gone dark red. And it won't take much for it to go bright red now. From Tunisia to Libya to Egypt-- the Islamists have gotten a major shot in the arm on the other side of the Mediterranean. Al-Qaeda fighters are swarming within sight of Italy. In a day, Libyan fighters can travel by boat to Italy's Pelagie islands. When Eisenhower wanted to invade Italy from North Africa, he began with the islands as a jumping off point. Muslim 'refugees' have been doing their own version of 'Operation Corkscrew' by using the islands to invade Italy. And once inside Italy they have access to the entire European Union.
The 'revolutions' have targeted North Africa. Half of North Africa has either has either been wholly or partly overthrown. Morocco and Algeria are the sole holdouts. If the Brotherhood takes Egypt then they won't be holding out for long. And then there will be a Caliphate within striking distance of Southern Europe.
But Europe supported all this in the name of democracy and human rights. And European leaders organized a bombing campaign against Gaddafi when he was the only thing keeping half of North Africa from moving to Europe. America, which could have saved Mubarak with a word, instead called for his removal in the name of a protest movement organized by the Muslim Brotherhood and the leftist Kefaya group which had gotten its start protesting against the American overthrow of Saddam.
What country in its right mind backs the overthrow of any ally by an enemy? We do. When Egyptian socialist thug Nasser nationalized the Suez Canal, and England and France sent in the troops, we threatened to destroy the British economy unless they withdrew. Our reward for that was that Nasser's Egypt became the chief Soviet spearhead in the region. For the last two decades, our number one foreign policy priority in the Middle East is to force Israel to hand over territory to PA leader Mahmoud Abbas, a graduate of the KGB's Patrice Lumumba University, whose other famous alumnus was Carlos the Jackal.
Carter backed the leftists and Islamists over the Shah of Iran. Then he backed the Islamists over the leftists. That's what turned Iran into the paradise it is today. This time around we backed the leftists and Islamists over Mubarak. Now the leftists are being swallowed up by the Islamists who have been waiting 80 years for this moment.
From the halls of power to the front page, no Egyptian was a bigger enthusiast of the January 25 protests than our own political and cultural leaders. The press was full of posed photographs, glowing descriptions of a people's revolution and denunciations of Mubarak. Activists whose chief political experiencing was retweeting memes got full page interviews. Governments and Soros' pet NGO's got behind Kefaya and Iranian puppet El Baradei. Columnists glowingly portrayed the pathetic El Baradei as the democratic future of Egypt.

El Baradei is vowing war with Israel. Mahmoud Salem, aka Sandmonkey, the favorite Egyptian activist of so many neo-conservative bloggers, is encouraging Egyptians to support El Baradei over Amr Moussa, by tweeting that Amr Moussa is a Yankee-Zionist puppet and El Baradei is the only man Israel is afraid of. There's your liberal Democratic Egypt trotting out xenophobia and warmongering in a futile bid to get ahead of the Muslim Brotherhood. And its campaign slogan sounds a lot like the cries of "Jew, Jew" by the men who beat and raped Lara Logan.
Baradei is the darling of the same pundits and politicians who denounce nationalist Israeli candidates as extremists. Yet no Israeli party runs on a platform of war with Egypt. And there's your fundamental difference, not just between Egypt and Israel, but between the Muslim and non-Muslim world. A clash of civilizations between cultures with radically different moral codes and understanding of the value of human life. Much as Western pundits would like to believe that El Baradei is on their side of this moral equation, he isn't.
Egypt's problem was never Mubarak. It isn't Israel or America or globalism. It was always Egypt. And the problem will go on being Egypt no matter who is at the wheel six months or six years from now. The fundamental problem of the Muslim world is not a lack of democracy. That is only the symptom. Just as our fundamental problem is not Obama. He too is only the symptom.
Changing governments may improve matters, but without altering the underlying dynamic, the big picture will not change. And that dynamic is rooted in the culture. It cannot be changed by elections. Leaders reflect the culture, and even the occasional ruthless leader who imposes change is a product of historic forces at work. Egypt does not have a political problem, it has a cultural problem. And the US does not have a political problem, it has a cultural problem. Problems are reflected in destructive behavior.
Imagine if the Soviet Union had aided in the overthrow of Cuba, East Germany and the rest of the Warsaw Pact. That might have happened if Reagan had been put in charge of the USSR. And putting Obama in charge of America was like putting Reagan in charge of the USSR. But who put Obama in charge of America? For all the Soros money, fraud and the maneuvering behind the scenes-- it took a major cultural shift for that to be possible. The crisis of America can be found in that shift. And that of our revolting Middle East policy.
Love the cartoons. (The article was good too).
ReplyDeletethank you
ReplyDeleteThe mind set of the Obamaites is very different than American attitudes.
ReplyDeleteDid all these enormous stupidities you so vividly describe emaciate from Obama's brain or is the influence of his (regrettably often Jewish) überleft advisers under financial guidance of George Soros to blame for his counter to all logic behaviour. And if so, what is their aim? Even a socialist Utopia, already proven to be not viable by the lack of succes and final demise of the Soviet Union can't really be the goal. People are driven by motives, be it money, power, sex but something and what is the motive here?
ReplyDeleteA very well thought out and well documented piece. I'm a fairly new reader, but so far I love your work.
ReplyDeleteKeep swinging.
Insightful analysis, and a well-written piece.
ReplyDeleteIsn't this the "change" Osama/obama and his nazi side-kick Soros promised?
ReplyDeleteDavid Cameron is also bending down by apologising for the problems in Kashmir. Blair apologised for slavery when he was PM.
While these morons are apologising for things that have nothing to do with them, they are ratcheting up the new colonialism! France and the UN bombing civilians in Ivory Coast, Obama decides it is time to get rid of Yemen's president.
The utter hideous hypocrisy of the left and the consensus!
Another excellent analysis by Greenfield, one that will guarantee that he will not be invited to give the White House, the NSA, a Congressional committee, and the Pentagon a joint briefing on the situation in the Middle East, one exacerbated, as Greenfield explains, by our utterly irrational and suicidal policies. Samantha Power would first see him shot rather than let him anywhere near our Islam-friendly president. And because you mentioned Lara Logan, has there been any more news about her? When I do a web search, all I find are the old news items on her attack and her having gone home. For me, and together with the murdered Fogel family of Israel, she is a symbol of what Islam wishes to do – in fact, is doing, thanks to our enabling dhimmi politicians – to the West, and in particular to the U.S.
ReplyDeleteI agree that the U.S. has a “cultural” problem. And without going into details, I would point a finger first at our universities, in fact, at our entire education system, from K1 on up through humanities doctoral programs, all dedicated to dumbing down and brainwashing Americans.
The culture problem is Marxism, the dominant ideology throughout the west.
ReplyDeleteI have no doubt at all that what has been done was done deliberately. The goal of Marxists is to destroy the west. And they are doing a very good job of it.
Proud Brit.
Great Obama/Carter cartoon and so true, they say you can learn from history, too bad the left hasn't figured that out yet. And they've remained pretty much silent as events unfold in Egypt, I'm sure that's not because it's old news. They're probably saying "oh $hit....what do we do now?" I know...lets limit free speech so we don't upset them anymore.
ReplyDeletemindRider, ideology is the key. They see human history as being on an inevitable path to progress and as the enlightened they're riding the train forward. And of course plenty of benefits accrue to them along the way
ReplyDeleteArcticPatriot, thank you.
Juniper, it sure is. And that shame/pride spiral so typical of post-modern Western national identify is manifesting with Cameron.
Edward, yes the educational system is there to inculcate the worldview of the left, and their culture into children, brainwashing in loco parentis.
noboat1, they can't process an ideological setback, so they just kick some dirt over it and move on
ReplyDeleteonce again you hit the nail on the head. Keep up the great writing.
Based on your own analysis, I think by now it should be very obvious that when Obama came to power, the US switched sides. Then everything becomes logical again: we (USA) support our allies (which is now Iran, Syria, Moslem Brotherhood, Al-Qaeda), and fight our enemies (which is now Israel and our former allies).
ReplyDeleteThe only minor issue for Obama is that majority of Americans still think that USA is fighting global terrorism, and therefore, to avoid complications, he has to maintain that illusion. This is just for a time being, until he is finished with US economy (almost done), and US Constitution (de facto done, but again maintains illusion as if not).
And then (following is pure speculation on my part) he will finally bring peace with Islamic nations (like Iran, etc) - by announcing that USA is also Islamic nation (wait, he did it already) and delivering Israel to UN/Islamic world for execution.
In return, our new friends will provide us with massive Sharia compliant grants for rebuilding our economy (Sharia compliant, of course). And finally, with no more Israel around, and US becoming leading Islamic nation (call it UISA - U Islamic SA) - the World Peace finally will become reality ;-)).
If I were atheist, I would consider this the most probable scenario, unless Americans wake up and do something about it.
But since I am religious Jew, I think in the end Israel will be OK. Not so sure about USA, though.
Back in 2008, I thought that the main reason to oppose Obama was his far left associates and thought. After two years, I've concluded that I'm wrong. Whatever his actual religion or his stated political position, it has become obvious that the ideology that he most supports is Islamism. Every move that he has made in international relations has been to support Islamism, and the same is true in his domestic policy.
ReplyDeleteI only hope that in 2012 enough people have come to their senses (especially the Jews) that we can correct the monstrous error we've made and get rid of this person after on disastrous term.
I do not believe that islam is a problem of the left or right. It is a problem for civilization all by itself.
ReplyDeleteThe cold war is over. We have a new and far more destructive enemy.
I agree with Seraz, true. The rot starts with the education, all universites are Islamist indoctrinated, culture is at its lowest with "idols" like Charlie Sheen and all reality shows--the dumbing of America started long ago with the 60s and now we are reaping the results. Most of Obama supporters are shallow, PC people and that makes the bulk of America today. Like Seraz, I belive it's G-d's hand that brought Obama to the fore. He is a muslim, he is a radical leftist, he has a huge ego and set to destroy the western world and islamize it.
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