After serving a few years in prison for his role in the Munich Massacre,
Willi Pohl moved to Beirut. The brief sentence was a slap in the wrist,
but Pohl had still served more time in prison than the Muslim gunmen
who had murdered eleven Israeli athletes and coaches during the 1972
Summer Olympics. Mohammed Safady and the Al-Gashey cousins
were released after a few months by the German authorities.
They went
back to Lebanon and so did he.
A decade after the attack, Willi Pohl had begun making a name for himself as a crime novelist. His first novel was Tränen Schützen Nicht vor Mord or Tears Do Not Protect Against Murder.
While Pohl was penning crime novels, Israeli operatives had already absorbed the lessons of his first title. Tears, whether in 1939 or 1972, had not done anything to prevent the murder of Jews. Bullets were another matter.
The head of Black September in Rome was the first to die, followed by a string of PLO leaders across Europe. Those attacks were followed by raids on the mansions and apartments of top Fatah officials in the same city where Pohl had found temporary refuge. By the time his first book was published, hundreds of PLO terrorists and officials were dead.
European law enforcement had failed to hold even the actual perpetrators of the Munich Massacre responsible, never mind the representatives of the PLO who openly mingled with red radicals in its capitals. Israeli operatives did what the German judicial system had failed to do, putting down Safady and one of the Al-Gasheys, while the other one hid out with Colonel Gaddafi in Libya.
The Israeli raid on the PLO terrorists in Beirut's Muslim Quarter missed one important target. Arafat. And so, on another September day, some later, September 13, 1993, Israeli Prime Minister Rabin shook hands with Arafat and proclaimed, "Enough of blood and tears! Enough!"
But the blood and tears had only begun, as a PLO on its last legs was revived and built its terrorist infrastructure inside Israel's borders.
By 1993, the year of the infamous Rose Garden handshake, 45 Israelis had been killed and 34 injured in Muslim terrorist attacks. A year after the handshake, the toll stood at 109 Israelis dead and 456 wounded. By 2002, the year that Israel's patience finally broke and Sharon sent forces storming into Arafat's compound, the numbers for that year were a horrifying 451 dead and 2,348 wounded.
Today, some 40 years after that September in Munich and two decades after the even worse tragedy of that September in Washington D.C., with over 1,500 dead since that fatal handshake, there have been rivers of blood and tears. And a shortage of bullets.
PLO officials these days are more likely to die of morbid obesity or,
like Arafat, of AIDS, than of Israeli raids. They are nearly as likely
to kill each other, like Arafat's cousin, Moussa Arafat, the former head
of the Palestinian Authority's terrorist forces, who was dragged out of
his home and shot by his own people.
The murder of Mohammed Abu Shaaban, killed a week after the handshake, by his own people, was the first of a long string of Fatah on Fatah violence that is a far more likely cause of death for top terrorists than the jet planes and tanks of the hated Zionist regime.
The rivers of tears keep flowing, but tears don't protect against murder.
Neither do peace treaties. No amount of tears from the
tens of thousands mutilated, tortured, crippled, wounded, orphaned and
widowed by the PLO in all its front groups, splinter groups and
incarnations, including its current incarnation as a phony government,
has been enough to stop Western governments from
supporting, arming and funding the terrorists.
Tears don't protect against murder. They don't stop killers from killing. They don't prevent the authorities from looking the other way when the killings happen because there is something in it for them. They don't bring the terrorists to justice. They don't even ensure that the truth will be told, rather than the lie that rationalizes the terror.
Tears did not stop the operation of a single gas chamber. They did not save the life of a single Jewish refugee. They did not stop a single dollar from going to the PLO or Fatah or Black September or the Palestinian Authority or any of the other masks that the gang of Soviet-trained killers wore. They will not stop Iran from developing and detonating a nuclear weapon over Tel Aviv. They will not stop Israel from being carved up by terrorists whose demands are backed up by the diplomatic capital of every nation that bows its head in the direction of Mecca, Medina and Riyadh, and the old men who control the oil wells and the mosques.
In 1988, Willi Pohl published another book, Das Gesetz des Dschungels or The Law of the Jungle. That same year, PLO terrorists carried out the "Mother's Bus Attack" taking the passengers of a bus, filled with women on board, hostage and demanding the release of all imprisoned terrorists. The terrorists killed two hostages and Israeli Special Forces moved in killing the terrorists and saving the lives of all but one hostage.
In response, Israeli commandos stormed Tunis, killing Abu Jihad, a former Muslim Brotherhood member and the number two Fatah leader after Arafat . The United Nations Security Council met and passed Resolution 611, noting with concern the "loss of human life", particularly that of Abu Jihad, and vigorously condemned the "act of aggression".
Not a single member of the Security Council voted against it. The United States abstained.
Not one single resolution was passed that year or the year afterward or
the year after that condemning a terrorist attack against Israel or
criticizing any of the countries that trained, armed and harbored the
terrorists. Instead there were numerous resolutions condemning Israel
for expelling and deporting terrorists.
The closest thing to a resolution critical of terrorism was Resolution 579 in response to the Achille Lauro hijacking, carried out by men loyal to Mahmoud Abbas, the current President of the Palestinian Authority, who also provided the funding for the Munich Massacre. Resolution 579 did not mention the Achille Lauro, Leon Klinghoffer or Palestinian Arab terrorists. Instead it condemned "hostage-taking" in general.
In 1972, the year of the Munich Massacre, there were three Security
Council resolutions condemning Israel. Not a single one condemning the
massacre of Olympic athletes at an international event. Not a single one
condemning the countries which armed, trained, harbored and controlled
the terrorists. The countries that had refused that their flags be
lowered in response to the massacre.
This was the law of the jungle disguised as international law. Against the law of the jungle, tears are futile. Jungle law cannot be debated away or subdued with the speechifying of an Abba Eban or a Benjamin Netanyahu. It cannot be moralized into decency or signed away with peace treaties.
It can only be met with resistance.
Tears don't protect against murder. Bullets do.

A decade after the attack, Willi Pohl had begun making a name for himself as a crime novelist. His first novel was Tränen Schützen Nicht vor Mord or Tears Do Not Protect Against Murder.
While Pohl was penning crime novels, Israeli operatives had already absorbed the lessons of his first title. Tears, whether in 1939 or 1972, had not done anything to prevent the murder of Jews. Bullets were another matter.
The head of Black September in Rome was the first to die, followed by a string of PLO leaders across Europe. Those attacks were followed by raids on the mansions and apartments of top Fatah officials in the same city where Pohl had found temporary refuge. By the time his first book was published, hundreds of PLO terrorists and officials were dead.
European law enforcement had failed to hold even the actual perpetrators of the Munich Massacre responsible, never mind the representatives of the PLO who openly mingled with red radicals in its capitals. Israeli operatives did what the German judicial system had failed to do, putting down Safady and one of the Al-Gasheys, while the other one hid out with Colonel Gaddafi in Libya.
The Israeli raid on the PLO terrorists in Beirut's Muslim Quarter missed one important target. Arafat. And so, on another September day, some later, September 13, 1993, Israeli Prime Minister Rabin shook hands with Arafat and proclaimed, "Enough of blood and tears! Enough!"
But the blood and tears had only begun, as a PLO on its last legs was revived and built its terrorist infrastructure inside Israel's borders.
By 1993, the year of the infamous Rose Garden handshake, 45 Israelis had been killed and 34 injured in Muslim terrorist attacks. A year after the handshake, the toll stood at 109 Israelis dead and 456 wounded. By 2002, the year that Israel's patience finally broke and Sharon sent forces storming into Arafat's compound, the numbers for that year were a horrifying 451 dead and 2,348 wounded.
Today, some 40 years after that September in Munich and two decades after the even worse tragedy of that September in Washington D.C., with over 1,500 dead since that fatal handshake, there have been rivers of blood and tears. And a shortage of bullets.

The murder of Mohammed Abu Shaaban, killed a week after the handshake, by his own people, was the first of a long string of Fatah on Fatah violence that is a far more likely cause of death for top terrorists than the jet planes and tanks of the hated Zionist regime.
Tears don't protect against murder. They don't stop killers from killing. They don't prevent the authorities from looking the other way when the killings happen because there is something in it for them. They don't bring the terrorists to justice. They don't even ensure that the truth will be told, rather than the lie that rationalizes the terror.
Tears did not stop the operation of a single gas chamber. They did not save the life of a single Jewish refugee. They did not stop a single dollar from going to the PLO or Fatah or Black September or the Palestinian Authority or any of the other masks that the gang of Soviet-trained killers wore. They will not stop Iran from developing and detonating a nuclear weapon over Tel Aviv. They will not stop Israel from being carved up by terrorists whose demands are backed up by the diplomatic capital of every nation that bows its head in the direction of Mecca, Medina and Riyadh, and the old men who control the oil wells and the mosques.
In 1988, Willi Pohl published another book, Das Gesetz des Dschungels or The Law of the Jungle. That same year, PLO terrorists carried out the "Mother's Bus Attack" taking the passengers of a bus, filled with women on board, hostage and demanding the release of all imprisoned terrorists. The terrorists killed two hostages and Israeli Special Forces moved in killing the terrorists and saving the lives of all but one hostage.
In response, Israeli commandos stormed Tunis, killing Abu Jihad, a former Muslim Brotherhood member and the number two Fatah leader after Arafat . The United Nations Security Council met and passed Resolution 611, noting with concern the "loss of human life", particularly that of Abu Jihad, and vigorously condemned the "act of aggression".
Not a single member of the Security Council voted against it. The United States abstained.
The closest thing to a resolution critical of terrorism was Resolution 579 in response to the Achille Lauro hijacking, carried out by men loyal to Mahmoud Abbas, the current President of the Palestinian Authority, who also provided the funding for the Munich Massacre. Resolution 579 did not mention the Achille Lauro, Leon Klinghoffer or Palestinian Arab terrorists. Instead it condemned "hostage-taking" in general.

This was the law of the jungle disguised as international law. Against the law of the jungle, tears are futile. Jungle law cannot be debated away or subdued with the speechifying of an Abba Eban or a Benjamin Netanyahu. It cannot be moralized into decency or signed away with peace treaties.
It can only be met with resistance.
Tears don't protect against murder. Bullets do.
The answer is just that simple."Tears don't protect against murder. Bullets do." Thank you, Daniel.
ReplyDeleteIf you cannot make peace with your enemy, cannot live with your enemy, and no amount of violent retaliation can make your enemy stop attacking you. Your only choice is to exterminate your enemy before he exterminates you. If you have tried to make peace and failed. What else can you do? ---Ray
ReplyDeleteIt is both ironic and unsurprising that the culture of killers equates decency with weakness. However, sometimes that is exactly what it is.
ReplyDeleteI'm afraid a deal has already been made between Obama and Iran concerning nuclear weapons. Iran will get the bomb and will use it against Israel. Then the Israelis will use the new Dolphin II subs to enact the Samson option. A new world disorder is coming, just not like some of us had hoped.
ReplyDeleteTears don't stop rape. Tears don't stop muggings. Tears don't stop riots. They do help with the occasional loss of a pet.
ReplyDeleteThere is no coincidence that you can track what people believe about Israel in direct relation to how they feel about the police. The average protestor at Ferguson can tell you more about why Israel is regarded as it is then by supposed "experts" on antisemitism. Antisemitism is overblown as a concept.
Put a cripple in the room with criminal psychotics and suddenly anti-asian feelings will rise if the cripple is asian. Anti-black if the cripple is black. Anti-Jewish if the cripple is a Jew. We have allowed ourselves to become the cripple in the room. There is no shame in being a cripple. There is in shame in becoming a moral one.
How humiliating and shameful it is that the United States has elected, twice, a muslim that works for the destruction of Israel. As a matter of fact, this same muslim allows the murder of his own citizens. Tears really do not stop murderers, 'good guys' with guns stop murderers.
ReplyDeleteDoes prayer protect either but we still pray - it's a natural human reaction.
ReplyDelete@ Brett
ReplyDeleteDo you suppose 'bad guys' with guns (murderers) can't also ''stop'' the 'good guys' ?!
Thank you for the post Daniel. It helps put a little clarity to things. Some fitting clichés that describe the situation: Defeat snatched from the jaws of victory. OPEC oil money buys a lot of influence. Common sense is not common.
ReplyDeleteOur so called leaders lack the common sense, morality, and clarity of thought to identify the real enemy and deal with them appropriately. Our bone head leaders need to fulfill their oaths to protect and defend the constitution and our country, as well as our real friends and allies. I could go on and on and sound like the latest issue of the John Birch Society, but they already printed it.
Right now, I suspect the US is at a tipping point. Unfortunately, the incompetent in charge is about to push us in the wrong direction. It will not be pretty. Pray for peace but prepare for something less desirable. Oh, I forgot: it takes two (or more) to make peace, but only one to make war. [1939 comes to mind]
The UN Security Council, seriously? What a joke! Does anyone really listen to those fools? And Germany, do you really think the nature of all those good Volks of der Fatherland have really changed all that much in their attitudes of race supremacy? Anyone who expects anything resembling moral justice or defending "liberty" certainly does not pay attention to the silly goings on of such inane and useless organizations. Just a waste of money.
ReplyDeleteAs for defending yourself, better be prepared to do so if someone has declared their intent to harm you. The best defense is a good offense. Take no prisoners. No bowing, groveling or negotiating with such people. It is all a big waste of time although sometimes necessary to achieve your own ends.
Outstanding work, Daniel.
ReplyDeleteMy youngest son is a rabbi who lives and studies in Ramat Eshkol, Jerusalem. He has many friends and teachers in Har Nof and often went to B'nai Torah when visiting them. Unfortunately, one of his teachers was among the dead. He wrote an eloquent and powerful piece about it, part of which I have taken the liberty to excerpt here:
"What can I say as I stand among the thousands gathered before Bnei Torah synagogue, the Shul I had always described to my wife as the most magnificent I'd ever seen now grotesquely transformed into a slaughterhouse? As the Rav informs us that when a Yid is murdered in this way he is not buried in the usual shrouds, but rather in the blood-drenched clothing in which he died? As the timid voices of small boys saying Kaddish wash over us, and the man on my left breaks down, and the man on my right, and my own tears fall freely upon the cold concrete of Rechov Agasi?"
What can any of us say? On the one hand we can say "Boruch ha Dayan Emes" (Blessed is the True Judge, traditionally said when hearing of someone's death), and on the other, we can remember the True Judge's charge to us regarding the Amalekites.
-- Lightbringer
Jews are not feared; it is a simple as that. Fear brings respect, and if someone is suspected of being a responder-with-vengeance, with or without direct proof, they become "respected". Punks like most terrorists find they can control their impulses, and it takes more convincing than it does now, to make them seek martyrdom. They really don't want to be martyrs, as a general rule, but most act because they don't expect retaliation.
ReplyDeleteBefore you declare war, you had better define your enemy. It is not the average ignorant and illiterate terrorist; it is those who tell him it is God's will that he kill Jews, Christians, and all non-believers. Those who incite are the enemy; defeat them, and there will be peace. Otherwise, pass the whine.
if this doesn't land you on rightwingwatch (a badge of honor) then I might be tempted to "alert" them to your "violence-mongering," in the hopes that more insulated leftists get exposed to the truth of the real worldwide conspiracy, Jew-hatred.
ReplyDeleteI don't even call it antisemitism because morally corrupt idiots will say 'nyah nyah arab muslims are semites.'
Good article.
Brilliant, another keeper, Daniel.
ReplyDeleteI have always wondered what the "United" in "United Nations" stood for. Now I know.
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