Socio-Feudalism’s War on the Individual
The transformation of the medieval world into the modern world came about with the idea that man could and should transform his lot in life. The liberal individualism of the Enlightenment however was soon countered by reactionary movements, feudal and socio-feudal, seeking to put the genie of individual autonomy back in the box through collectivist movements. Among the most prominent of these was what would eventually be called socialism. While early socialist movements had been a radical Christian heresy emphasizing communal living, these experiments invariably failed on a local level leaving behind a trail of wrecked lives. 19th century radical theorists began laying out plans for the communal transformations of entire societies. Fourier’s socialist ‘Phalanxes’ which would influence everything from Soviet communal farms to hippie communes in the U.S,. were feudal mass communities with no private property and everyone assigned a role in life under the rule of a centralized ‘omniarch’.