They struck at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. Two white males ran out of a car, tore off her hijab, hit her and stole her wallet. One of these mysterious muggers was wearing a Trump hat.
The president of the Muslim Students Association claimed that the attack had rattled the campus. The ACLU was “outraged” and was as eager as the “victim” to connect the attack to Trump. It was even more outraged that the imaginary attackers had, “shouted slurs and wore Donald Trump clothing.”
It was only hours after the election and the media eagerly jumped on the story. But the 18-year-old Middle Eastern student had made it all up and police charged her with filing a false report.
A month later they stuck again. Yasmin Seweid, an 18-year-old Baruch College student in New York City, claimed that “three white racists” tried to tear off her hijab, shouted Trump’s name, along with, "Look it's a fucking terrorist", "go back to your country" and "take that rag off your head".
“The president-elect just promotes this stuff and is very anti-Muslim, very Islamophobic, and he’s just condoning it,” she whined. CAIR got into the game. A hate crimes investigation was launched.
And the NYPD found that she had made it all up. Yasmin now faces charges for her deception. But her lies potentially endangered the “brown-eyed and brown-haired” man whom police had begun to suspect. A man who might have been arrested and charged for a crime that never happened. What caused two 18-year-old Muslim women 1,400 miles apart to invent the same very specific attack?
On yet another November, a year before the nameless Muslim in Louisiana faked her hate crime, an 18-year-old Muslim woman in the UK claimed that she had been assaulted because of her hijab. The supposed victim, a Miss Choudhury, turned out to be a liar and was fined for wasting police time.
Despite their geographical separation the three cases have a great deal in common. All three of the perpetrators were 18-year-old Muslim women. All associated the fake attacks with their wearing of the hijab. And their lies were calculated to exploit recent events, the Muslim terror attacks in Paris and Trump’s election, which the media had played up as being traumatic to Muslims.
The rash of hijab attacks after Trump’s election was an especially extraordinary phenomenon.
At nearly the same time as the Louisiana Muslim hoax, a Muslim student at San Diego State University claimed that her attackers ripped off her hijab and invoked the dreaded name of Trump before stealing her purse and backpack. Like the UK hoaxer, one of her attackers was wearing a gray hoodie. The perps, a white and Latino man, who love Trump and hate Muslims, have apparently yet to be found.
Meanwhile at the University of New Mexico, a Muslim freshman, likely the same age as the other claimants, charged that a man in a Trump shirt had tried to tear off her hijab and accused her of being a terrorist. She insisted however that she did not want him to be charged for his attack and UNM’s Office of Equal Opportunity refused to confirm or deny the existence of the case.
Some versions of the post-Trump hijab attack escalated the real or threatened violence.
A day or so later, a University of Michigan student claimed that she was forced to remove her hijab by a drunk white man who threatened to set her on fire. Police determined that it was a hoax.
Nasro Hassan, an 18-year-old Muslim student at the University of Washington, claimed that a man in a black hoodie attacked her with a bottle likely because of her hijab. Esra Altun, a 19-year-old Muslim student at San Jose State University, claimed that she was choked with her hijab a day after Trump's win. Her alleged attacker was a "fair-skinned male" wearing a "dark-colored hoodie".
The attack was initially reported to have happened on Election Day, but Altun insisted that it really took place on the next day after Trump had officially won. “It is a weird coincidence that it happened after Donald Trump was elected.” Like so many of these cases, it was important to link the attack to Trump.
It certainly is a weird coincidence that a rash of these attacks by white men on Muslim women happened right then. Or that these attackers, when they aren’t wearing Trump hats and shirts on college campuses where that alone is nearly enough to trigger a hate crime investigation, favor the hoodie.
The stories follow a similar pattern. A burst of media coverage, a campus rally by activists from the local Muslim Students Association, followed by a fearful condemnation from the university president.
But then the stories die down and fade away. There is no big climax. Just dead air.
The women at the center of these stories are college freshmen and sophomores getting their first taste of campus life. They are away from their families, perhaps for the first time in their lives, in a different environment and tempted to relax their religiosity. And then the hijab-haters strike allowing them to show off their religiosity, to impress their families, and their victimhood, to wow their progressive peers. They often tell their stories on social media and urge their friends to pass their tales along.
“Trump America is real and I witnessed it first hand last night!” Yasmin Seweid, the woman at the center of the latest hijab hoax, posted on Facebook. “I want to show people this is real,” the University of Mexico Muslim claimed. There are loud assertions of Muslim patriotism and condemnations of hate.
But what is the truth?
Did a coordinated gang of Trump marauders suddenly assail a single Muslim woman one campus at a time across the country? Or was there an outbreak of hysteria fed by Islamist agendas and media noise?
It is curious that so many of the incidents occurred on campuses, where many Muslim teenagers dip their toes into political activism for the first time, and that so many of the supposed victims are teenagers who haven’t even reached their twenties. Are there really gangs of Trump supporters targeting 18-year old Muslim women on college campuses? Or is something else going on.
In Salem, the popular wisdom that witchcraft was a threat opened the door for teenage girls to offer up hysterical accusations. The accusations led to a mass hysteria of other accusers, collective panic and political persecution. Similar “witch hunts” have haunted us before. The Islamophobia witch hunt is only the latest manifestation of an obsession with an imaginary crisis exploding into mass hysteria.
There is no way to know which of the unsolved cases is true. But mass hysteria is the dangerous symptom of a deeper conflict. And those who promote it ought to contemplate the consequences.
The obsession with an imaginary Islamophobia crisis has been called a witch hunt before. But the hijab hate crimes hysteria eerily resembles the mass hysteria of Salem with teenage girls, some of whom like Yasmin are clearly emotionally unstable, coming forward to tell fantastic psychosexual stories of being attacked for their hijabs by Trump supporters, and then being lavished with attention and praise.
The tales of roving Trump gangs tearing off the hijabs of Muslim teenage girls caters to the parochial xenophobia of Muslims convinced that their daughters are at risk of being dishonored by Americans, to the Islamist agendas of CAIR and the MSA who use victimhood to build a political empire of theocracy, and to the media which is desperate to attribute racist violence to Trump any way that it can.
The hijab witch hunts are as twisted as anything in Salem. And just as malignant and dangerous.

It was only hours after the election and the media eagerly jumped on the story. But the 18-year-old Middle Eastern student had made it all up and police charged her with filing a false report.
A month later they stuck again. Yasmin Seweid, an 18-year-old Baruch College student in New York City, claimed that “three white racists” tried to tear off her hijab, shouted Trump’s name, along with, "Look it's a fucking terrorist", "go back to your country" and "take that rag off your head".
“The president-elect just promotes this stuff and is very anti-Muslim, very Islamophobic, and he’s just condoning it,” she whined. CAIR got into the game. A hate crimes investigation was launched.
And the NYPD found that she had made it all up. Yasmin now faces charges for her deception. But her lies potentially endangered the “brown-eyed and brown-haired” man whom police had begun to suspect. A man who might have been arrested and charged for a crime that never happened. What caused two 18-year-old Muslim women 1,400 miles apart to invent the same very specific attack?
On yet another November, a year before the nameless Muslim in Louisiana faked her hate crime, an 18-year-old Muslim woman in the UK claimed that she had been assaulted because of her hijab. The supposed victim, a Miss Choudhury, turned out to be a liar and was fined for wasting police time.
Despite their geographical separation the three cases have a great deal in common. All three of the perpetrators were 18-year-old Muslim women. All associated the fake attacks with their wearing of the hijab. And their lies were calculated to exploit recent events, the Muslim terror attacks in Paris and Trump’s election, which the media had played up as being traumatic to Muslims.
The rash of hijab attacks after Trump’s election was an especially extraordinary phenomenon.
At nearly the same time as the Louisiana Muslim hoax, a Muslim student at San Diego State University claimed that her attackers ripped off her hijab and invoked the dreaded name of Trump before stealing her purse and backpack. Like the UK hoaxer, one of her attackers was wearing a gray hoodie. The perps, a white and Latino man, who love Trump and hate Muslims, have apparently yet to be found.
Meanwhile at the University of New Mexico, a Muslim freshman, likely the same age as the other claimants, charged that a man in a Trump shirt had tried to tear off her hijab and accused her of being a terrorist. She insisted however that she did not want him to be charged for his attack and UNM’s Office of Equal Opportunity refused to confirm or deny the existence of the case.
Some versions of the post-Trump hijab attack escalated the real or threatened violence.
A day or so later, a University of Michigan student claimed that she was forced to remove her hijab by a drunk white man who threatened to set her on fire. Police determined that it was a hoax.
Nasro Hassan, an 18-year-old Muslim student at the University of Washington, claimed that a man in a black hoodie attacked her with a bottle likely because of her hijab. Esra Altun, a 19-year-old Muslim student at San Jose State University, claimed that she was choked with her hijab a day after Trump's win. Her alleged attacker was a "fair-skinned male" wearing a "dark-colored hoodie".
The attack was initially reported to have happened on Election Day, but Altun insisted that it really took place on the next day after Trump had officially won. “It is a weird coincidence that it happened after Donald Trump was elected.” Like so many of these cases, it was important to link the attack to Trump.
It certainly is a weird coincidence that a rash of these attacks by white men on Muslim women happened right then. Or that these attackers, when they aren’t wearing Trump hats and shirts on college campuses where that alone is nearly enough to trigger a hate crime investigation, favor the hoodie.
The stories follow a similar pattern. A burst of media coverage, a campus rally by activists from the local Muslim Students Association, followed by a fearful condemnation from the university president.
But then the stories die down and fade away. There is no big climax. Just dead air.
The women at the center of these stories are college freshmen and sophomores getting their first taste of campus life. They are away from their families, perhaps for the first time in their lives, in a different environment and tempted to relax their religiosity. And then the hijab-haters strike allowing them to show off their religiosity, to impress their families, and their victimhood, to wow their progressive peers. They often tell their stories on social media and urge their friends to pass their tales along.
“Trump America is real and I witnessed it first hand last night!” Yasmin Seweid, the woman at the center of the latest hijab hoax, posted on Facebook. “I want to show people this is real,” the University of Mexico Muslim claimed. There are loud assertions of Muslim patriotism and condemnations of hate.
But what is the truth?
Did a coordinated gang of Trump marauders suddenly assail a single Muslim woman one campus at a time across the country? Or was there an outbreak of hysteria fed by Islamist agendas and media noise?
It is curious that so many of the incidents occurred on campuses, where many Muslim teenagers dip their toes into political activism for the first time, and that so many of the supposed victims are teenagers who haven’t even reached their twenties. Are there really gangs of Trump supporters targeting 18-year old Muslim women on college campuses? Or is something else going on.
In Salem, the popular wisdom that witchcraft was a threat opened the door for teenage girls to offer up hysterical accusations. The accusations led to a mass hysteria of other accusers, collective panic and political persecution. Similar “witch hunts” have haunted us before. The Islamophobia witch hunt is only the latest manifestation of an obsession with an imaginary crisis exploding into mass hysteria.
There is no way to know which of the unsolved cases is true. But mass hysteria is the dangerous symptom of a deeper conflict. And those who promote it ought to contemplate the consequences.
The obsession with an imaginary Islamophobia crisis has been called a witch hunt before. But the hijab hate crimes hysteria eerily resembles the mass hysteria of Salem with teenage girls, some of whom like Yasmin are clearly emotionally unstable, coming forward to tell fantastic psychosexual stories of being attacked for their hijabs by Trump supporters, and then being lavished with attention and praise.
The tales of roving Trump gangs tearing off the hijabs of Muslim teenage girls caters to the parochial xenophobia of Muslims convinced that their daughters are at risk of being dishonored by Americans, to the Islamist agendas of CAIR and the MSA who use victimhood to build a political empire of theocracy, and to the media which is desperate to attribute racist violence to Trump any way that it can.
The hijab witch hunts are as twisted as anything in Salem. And just as malignant and dangerous.
Great piece again!
ReplyDeleteI think there's a simpler explanation. These young women are at the peak of their "freshness" (for lack of a less smarmy term). It sucks for them in *this* culture that *their* "culture" requires them to hide what they have under a sack. That simply has to mess with their heads on a level that I, as a man, can never comprehend.
The bottom line is that the notoriety of being the "victim" of a "hate crime" goes a long way toward satisfying that itch to be a person of note.
It's too bad that this ploy plays right into the hands of the enemy within who, in their heart of hearts, support the jihad.
After President Trump is sworn in, one these otherwise "fresh" young women will don the dynamite-loaded vest and detonate herself on a public commuter bus or subway car and leave all kinds of Facebook/Twitter manifestos as to why.
And then we will ban the hijab. Good riddance! That's the first step to banning the jihad.
No we won't. Solid tolerant progressives across the US will don hijabs and tweet #StopTheHate or some other inanity. Network anchors will go on air wearing them. Some fashion show will have every model wearing them (male and female).
DeleteAnd then Time and Newsweek will feature a cover image of a P-shopped Trump snarling and ripping a hijab from a terrified woman with his bare teeth.
Identity group members love to flaunt their victimhood with these melodramatic, adolescent, oh so poignant tableaux. How heroic the event, how urgent the journalists' calls, how global the news rush, how envious the peers. And THEN; the invitation to the White House!
ReplyDeletePolice "victim" Prof. H.L. Gates; "Clock Boy"; Bergdahl Mommy and Daddy; The "Black Lives" Cabal; Al Sharpton: all shameless poseurs whose sainthood was anointed by the First Victim President.
Just think!! They'll be invited to talk shows for the rest of their lives. People Magazine has years of covers for them. You just can't beat Street Cred like this.
Thanks! Fascinating topic. Would be quite interesting to get deep enough into the psychology involved to really understand what is going on.
ReplyDeleteThat said, a couple minor issues that occurred to me:
1. Has there even been a genuine case of Hijab removal? I would suspect most white males of that age know nothing of Hijabs, whether it is even possible to remove them, etc. Most males of that age would more likely be sexually interested in the ladies rather than politically motivated.
2. Ooops, I forgot what the other issues were. The psychosexual motivations underlying the female behavior would be interesting to understand.
Thanks for pointing out the similarity to the Salem witchcraft trials, indeed that is a quite interesting and possibly deep issue.
"There is no way to know which of the unsolved cases is true. But mass hysteria is a dangerous symptom of a deeper conflict. And those who promote it ought to contemplate the consequences."
ReplyDeleteHow true but it's to late to contemplate, the consequences are upon us. Which is exactly why #NeverTrumpers stayed away from Mr. Trumps rhetoric that swayed between misogyny and xenophobia. When his entire campaign was attracted to alt-right conspiracy theorist who believe that the government is being taken over by the Rothschilds, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Fed and illegal aliens you are begging the opposition to paint you and your followers as dangerous kooks. Justly or not once that picture is painted it substantiates every image the left has said about Republicans and especially Conservatives over the past 50 years. It invites preposterous allegations to be made in order to discredit you and disrupt your agenda. And as we are well aware the left wing MSM has no intention of finding out "which of the unsolved cases are true" when the opportunity is there to smear the administration.
And of course MN State Rep Omar Iihan reported being harassed by a cabbie, so she's doing her part.
If it wasn't on MSDNC it didn't happen.
ReplyDeleteI'm reminded this is how the Rwandan genocide started. With nonstop fake news increasingly calling for 'retribution'.
ReplyDeleteI think this stuff is great; it shows the confused hard-working Joe Sixpack that just about every "social atrocity" is childish denial and a sign of desperation (and widespread dishonesty). The more these silly attack stories are promoted by the confused Media, the more the average, not-paying-a-lot-of-attention public learns to ignore "the news". Their efforts just make them look more adolescent, and totally without credibility. It's back-firing; they know it, but don't know what else to do.
ReplyDeleteGreat article. I find it very interesting that none of these attacks has been caught on film, even though universities usually have security cameras posted everywhere. If they were legit, why isn't the media breathlessly running the tape 24/7?
ReplyDeleteI live in NYC -- ride the subway all the time. When I read about the alleged attack of this girl by three Trump supporters wearing Trump hats I knew it was phony. I have never seen anyone in NYC wearing a Trump hat, never mind three guys at the same time. Anyone with a wit of sense would realize that the big story here was - we found 3 guys with Trump hats! That would be a front page headline by itself. Well, the alleged attack fit the why not print it. It would be too much to hope that those dopes were embarrassed by their gullibility -- but, they aren't.
ReplyDeleteTwo thoughts:
ReplyDeleteThe NYC subway 'victim's' sister quoted as blaming the police for investigating the claim which has made it so much worse for her family... a consumately revealing accusation.
Recalling how the media presented the thousands of rapes last year in Germany by young male refuges - it's just cultural, you know?
"She insisted however that she did not want him to be charged for his attack..."
ReplyDeleteThere is her exit strategy. The claim is true but without the legal exposure of being a liar.
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