Home recent A Nation of Free People or Free Things
Home recent A Nation of Free People or Free Things

A Nation of Free People or Free Things

A few centuries ago, some young men refused to have their property and their political autonomy redistributed to an elite thousands of miles away.

The very idea of having a revolution over such a thing seems entirely absurd to today’s wokes.

Or as another Englishman once again, “Imagine there’s no countries”. It’s easy if you live in the EU.

All that the Crown really wanted was for the colonists to pay their “fair share” of taxes, the same demand constantly put forward by Democrat millionaires like Sen. Elizabeth Warren or Sen. Bernie Sanders, a share that was determined thousands of miles away. All that the colonists wanted was the rights of Englishmen that they believed they were entitled to. After a great deal of bloodshed, the colonists won the right to be Americans instead—an odd series of consonants and vowels having to do with an Italian explorer but meaning personal freedom and limited government. Now we have free things, unlimited government, and our freedom shrinks in proportion to the growth of our free things and of the government that hands them out.

To the denizens of public housing watching the fireworks burn briefly in the sky, who get a free ride on everything from food to housing by taking away everyone else’s freedom and future, the fireworks are just one more free thing in the sea of free things that they swim in.

To the Democrat voters of the welfare state, this is Fireworks Day. Every country has its fireworks days and this is the day that this one chooses to light up the night sky. The day means nothing to them because though they are surrounded by free things, they aren’t free. The difference between freedom and free things has been progressively erased so that many think that the American Revolution was fought because the British were racists or weren’t providing free transgender surgery to the colonies.

There is a big difference between a free country and a country of free things. You can have one or the other, but you can’t have both.

We are a nation overflowing with the right to things paid for with other people’s money. Only a country of free things obsesses with making everyone pay their fair share for the benefit of the people who want the free things. Rugged individualism has given way to stifling crowds, co-dependent on each other, lined shoulder to shoulder, clutching at each other’s wallets, crying, “Take from him and give to me.”

JFK’s famous line, “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country” was always a hollow lie. Half the country is expected to ask what their country can do for them, while the other half is expected to ask what they can do for their country. This simmering civil war is often pegged as a class war, but it isn’t about class. There are billionaires and paupers on both sides, and the divide cuts across the Middle Class, dividing those who derive their income from private business from those who receive it from government and government-subsidized employment.

The Fourth of July is Independence Day, but every other day is Co-Dependence Day, the days we celebrate our integration, our volunteerism and our compliance with a vast system which makes everyone dependent on the government and which makes the government dependent on everyone who still works for someone other than the government.

Empires function by draining every drop from their possessions to cover their costs. The British Crown tried to drain America to pay down its debt, resulting in growing protests from the population and eventually a revolution. Now the Empire of Co-Dependency is draining its independent subjects for the benefit of its dependent subjects and the dependency infrastructure that employs its numberless bureaucrats who govern it all.

A new crisis is always here to justify higher taxes and bigger government.

The American Revolution was not a struggle for another nation, one of many, but for a free nation. It was not split off to accommodate the national strivings of an ethnic group or their historical destiny. Its guiding idea, like its national holiday, was independence, but independence means very little unless it reaches the individual.

Like all pyramid schemes, the burden of dependency is passed on to greater and greater systems until its weight is more than that of the entire world. That burden of co-dependency is like a rock rolling downhill; it gathers more and more mass to itself, increasing its momentum, until it crashes.

The new Crown is not a person, it is an idea. The throne at whose foot a formerly free people kneel is the golden seat of the welfare state. While the fireworks light up the sky, a counterrevolution undid the revolution.

As the last wave of fireworks die out, the shooting stars sinking to earth and vanishing into the darkness, the light of Independence Day fades and the crowds slowly trudge away from the brief spectacle, past the lines of police barricades, through narrow streets, past government buildings, back to their co-dependent lives in a co-dependent nation where the will of the people and the rights of the individual matter less than the latest proposal to solve the problems of their independence by making the country a more dependent place.

A few hundred years ago in these streets, men and women celebrated the end of tyranny, and in its darkest hour, lines of grim men marched along the waterfront up to the highest point on the island to mount a final defense. Sometimes the older buildings still wear their shadows on their brick walls and by the golden light of the fireworks you can almost see them, shadows moving in the darkness, their footsteps taking them north, a faint song on their lips, muskets in their hands, their lives lost and gained in defense of their freedom.

(Daniel Greenfield will be appearing at the AFA’s Literary Cafe on July 14th, Bastille Day, at the Luxe Sunset Boulevard Hotel, to discuss the American and French revolutions and the origins of our struggle against the Left.)


  1. Anonymous5/7/24

    That would be an awesome campaign slogan…Free People or Free Things

    1. it would, I suspect too few Republicans have the guts to embrace it

  2. Anonymous5/7/24

    I'm developing a severe case of bromance with every post.
    Keep up the fight brother-in-liberty.

  3. It's a real tribute to you that I recall you writing on this some time back.
    And because nobody really gets things at your level, you're good enough to remind us of this very deep,deceptively simple truth.
    Profound and mind bending genius.
    As ever.
    Glad you give us a few days between essays ,so we can digest, make notes and incorporate it all.
    Thanks MrG.

  4. It's a real tribute to you that I recall you writing on this some time back.
    And because nobody really gets things at your level, you're good enough to remind us of this very deep,deceptively simple truth.
    Profound and mind bending genius.
    As ever.
    Glad you give us a few days between essays ,so we can digest, make notes and incorporate it all.
    Thanks MrG.

    1. It's great that you remember that. This was my classic July 4th piece.

  5. Anonymous6/7/24

    Co-dependence Day - genius


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