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High Egg Prices Are a Choice

Eggs cost $9.70 in San Diego, but a few dollars across the border in Mexico. The price difference is so compelling that people have taken to smuggling eggs and even live chickens across the border. Egg prices in Southern California are so high that there are signs that drug cartels and gangs are starting to smuggle eggs along with their usual cargoes of drugs. Eggs cost around $6 in Chicago, but around $4 US across the border in Canada. In the past half year, 3,768 ‘poultry and bird’ products were intercepted at the Canadian border. Reportedly more eggs than fentanyl are being seized by customs coming down to America. Why are eggs cheaper in Canada and Mexico than in America? One reason is that Mexico and Canada have culled chickens on a smaller scale than we have. Mexico began vaccinating its chickens in the 90s and doesn’t cull chickens unless the outbreak is severe, while the Biden administration wiped out huge numbers of chickens with little pretext. “The Biden administration and ...


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High Egg Prices Are a Choice

Eggs cost $9.70 in San Diego, but a few dollars across the border in Mexico. The price difference is so compelling that people have taken to smuggling eggs and even live chickens across the border. Egg prices in Southern California are so high that there are signs that drug cartels and gangs are starting to smuggle eggs along with their usual cargoes of drugs. Eggs cost around $6 in Chicago, but around $4 US across the border in Canada. In the past half year, 3,768 ‘poultry and bird’ products were intercepted at the Canadian border. Reportedly more eggs than fentanyl are being seized by customs coming down to America. Why are eggs cheaper in Canada and Mexico than in America? One reason is that Mexico and Canada have culled chickens on a smaller scale than we have. Mexico began vaccinating its chickens in the 90s and doesn’t cull chickens unless the outbreak is severe, while the Biden administration wiped out huge numbers of chickens with little pretext. “The Biden administration and ...

City of Illegals

While Mayor Brandon Johnson showed up to defend Chicago’s sanctuary city policies before Congress, federal immigration authorities were expelling Prince Knox, a ‘refugee’ affiliated with the Revolutionary United Front, which chopped off the arms of tens of thousands of people with machetes to take over and provide them with free health care, back to his native Sierra Leone. Prince Knox was one of the many illegal aliens, criminals and assorted monsters protected by Chicago’s ‘Welcoming City’ ordinance and the Illinois Trust Act which form its sanctuary system. And Chicago’s sheltering of illegal alien criminals has forced ICE to carry out ‘raids’ to get them. The media has been running alarmist articles such as NPR’s claim that “migrants in Chicago are skipping health checks due to immigration crackdown fears”, and claims in other media outlets that illegal aliens are too afraid to shop, go to church or send their children to schools. But the only reason for ICE’s raids is Chicago’s re...

Meet the Marxist Group Sabotaging ICE Raids

“They patrol L.A.’s streets in search of ICE, Trump immigration raids,” is how the Los Angeles Times described the pro-illegal alien activists sabotaging the arrests of illegal alien criminals. The newspaper breathlessly described how ‘community patrols follow ICE vehicles and alert illegal aliens that federal law enforcement is on the way.” The pro-illegal alien activists use megaphones to make noise, hoping to scare away the criminals that ICE has come to protect the community from, to the applause of the media. During one recent raid in Alhambra where ICE, the FBI and DEA were preparing to arrest dangerous criminals, Union del Barrio activists began shouting through megaphones, and alerting any nearby criminals that law enforcement was here. But who are they? The LA Times misleadingly described the pro-illegal alien activists as belonging to Union del Barrio as “an independent political organization advocating for immigrant rights and social justice.” More accurately, Union del Barr...

DEI Detribalization

The great objective of DEI was to tribalize our institutions, recruiting government and corporate employees into affinity groups based on their race, sex, sexuality and other factors, and then defining institutional goals around the ‘right’ tribal mix through selective hiring and promotions. The complete inversion of civil rights, from race-neutral to race-conscious, also transformed the intended purpose of government and all lesser institutions, from tribal neutrality to tribal partisanship, and it was impossible to achieve this without tribalizing government. Government and other institutions stopped being merit-based or democratic, and came to reflect the tribal coalition politics that had come to define the Democratic Party’s urban machines. Tammany Hall’s old corrupt apportionment of government offices based on political favors was smoothly supplemented with racial and ethnic coalition quotas in major cities. The old corrupt system that traded votes for jobs, bloc votes for politi...

King David’s Hostage Negotiations

At the end of this week, Jews around the world will celebrate the holiday of Purim. The annual commemoration of the divine salvation from extermination has a special resonance this year. Haman, the Purim story’s central villain, the Persian Empire’s grand vizier, descended from the Amalekite peoples, has traditionally served as a stand-in for contemporary villains like Hitler, Stalin (Russian Jews celebrate a Stalin’s Purim marking the Communist tyrant’s death before he could execute his own holocaust in the USSR) as well as Hamas and other Islamic Jihadists. But the events of Purim taking place some 2,300 years ago are also intimately linked to the exodus from Egypt, 3,300 years ago, and the establishment of the first Jewish monarchy several hundred years later under King Saul followed by King David and his dynasty. And the very different styles of the two rulers. After the miraculous exodus from Egypt, Amalek had defied G-d by ambushing and attacking the Jews. In response, G-d had co...

LA’s Political Bosses Are On Fire

The ashes of the most destructive fire in Los Angeles history have settled, but a new wildfire is burning through the ranks of the elected and unelected officials who let the disaster happen. In a truly historic event in which all sorts of glass ceilings were no doubt broken, the first black female mayor of Los Angeles fired the first lesbian fire chief for not warning her that there would be heavy winds before she set off on a trip to Africa that she had promised she wouldn’t go on. Former Fire Chief Kristin Crowley, a paramedic like the other two lesbians also named Kirsten running the LAFD, appealed to the Los Angeles City Council leading to a historic diversity face-off between an incompetent black woman and an incompetent white lesbian. City Council President Marqueece Harris-Dawson, a former Bass ally and, like her, a former community organizer, initially rejected the appeal. Harris-Dawson was hardly an objective observer since he was the one who had to declare an emergency beca...

How a Former Afghan Jihadist Began Covering Trump for the Voice of America

In 2017, the Voice of America attacked President Trump's travel ban on Muslim terrorist countries. What the VOA did not tell viewers was that its 'reporter' was a former Jihadist. In the 1980s, Masood Farivar, an Afghan Muslim, now a senior analyst at the government’s Voice of America media organization, had joined Jihadist groups in Afghanistan whose members included Taliban leaders and which had worked with Al Qaeda. Farivar’s Jihadi comrades included Awal Gul: the Taliban commander locked up in Gitmo after being paid $100,000 by Bin Laden to help him escape. Farivar has since mourned Awal Gul wondering "how many other Awalguls languish in Gitmo." But over the last eight years, Farivar had a new enemy, cranking out dozens of articles for the VOA with titles like, "Can Trump Be Indicted for Obstruction of Justice?", "Has Trump Done Enough to Fence Off His Business Interests?" and "Hush Money Troubles for Trump?" The only thing more ...

Mourning Murdered Jewish Children is “White Supremacy”

No sooner had Israel lowered the bodies of the two murdered Bibas children into their graves, than radical leftists began accusing Jews of “white supremacy” for mourning them. The Empire State Building and a number of other national landmarks had changed their colors to orange to honor the two redheaded children, 9-month-old Kfir and 4-year-old Ariel, and people of conscience, Jewish and non-Jewish, had adopted orange to memorialize them. “This is just white nationalism,” accused ‘Séamus’ Malekafzali, the son of an Iranian Marxist, who is published at The Nation. “Just make the hair blonde instead of red and it immediately becomes identifiable as Nazi-style racial supremacist propaganda by modern day Nazis, Zionists,” agreed Emma Vigeland, a veteran of The Young Turks who co-hosts the left-wing Majority Report with Sam Seder. “Propagandists are fetishizing the red hair of two dead white kids,” Caitlin Johnstone, an Australian self-described ‘journalist’, complained. “Look at any phot...

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