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A Pakistani Government Official Was One of Biden’s Largest Donors

Right before Election Day, Biden finally released the names of his ‘bundlers’: the big money fundraisers who backed his 2020 campaign. One of them was ‘Muhammad’ Tahir Javed: a Biden surrogate, Democratic National Committee deputy finance chair, and future Pakistani cabinet member. Javed bragged that he had “raised over $2M for the Biden Harris transition team” and “recruited 30+ donors to the transition team and general campaign, four of whom were recognized along with myself… to have raised over $100,000 personally.” These donors would have likely come through Javed’s roles in various Islamic and Pakistani groups operating inside America.. The Congressional Pakistan Caucus Foundation, founded by Javed, was announced at an event with Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, Rep. Eric Swalwell (who was later caught having relations with a Chinese Communist spy) and Rep. Henry Cuellar (currently indicted for bribery) with the expectation that another 37 members of Congress would also join.a Pakistani ‘


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A Pakistani Government Official Was One of Biden’s Largest Donors

Right before Election Day, Biden finally released the names of his ‘bundlers’: the big money fundraisers who backed his 2020 campaign. One of them was ‘Muhammad’ Tahir Javed: a Biden surrogate, Democratic National Committee deputy finance chair, and future Pakistani cabinet member. Javed bragged that he had “raised over $2M for the Biden Harris transition team” and “recruited 30+ donors to the transition team and general campaign, four of whom were recognized along with myself… to have raised over $100,000 personally.” These donors would have likely come through Javed’s roles in various Islamic and Pakistani groups operating inside America.. The Congressional Pakistan Caucus Foundation, founded by Javed, was announced at an event with Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, Rep. Eric Swalwell (who was later caught having relations with a Chinese Communist spy) and Rep. Henry Cuellar (currently indicted for bribery) with the expectation that another 37 members of Congress would also join.a Pakistani ‘

Rape is Resistance and Beepers are Genocide

The myth that Israel’s tactics not its existence is at issue died with the murdered Jewish families on Oct 7 and the Hezbollah terrorists taken out by pagers on September 17 and 18. No sooner did the encrypted communications devices handed out to members of the Islamic Jihadist group begin exploding than human rights experts and the UN began condemning the single greatest targeted attack on a terror group as a violation of international law. Those same organizations and activists had nothing to say about the Hezbollah rocket attacks on Israeli towns and villages that turned tens of thousands of Jews into refugees in their own country. There is no legitimate way for Israel (or any non-Muslim country) to take out an Islamic terrorist. No amount of warnings, phone calls and dropped leaflets and roof knocking warning bombs were enough of a precaution. Even hostage rescue operations were condemned for killing terrorists who in the usual Hamas medical department parlance turned into innocent

“Kamala Demands a Life of Luxury.”

“Kamala demands a life of luxury,” a former aide revealed . “She treats the campaign like a personal checking account to fund a lifestyle she aspires to,” another aide warned. “Staff has always worried about Kamala’s spending, but she is adamant about using campaign money as she wants,” that aide on her former Senate campaign said. “She wants to live the life of someone in the White House,” a strategist described Kamala in 2015, “and she hasn’t even won the Senate yet. Her hanging around the president and first lady”, referencing the Obamas, “it’s gotten her hooked. She thinks it’s her birthright and it’s not.” Kamala was raising and spending massive amounts of campaign cash. Much of it on herself. While Kamala falsely claimed that she was raised in “a middle-class household”, she was actually the “privileged child of foreign grad students” who traveled the world, and grew up surrounded by wealth. Her career as a prosecutor failed to satisfy her taste for luxury so she turned to Willie

The DOJ’s Abortion Civil Rights Violations

In May, Paulette Harlow, a 75-year-old grandmother, was sentenced to two years in prison for a civil disobedience protest at a D.C. abortion clinic. In September, Amber Smith-Stewart was sentenced to 30 days in prison for pro-abortion attacks on a pregnancy center. She and her two co-defendants had been tied to attacks on three pregnancy centers in Florida during which threatening messages such as “If abortions aren’t safe than niether are you” and “YOUR TIME IS UP!!” had been scrawled on them that were linked to the wave of nationwide attacks by the pro-abortion Jane’s Revenge terror group. Harlow was sentenced for what the Biden-Harris Department of Justice described as “a conspiracy that created a blockade” of the abortion clinic doors. Generally this is known as civil disobedience, but the FACE Act turned abortion clinics into ‘first amendment free zones’ where people can spend years in prison for doing the same things other protesters get away with. However the FACE Act equally

Israel is Settling America’s Scores With Islamic Terrorists

The exploding pagers that reportedly wounded thousands of Hezbollah terrorists came within 3 days of the 40th anniversary of the Islamic terrorist group’s attack on an American embassy. On September 20, 1984, a Hezbollah terrorist drove a Chevy station wagon fitted with diplomatic plates and Soviet rockets at the US embassy in Beirut and detonated it, wounding the US ambassador and killing two Americans, Chief Warrant Officer Kenneth V. Welch and Petty Officer First Class Michael Ray Wagner, while wounding five other Americans. The Biden-Harris administration marked the 40th anniversary of the Hezbollah attack by dispatching Amos Hochstein, its envoy, to pressure Israel into turning over land to Hezbollah in exchange for some temporary quiet. A previous Hochstein deal saw Israel turn over gas fields to Hezbollah only to see the terror group launch thousands of rockets at northern communities in Israel. 60,000 Israelis have been displaced by these attacks and cannot return home. But th

Taliban Blame Afghanistan’s Problems on Global Warming

After three decades of wrecking Afghanistan, the Taliban finally found someone to blame for the miserable state of their Islamic emirate. In February, a bunch of bearded men gathered at one of the country’s remaining universities for the Taliban’s first International Climate Change Conference (no women or infidels allowed) under Mullah Abdul Kabir to cope with the crisis. According to the Taliban and its experts, there wasn’t enough water or there was too much flooding, the land is bad, and it’s the fault of someone else. Probably America. “Just like they invaded our country, they’ve invaded our climate,” Lutfullah Khairkhwa, the Taliban’s deputy higher education minister, who has a degree in the Koran, claimed . Khairkhwa then demanded that rich countries give the Taliban money in compensation for all the ‘climate change’ they inflicted on them. And that is what everything really comes down to. Third world countries embraced the global warming hoax because it allowed them to demand ca

A Deal With Hamas Means Israel’s Defeat

In the six months since terrorist supporters successfully branded their campaign to save the Hamas terrorist group as a ‘ceasefire’, the term was embraced by state governments, the Biden-Harris administration and now a growing number of American Jewish liberal groups. Even formerly pro-Israel figures and organizations are trying to sell the idea of saving Hamas and leaving it in control of Gaza as the right thing to do and even a ‘victory’ for Israel. Depicting an Israeli surrender to Hamas in which the Jewish State retreats from Gaza, trades thousands of terrorists for perhaps a dozen hostages, and billions in international aid pour into the coffers of Hamas while Yahya Sinwar holds a parade as a ‘victory’ takes a lot of chutzpah. Chutzpah and utterly delusional thinking are sadly not lacking. Some in Israel are willing to trade anything, including national survival, in exchange for the slim chance of getting some hostages back. American liberal Jewish organizations are focused on ele

Kamala’s Culture of Corruption

Kamala Harris is running as a prosecutor, but a lot of her old friends are in prison. Having the FBI knock on your door was an occupational hazard in Kamala’s San Francisco circles where her boyfriend, future Mayor Willie Brown, took her to Nob Hill parties by night, and by day appointed her to boards where she earned hundreds of thousands for showing up. But the biggest favor Willie did for Kamala wasn’t buying her a BMW, flying her to New York City on Trump’s plane, or accompanying him to the Oscars: it was buying her a political career. A few years after their fling, the FBI would begin its 5-year investigation of San Francisco city government. Kamala’s sugar daddy had been the focus of investigations going back two decades . Kamala Harris claimed that she had become a prosecutor to fight for justice, but when she was dating the married Brown, he had been the focus of FBI investigations going back to when she had been a teenager. It did not deter her. If anything, just the opposite

How California’s Bar Stole $95M From Client Trust Accounts to Fund Open Borders

The Center for Gender & Refugee Studies has spent years battling on behalf of illegal alien invaders. Earlier, Freedom Center Investigates exposed how the lawfare group housed at a University of California law school provides full service open borders support. “During Trump, my CGRS colleagues and I expended a tremendous amount of energy challenging the anti-immigrant policies that were issued on what seemed like an almost daily basis,” Karen Musalo, the CGRS founding director, boasted. The Center also offers a database of “expert witnesses” willing to testify on behalf of the ‘refugee’ claims of border invaders. It urges licensed medical or mental health personnel to register to “support asylum seekers with forensic mental or physical evaluations.” Who funds the CRGS open borders lawfare? Many of those who fund it don’t even know it. CGRS is one of the radical leftist groups that benefits from interest seized from trust accounts controlled by lawyers and redistributed to some of

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