Home Biden Pakistan recent A Pakistani Government Official Was One of Biden’s Largest Donors
Home Biden Pakistan recent A Pakistani Government Official Was One of Biden’s Largest Donors

A Pakistani Government Official Was One of Biden’s Largest Donors

Right before Election Day, Biden finally released the names of his ‘bundlers’: the big money fundraisers who backed his 2020 campaign. One of them was ‘Muhammad’ Tahir Javed: a Biden surrogate, Democratic National Committee deputy finance chair, and future Pakistani cabinet member.

Javed bragged that he had “raised over $2M for the Biden Harris transition team” and “recruited 30+ donors to the transition team and general campaign, four of whom were recognized along with myself… to have raised over $100,000 personally.” These donors would have likely come through Javed’s roles in various Islamic and Pakistani groups operating inside America..

The Congressional Pakistan Caucus Foundation, founded by Javed, was announced at an event with Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, Rep. Eric Swalwell (who was later caught having relations with a Chinese Communist spy) and Rep. Henry Cuellar (currently indicted for bribery) with the expectation that another 37 members of Congress would also join.a Pakistani ‘caucus’. Javed had donated around $15,000 to Rep. Jackson Lee, and around $9,000 to Swalwell and Cuellar.

“Overseas Pakistanis are more loyal to their homeland,” Javed had stated as a caucus official.

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan, who called Osama bin Laden a “martyr”, declared, “Tahir Javed has been instrumental in setting up a Pakistan Congress Foundation that has played a key role in revival and activation of Congressional Pakistan Caucus at the 116th Congress”.

When Tahir Javed unsuccessfully ran for Congress, he was endorsed by APPAC, the American-Pakistani Political Action Committee, whose leader, Ijaz Ahmad, was another Biden bundler, and which claimed to have raised a third of a million dollars for Biden.

Javed also boasted of having founded ‘Muslims for Biden’ which “organized volunteers to make 15,000 calls to voters in three key Florida counties with high Muslim populations” and “sermons in mosques across the country”.

A former Hillary Clinton bundler, he’s listed as having made nearly a quarter of a million in personal contributions. That may explain why congressional Democrats were willing to show up to his events or even travel with him to enemy territory in Pakistan.

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee and Rep. Tom Suozzi visited Pakistan in 2022 and met with officials of the Islamic terror state, but it was Rep. Ilhan Omar’s trip during which she endorsed its claim to the Indian territory of Kashmir and met with Al Qaeda allies that attracted scrutiny to Javed.

Javed’s simultaneous ties to Pakistani government officials and to Democrat officials were troubling. While serving as a player in the Biden White House and Congress, the Pakistani immigrant was also playing a role in Pakistani politics that was about to get much bigger.

While Javed had allegedly campaigned and donated to Prime Minister Khan, it was Khan’s arrest on corruption charges that gave him real power. As a Biden bundler, some had speculated that Javed would be on the short list as the U.S. ambassador to Pakistan.

Instead he became a Pakistani government official.

In Oct 2023, it was announced that Tahir Javed would join Pakistan’s new cabinet as a Special Assistant to the Prime Minister and oversee its investments. Reports stated that the top Democrat now working for an enemy state would have all the privileges of a Minister of State.

Rather than returning the money they had taken from a man who was now part of a foreign government, Rep. Ilhan Omar and other House Democrats issued statements praising him.

“I join my colleagues in congratulating Muhammad Tahir Javed on this appointment. Looking forward to a partnership based on widely shared prosperity,” Rep. Omar tweeted.

“Congratulations to my friend Muhammad Tahir Javed on being appointed as Special Assistant to the Prime Minister/Minister of State on Investment. I wish you the best of luck and hope for a continued partnership in the future,” Rep. Hank Johnson cheered.

What “continued partnership” did Rep. Johnson have in mind with a foreign government official?

But the point soon became moot as Pakistani media outlets claimed that Javed had been ousted after it was reported that he had been convicted of felony theft in America in 1992. (Due to dueling Pakistani factions smearing each other, it’s unclear where the truth in that story lies. In October, Javed was using his government title, but he no longer seems to be using it.)

Shortly afterward, Javed’s son, Abrahim Javed, unsuccessfully ran for commissioner in Fort Bend County, Texas, with endorsements from Rep. Al Green, Rep. Ro Khanna and Rep. Jamaal Bowman, showing that the Javed’s family political influence in Texas was alive and well.

And Tahir Javed is still employing that influence for Islamic causes.

In March, Javed claimed, “I have been working closely with my contacts in Congress, both in the House and Senate, to advocate for a ceasefire and am proud of my friends like Senator Chris Van Hollen and Representatives Al Green and Jamaal Bowman and many more who continue to do so.” A ‘ceasefire’ is a misnomer as it would leave Hamas free to continue murdering non-Muslims. The former DNC deputy finance chair also posted, “I’ve worked to explain to the DNC that they need to meet with trusted people from the Muslim community.”

The real question is how much money Javed will be moving to Biden and the DNC.

In the 2020 election, Biden only released his damning list of bundlers right before Election Day. This time around, Biden’s people are likely to pull the same trick to hide his list of mega-donors. And no one may know until it’s too late if a Pakistani government official’s name will be on it.

Daniel Greenfield is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. This article previously appeared at the Center's Front Page Magazine.
Thank you for reading. 


  1. As ever,Mr G; you'll be into something that will emerge as vital before too long.
    In truth, our degree of cynicism and ennui in the face of this tsunami of corruption ; says more about our inability to process yet another example of a hostile power in the process of interfering with a US election .
    Which we'd once have thought was illegal, and worthy of punitive responses. No longer.
    And ,in a sense, the enemy is correct. Pakistan lucks up it's former political leaders too, on trumped up charges that vary by the month.
    In fact, now we know that about half of the Democrat
    voter base are sanguine about Trump being assassinated? I fail to see how we can share a country with this.
    So whether it's Pakistan, Zimbabwe or Saddam , Putin? We need to recallibrate our instinctive response to such egregious stories as this .
    Hacienda democratic theatre.


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