Senator Bernie Sanders, berated his staff, forced female staffers to sleep in the same rooms as men, exposed them to sexual harassment, spread hate, allied with terrorists, all to win two elections he lost.
The only thing the socialist got out of his failed campaigns was membership in the 1 percent.
That and memories of flying around the country and the world on private jets, and his three homes, and bulging bank accounts paid for by an army of gullible idiots who believed in his cause more than he did.
Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren could be locking up the Democrat nomination right now. Instead they wasted $300 million and lost to a crooked senile hack who can barely complete a sentence.
The two socialist candidates had raised the most money directly and through PACs, $182 million for Bernie, $151 million for Warren, had the most passionate supporters, and the best media coverage.
Why then did these two sprightly septuagenarian socialists lose? Because they’re socialists.
Socialists believe in redistributing other people’s things, but fiercely cling to their own. The greediest people in the world are lefties. The two socialist senators were full of big ideas for what to do with other people’s money, but don’t touch their homes and their millions. And don’t redistribute their voters.
When other Democrats dropped out and united behind Biden, Bernie and Warren couldn’t make way for each other. Even when Warren dropped out, she refused to endorse Bernie, dooming him to defeat.
Bernie and Warren were running on the same basic issues. When Warren refused to endorse Bernie, it was a suicide bombing that not only blew up his campaign, but took down her own platform with it.
It wasn’t about the issues. Bernie and Warren were really motivated by greed and ego.
Neither Warren nor Bernie could do what all the other candidates in the race did, drop out and endorse somebody else. The socialists stayed in and doomed each other in a political suicide pact because they were too petty and greedy to overcome their differences for a higher cause. That’s how socialism dies.
Socialists pretend that they want everyone else to sacrifice for the greater good, but they never do.
The Soviet Union’s Communist leadership reacted to Chernobyl by moving radioactive dairy products away from Moscow and to other parts of the country. China’s Communist leadership dealt with the coronavirus by lying to their people and to the rest of the world to maintain their regime’s credibility.
The EU has descended into infighting in every crisis, from Muslim mass migrant invasions to the coronavirus, over who has to make the sacrifices. New York City’s Mayor Bill de Blasio insisted on going to the gym, with an NYPD detail, while others were told to practice social distancing. Chicago’s Mayor Lori Lightfoot decided to get her hair cut even as the city’s small businesses were being closed down.
It’s easy for politicians to tell ordinary people to sacrifice while they live it up Masque of the Red Death style during a plague.
But what happens when a trolley problem of two top socialist politicians arrives, and they have to decide which of them makes the sacrifice for the greater good? The answer is deeply revealing.
Socialist leaders won’t sacrifice for each other. Not for the sake of their cause. Or for anything.
Ideology didn’t unite Bernie and Warren. Instead, one by one, the two socialist politicians were forced to drop out, leaving both of them alone with nothing. Socialism doesn’t unite us. It divides and isolates us.
Like the Chinese Communist virus.
Socialism doesn’t work because instead of the noble altruistic leaders the ideology calls for, it actually attracts meanspirited and greedy control freaks who use it to set up their own private fiefdoms. Once implemented, actual socialism never turns into a utopia of angels, disdainful of materialism, but descends into a hell of demons who fight each other over the last stale cookie on a tarnished plate.
That’s why idealistic revolutions end in cycles of purges fueled by ego, malice, and greed.
Bernie and Warren couldn’t put each other up against a wall, so they had to settle for the next best thing. He brought down her campaign and then she brought down his campaign. Neither would serve in heaven and won’t even have the opportunity, like Milton’s Satan, or Stalin and Mao, to rule in hell.
Before the two of them become footnotes in electoral history, there is a question they should answer.
How dare they demand that everyone else sacrifice for the greater good, when neither of them would? Where did these two socialists get the chutzpah to lecture Americans on everything from how much deodorant they use to how much taxes they pay? Where is their commitment to redistribution?
Bernie Sanders quadrupled his net worth since he began plotting to run for president in 2012. He made his millions from his national profile. And he also used that profile to funnel money to family members. Every time he ran for President on a platform of taking away everyone’s money, he came away richer.
Why did Bernie take so long to drop out? Because even ActBlue idiots wouldn’t go on paying for his private jets if he dropped out. It took a pandemic and the effective shutdown of the election for the scam to end. If it wasn’t for the Chinese Virus, Bernie would have dragged it out to the last million.
But there’s no private jet flights paid for by ActBlue donors to the Vatican in a pandemic.
Bernie’s campaign slogan, “Not Me, Us”, was the biggest lie since, “Hope and Change.”
It was always about “Me”. It was about Bernie, his book deals, his houses, his private jets, his interviews, and his fame. At his age, he knows that he will probably never run again and never cash in again.
None of that makes Bernie a hypocrite. Worse. It makes him a socialist.
Bernie Sanders has spent his entire miserable life figuring out a way to make money without working. The socialist lifestyle of collective farms wasn’t for him. He wanted to get into politics because he’s lazy, narcissistic, a control freak, abusive, greedy, and incompetent. Those character traits left him with two options: Hollywood and Washington D.C. And Bernie is a bad actor who can only memorize a few lines.
His career was built on pandering to the same radicals when he first got into politics and when he tried to crawl into the White House. Along the way he completely changed his views on any number of issues from immigration to gun control. But he never stopped figuring out how to cash in on his politics.
And now he’s done it.
Bernie leaves his great socialist crusade as a 1 percenter, a millionaire with three homes, despite accomplishing absolutely nothing. Socialism isn’t real for ordinary people, but it’s real for socialists.
“Not Me, Us”, Bernie claimed.
What have the “Us” gotten out of the Bernie campaign beyond the opportunity to pay for all his stuff? The same thing anyone gets under socialism: the privilege of paying for the lifestyles of their leaders.
Socialism isn’t about helping people. It’s about helping socialists.
Between the two of them, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, brought down the socialist cause. But nobody destroys socialism like socialists. It was the Communists who really brought down the USSR and if the EU and Communist China’s leadership fall to the pandemic, it will also be entirely their own doing.
Lefties have always been the great destroyers of their own movements. Bernie and Warren followed in that proud tradition, sacrificing their own movement to their greed and egos, and leaving the dumpster fire of their campaigns with millions in book payments from the very corporations that they condemn.
And if you think they were a grifting disaster, wait until Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez runs for president.
Thank you for reading.
The only thing the socialist got out of his failed campaigns was membership in the 1 percent.
That and memories of flying around the country and the world on private jets, and his three homes, and bulging bank accounts paid for by an army of gullible idiots who believed in his cause more than he did.
Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren could be locking up the Democrat nomination right now. Instead they wasted $300 million and lost to a crooked senile hack who can barely complete a sentence.

Why then did these two sprightly septuagenarian socialists lose? Because they’re socialists.
Socialists believe in redistributing other people’s things, but fiercely cling to their own. The greediest people in the world are lefties. The two socialist senators were full of big ideas for what to do with other people’s money, but don’t touch their homes and their millions. And don’t redistribute their voters.
When other Democrats dropped out and united behind Biden, Bernie and Warren couldn’t make way for each other. Even when Warren dropped out, she refused to endorse Bernie, dooming him to defeat.
Bernie and Warren were running on the same basic issues. When Warren refused to endorse Bernie, it was a suicide bombing that not only blew up his campaign, but took down her own platform with it.
It wasn’t about the issues. Bernie and Warren were really motivated by greed and ego.
Neither Warren nor Bernie could do what all the other candidates in the race did, drop out and endorse somebody else. The socialists stayed in and doomed each other in a political suicide pact because they were too petty and greedy to overcome their differences for a higher cause. That’s how socialism dies.
Socialists pretend that they want everyone else to sacrifice for the greater good, but they never do.
The Soviet Union’s Communist leadership reacted to Chernobyl by moving radioactive dairy products away from Moscow and to other parts of the country. China’s Communist leadership dealt with the coronavirus by lying to their people and to the rest of the world to maintain their regime’s credibility.
The EU has descended into infighting in every crisis, from Muslim mass migrant invasions to the coronavirus, over who has to make the sacrifices. New York City’s Mayor Bill de Blasio insisted on going to the gym, with an NYPD detail, while others were told to practice social distancing. Chicago’s Mayor Lori Lightfoot decided to get her hair cut even as the city’s small businesses were being closed down.
It’s easy for politicians to tell ordinary people to sacrifice while they live it up Masque of the Red Death style during a plague.
But what happens when a trolley problem of two top socialist politicians arrives, and they have to decide which of them makes the sacrifice for the greater good? The answer is deeply revealing.
Socialist leaders won’t sacrifice for each other. Not for the sake of their cause. Or for anything.
Ideology didn’t unite Bernie and Warren. Instead, one by one, the two socialist politicians were forced to drop out, leaving both of them alone with nothing. Socialism doesn’t unite us. It divides and isolates us.
Like the Chinese Communist virus.
Socialism doesn’t work because instead of the noble altruistic leaders the ideology calls for, it actually attracts meanspirited and greedy control freaks who use it to set up their own private fiefdoms. Once implemented, actual socialism never turns into a utopia of angels, disdainful of materialism, but descends into a hell of demons who fight each other over the last stale cookie on a tarnished plate.
That’s why idealistic revolutions end in cycles of purges fueled by ego, malice, and greed.
Bernie and Warren couldn’t put each other up against a wall, so they had to settle for the next best thing. He brought down her campaign and then she brought down his campaign. Neither would serve in heaven and won’t even have the opportunity, like Milton’s Satan, or Stalin and Mao, to rule in hell.
Before the two of them become footnotes in electoral history, there is a question they should answer.
How dare they demand that everyone else sacrifice for the greater good, when neither of them would? Where did these two socialists get the chutzpah to lecture Americans on everything from how much deodorant they use to how much taxes they pay? Where is their commitment to redistribution?
Bernie Sanders quadrupled his net worth since he began plotting to run for president in 2012. He made his millions from his national profile. And he also used that profile to funnel money to family members. Every time he ran for President on a platform of taking away everyone’s money, he came away richer.
Why did Bernie take so long to drop out? Because even ActBlue idiots wouldn’t go on paying for his private jets if he dropped out. It took a pandemic and the effective shutdown of the election for the scam to end. If it wasn’t for the Chinese Virus, Bernie would have dragged it out to the last million.
But there’s no private jet flights paid for by ActBlue donors to the Vatican in a pandemic.
Bernie’s campaign slogan, “Not Me, Us”, was the biggest lie since, “Hope and Change.”
It was always about “Me”. It was about Bernie, his book deals, his houses, his private jets, his interviews, and his fame. At his age, he knows that he will probably never run again and never cash in again.
None of that makes Bernie a hypocrite. Worse. It makes him a socialist.
Bernie Sanders has spent his entire miserable life figuring out a way to make money without working. The socialist lifestyle of collective farms wasn’t for him. He wanted to get into politics because he’s lazy, narcissistic, a control freak, abusive, greedy, and incompetent. Those character traits left him with two options: Hollywood and Washington D.C. And Bernie is a bad actor who can only memorize a few lines.
His career was built on pandering to the same radicals when he first got into politics and when he tried to crawl into the White House. Along the way he completely changed his views on any number of issues from immigration to gun control. But he never stopped figuring out how to cash in on his politics.
And now he’s done it.
Bernie leaves his great socialist crusade as a 1 percenter, a millionaire with three homes, despite accomplishing absolutely nothing. Socialism isn’t real for ordinary people, but it’s real for socialists.
“Not Me, Us”, Bernie claimed.
What have the “Us” gotten out of the Bernie campaign beyond the opportunity to pay for all his stuff? The same thing anyone gets under socialism: the privilege of paying for the lifestyles of their leaders.
Socialism isn’t about helping people. It’s about helping socialists.
Between the two of them, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, brought down the socialist cause. But nobody destroys socialism like socialists. It was the Communists who really brought down the USSR and if the EU and Communist China’s leadership fall to the pandemic, it will also be entirely their own doing.
Lefties have always been the great destroyers of their own movements. Bernie and Warren followed in that proud tradition, sacrificing their own movement to their greed and egos, and leaving the dumpster fire of their campaigns with millions in book payments from the very corporations that they condemn.
And if you think they were a grifting disaster, wait until Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez runs for president.
Daniel Greenfield is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. This article previously appeared at the Center's Front Page Magazine.
Thank you for reading.
Congratulations. In this one short article, you've just covered the very foundational philosophy of socialism for the 231 years of its existence, from the beginning of the French Revolution in 1789 until today. Nothing has changed in 231 years. Socialist are all still greedy, vile, amoral, selfish, hypocritical misanthropes. And deadly!
ReplyDeleteEventually, thanks to the 1965 Hart-Cellar Act, and generations of children who are taught to hate this country; a communist like Bernie or Warren will someday be elected. Clearly, they have no problems raising money and have already been elected to national office. It’s only a matter of time. as demographics are destiny. Keep importing 3rd world communist from latin American and Asia and eventually that’s what you become.
ReplyDeletelibido dominandi
ReplyDeleteNailed it. As always.
ReplyDeleteMasque of the Red Death --THE "Red Death" had long devastated the country. No pestilence had ever been so fatal, or so hideous.
ReplyDelete...1842 Edgar Allen Poe-----your essay does him proud--thank you Sultan!
Hahahahahahaha AOC for prez. hahahahahahahahahahahahaha
ReplyDeleteExcellent piece ! Warren would not endorse Bernie who had a similar ideology because she wanted the power but could not stand for him having it.
ReplyDeleteAmong the whole Clown Car Dem Primary, Bernhontas
ReplyDeleteare the toxic worst. Quite an accomplishment,
recalling Beto, Kamala, Cory, and other challenged,
malodorous critters. Bernhontas were, to steal an
invective, Deplorable.
"a crooked senile hack who can barely complete a sentence." That one description of the dims' standard bearer is worth the price of admission alone. Covers it completely. The rest of the piece is also quite illuminating. Now, how do we educate the youngins so as to avoid what does seem like inevitable? Maybe a couple of more pandemics, or just typhoid, tb, or the measles, will be enough to wise up the cretins to tighten, not loosen, the border(s). Yashar koach!
ReplyDelete.... Socialism isn’t about helping people. It’s about helping socialists ....
ReplyDeleteThat's why it's only actually-free cheese is that in its every trap.
Right on!
ReplyDeleteLeftists broadly speaking suffer from Munchausen syndrome on steroids. They provoke social illnesses they can ‘cure’. That is why they are uncomfortable with real diseases like the Wuhan bug. For them reality sucks, worse even, exposes them as ignoramuses… How dare you?
ReplyDelete👍👍👍hit the perverble nail.on the head socialism sucks!!
ReplyDeleteI have come to conclude there is no future in the west as whites have abandoned their religion and and the boomers have betrayed their heritage and sold their children to debt slavery in exchange for unfunded liabilities. Due to the fact that there is no credible pushback against identity politics in the academy and people favor sexual liberation over restoring the family I have reached one conclusion. I believe the future is Islamic. I would like to say that I am wrong but I see no reason to believe otherwise. Can anyone explain to me why I am wrong?
ReplyDeleteThe rift between labor and capital has not been this great since 1929. Tens of millions are unemployed, unknown numbers of small businesses will file for bankruptcy, and the Fed is subsidizing junk-rated corporations whose CEOs continue to take home 8 figure salaries. If Bernie could have eschewed identity and environmental politics - and the socialist label- and focused on working men and women, I think he could have run and perhaps won as a 3rd party candidate. This should have been his moment. Ironically, he could run as the New Capitalist party, in which poorly run companies are not bailed out and have to file for bankruptcy. I say this as a life long Republican disgusted by yet another round of bailouts.
ReplyDeleteDear Epoche,
ReplyDeleteYour defeatist prognostication is ill-founded.
The “White Religion” is Judaeo-Christianity?
Islam fights everybody. So everybody fights back.
To return to an individual and family centered
civilization, we use confidence and common sense.
Widely practiced in the early days of the USA.
Islam and Communism are relics. Using religion
and government is using more relics.
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