Showing posts from February, 2025


First Muslim Queer Immigrant Councilwoman Says America Isn’t Free

Duluth, Minnesota, a place that most liberals agreed was too white, finally made history when the otherwise boring 87% white city elected its first Muslim lesbian councilwoman. Azrin Awal, a Bangladeshi immigrant, moved to Duluth to attend the University of Minnesota, got a degree in gender and sexuality studies, co-founded the local NAACP chapter (despite not being black) was part of the Muslim Students Association and decided to run for public office because Duluth was Islamophobic and needed to fundamentally change to suit her tastes. And that’s after only being there for 5 years. But they were busy years in which the Bangladeshi immigrant claimed that she was a victim of Islamophobia because she had been called a ‘terrorist’ and had a hijab snatched from her head. Also she came out as ‘queer’ and her pronouns are either “She/They” or “She/Them/Theirs”. She took part in ‘drag shows’ and discussions about ‘Islamophobia’, telling students that “Islam means peace”, but not telling them...

The President, the Special Counsel and his Lawyers

New disclosures reveal that Special Counsel Jack Smith, tasked with taking down Trump at any cost, received $140,000 in pro bono legal services from Covington & Burling. Covington & Burling, the prominent D.C. law firm, was Biden’s campaign counsel. While six figures in free legal aid might seem like a lot of money, C & B’s lawyers had contributed $657,924 to the Kamala campaign and $262,171 to the DNC. But that was a drop in the bucket compared to the $737,000 that it was paid for its services by the Biden campaign and the $4.5 million that the law firm had been paid by the DNC. The $140,000 was easily ‘paid for’ by the lucrative economic relationship that Covington & Burling enjoyed with the Biden campaign and the Democratic party during the 2024 election. The six figure support for Smith can be viewed as part of C & B’s work for the campaign. And Jack Smith’s campaign to take down Trump, like the Steele dossier and the Mueller investigation, should be seen as t...

Searching for Condemnations in the Muslim World

After Hamas paraded the coffins of 9-month-old Kfir and 4-year-old Ariel to the cheers and jeers of its supporters, before turning over the coffins, locked with keys that did not fit to Israel, people looked for something to restore their faith in the goodness of mankind in the Muslim world. Millions thought they found it in fake quotes from the grand muftis of Saudi Arabia and the UAE. “What we say today in Gaza is a disgrace to Islam, an act of blasphemy against Allah,” Saudi Grand Mufti Abdulaziz bin Abdullah Al-Sheikh (pictured above) reportedly claimed in one viral social media post. “Hamas has brought shame to Islam on a level never seen before,” Grand Mufti of Dubai Ahmed al-Haddad allegedly proclaimed. Photos of the two Islamic religious leaders illustrated with these quotes racked up millions of views on social media. Some even found their way into news stories sourced from social media. The problem was that the quotes were fake and never existed outside social media. The Sau...

Is There a Constitutional Right to Castrate Children?

A racist, former Survivor contestant and tobacco progressive sued the president claiming that unless we castrate the kids, they’ll die. And a judge ruled in front of a courtroom full of transgender activists cheering for child mutilation that banning castration wasn’t constitutional. Where is child castration mentioned in the Constitution? The closest that the matter came to the attention of the Founding Fathers was when Thomas Jefferson authored a Virginia state bill punishing rape with castration. What Jefferson thought fitting for rapists, modern day members of his party believe is fitting for young children. The progressive child castration complex may be on the wrong side of history, sanity and decency, but so long as it has enough lawyers and judges, it will go on wielding the scalpel. Trump’s “Protecting Children from Chemical and Surgical Mutilation” executive order had temporarily ended the practice, opposed now even by most Democrats, of performing experimental, deadly and de...

The Child Murderers of Gaza

“O God, do not be silent; hold not Thy peace, and be not still,” the Chief Rabbi of Israel prayed the words of Psalm 83 over the bodies of two murdered children, their mother and an old man. Hamas and PLO terrorists had mockingly paraded their coffins to the cheers and jeers of Muslim men, women and children occupying Gaza while upbeat music played, they had mixed up the bodies, locked the boxes and then attached keys that did not work. After inspecting the coffins for explosives, Israel had covered them with its blue and white flag and prayed over them. Islam is an honor-shame culture and to humiliate the bodies of the children of your enemies is to show the strength of Allah and jeering the bodies of murdered children shows the glory of Islam. The celebration and mocking of the bodies of murdered children was not the work of some fringe group. Hamas took care to have every Islamic terrorist organization taking part in claiming victory, including the PLO's Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Bri...

Won’t Someone Please Think of the Government?

Democrats had expected to begin the cold new year by throwing a great pity party for illegal aliens, instead they have had to paint on their tears for a new victim: the government. The government is what they had really been talking about all along when they flipped through their roster of victims, Mother Earth, illegals, criminals, welfare queens, drag queens, and put their solutions on the table, solar panels, open borders, open prisons, free stuff and pronouns. Social justice really means more government. It’s only government that can get rid of the racist highways, rising (or falling) temperatures, the isms and the phobias, save the planet, keep cities weird and raise up the wretched, huddled masses yearning to never work a day in their lives. Every form of victimhood is government misspelled. Whatever the question, government is the eternal answer. And now the answer is being questioned not in rhetoric, in op-eds, position papers or FOX News commentaries, but by being taken out in...

Judicial Coup

In the weeks since President Trump took office, federal judges have arrogated to themselves the authority to control how the government spends money, whether the government can issue orders to government personnel and even the content displayed on government websites. Federal judges have claimed that the White House can’t offer buyouts to federal employees, can’t fire political appointees from the previous administrations, can’t pause funding, can’t cut funds to government programs, can’t change formulas allocating government grants and also can’t remove transgender ideology from government websites put there by its predecessors. And if the White House doesn’t even control government websites, what does it control? Conversely, federal judges can control any and all of these things at their whim and will. And that means that they control everything and that actual elected officials control nothing at all. In the aftermath of a landslide election, government unions have contended that th...