There Won’t Be Peace in Ukraine
In recent years a conviction has taken hold among some on the right, usually held by the left, that wars were an unnatural state of affairs that would not exist without conspiracies by the military-industrial complex, profiteering defense contractors, warmongers, covert interests looking to spread chaos, and everyone and everything except the actual causes of wars. Most wars are fought to seize territory. They arise from tribal tensions between ethnic and national groups that provide the underlying impulses for the conflict. Everything else, including geopolitical tensions and defense industries, are layers on top of this underlying reality of human nature as it has been for thousands of years. Denying one of the most basic patterns of human history is an ideological fantasy. Hate the players like Putin or Zelensky, but the game is an old one that goes back hundreds of years. And it isn’t getting resolved today, tomorrow or a hundred years from now unless everyone dies. Regardless of t...