Home Africa Pope Francis recent Pope Francis Ignores Church Massacre
Home Africa Pope Francis recent Pope Francis Ignores Church Massacre

Pope Francis Ignores Church Massacre


On Feb 14, 2025, Muslim terrorists kidnapped 70 Christians in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, took them to a church, tied them up and beheaded them. Their bodies were left there to rot by the Muslim killers who did it to show the supremacy of Islam over Christianity.

Pope Francis made no mention of this bloody massacre of Christians in a church, instead in a meeting with the Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic, he spoke about “the serious humanitarian emergency in Gaza.”

The fake famine invented by Muslim terrorists in Gaza somehow had priority over the mass killing of Christians.

Two days later there was still not a word about the mass murder of Christians, but in a message to the Jubilee of Artists and the World of Culture, Pope Francis urged them to pray for “pray for peace in tormented Ukraine, Palestine, Israel and all the Middle East, Myanmar, Kivu and Sudan.” The mention of Kivu, the general region in the DRC where the massacre took place, was the closest he came to mentioning the recent atrocity toward the very end of the long list.

Several weeks later, Pope Francis issued a statement from the hospital urging, “let us pray for martyred Ukraine, Palestine, Israel, Lebanon, Myanmar, Sudan and Kivu.”

Apart from Ukraine and Kivu, the rest of the pope’s list consisted of non-Christian countries, even more tellingly the list was skewed toward Muslim terrorist groups in Israel, ‘Palestine’, Lebanon and Sudan, along with the Communist ‘People’s Defense Forces’ in Myanmar.

Those Christians who were actually martyred for their faith in a church came last and were still not being mentioned directly by Pope Francis. The pope supposedly makes daily calls to Gaza, but there was no record of such daily calls to the beleaguered Christians of the DRC.

“It is silent genocide that has not been told. It reminds of what happened in Rwanda in 1994,” an anonymous priest said “It has been occurring for the last 30 years, but the international community has been silent.” The silence was coming just as strongly out of the Vatican which left one frightened priest to speak out about a generational genocide.

Pope Francis had accused Israel of genocide, but had asserted that, “I want to say clearly that I do not like it when people speak of a ‘genocide of Christians,’ for example in the Middle East”.

To say nothing of Africa.

In 2023, Pope Francis visited the DRC and blamed the violence on ‘capitalism’ and “’economic colonialism”. Using purple prose like the “poison of greed has smeared its diamonds with blood,” he warned ‘rich countries’ “Hands off the Democratic Republic of the Congo! Hands off Africa!”

Rather than preaching Christian teachings, the pope was propounding Marxist dogma.

The DRC’s problem wasn’t ‘colonialism’ and ‘capitalism’, but regional tribal and religious fighting, and the outside money being used to kill Christians was coming from Islamic ‘Hawala’ money exchange operations in Iraq, Jordan and around the Muslim world.

A few months later, the Islamists behind the latest massacre, killed 35 Christian villagers with machetes. Next year, Pope Francis issued yet another statement calling for peace and the protection of civilians without mentioning the Islamic Jihadists who were killing Christians.

Pope Francis isn’t too discreet about directing blame when he chooses to. Days before the church massacre in the DRC, he had dispatched a letter to American bishops, blasting the Trump administration, comparing illegal alien migrants to the “People of Israel”, and to “Jesus, Mary and Joseph”, and urging American Catholics to stand up for them.

When it comes to defending Muslims, Pope Francis has the courage of a lion. The pope has falsely accused Israel of genocide for fighting against Hamas in Gaza. When Israel took out Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, the pope complained that “defense must always be proportionate to the attack” and that Israel was “immoral” for bombing the Islamic terrorist leader.

Pope Francis has repeatedly advocated for the Muslim insurgent Rohingya, but has failed to single out fellow Christians suffering from Islamic terrorism across Africa in the same way.

Why can’t Pope Francis even mention 70 Christian men, women and children massacred in a church?

The church was Protestant, but surely fellow Christians, including murdered children, should take priority over the pope’s other Islamic pet causes from Nasrallah to the Rohingya.

When Muslim terrorists carry out massacres in churches or synagogues, or strike on Christian or Jewish holidays, they are doing it to assert the message of ‘Allahu Akbar’ that Islam and its deity ‘Allah’ are superior to that of the religion and god whose worshipers they are massacring. Silence in the face of these Islamist crimes only gives Muslims cause for glee.

So why does Pope Francis remain silent? For the same reason as much of our establishment.

When Pope Francis last visited the Democratic Republic of the Congo, he described its problems in Marxist terms of “colonialism” and ‘capitalism’. Despite cloaking his rhetoric in Catholic theology, he suffers from a radical worldview that leaves him unable to grapple with world events except through the Marxist analysis of power relations in which the more powerful side is always wrong and the less powerful side is always right. The Christian world is forever guilty (along with the Jewish world) while the Muslim world consists of innocent victims.

This twisted liberation theology makes even Christian children murdered in an African church into oppressors because they are an extension of the colonialism of the Western world.

Reducing Christian morality to the secular oppressor/oppressed paradigm drives Pope Francis and other leftist clerics to call for the destruction of Europe and America for Islam. The figure of the ‘oppressed’ becomes sacred while the ordinary American becomes a sinful oppressor. Only when the west has been entirely destroyed will the great burden of guilt finally be removed.

This suicidal creed has been embedded throughout western culture, not only in its entertainment and universities, but also in the liberal streams of its religions. Countless churches and synagogues preach mass suicide through mass migration, they pray for Gaza, instead of for the survival of their own parishioners and countries who are next on the list.

Daniel Greenfield is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. This article previously appeared at the Center's Front Page Magazine.
Thank you for reading. 

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  1. Francis, through his actions, has rendered himself an invalid Pope, and a foul human being.

  2. Anonymous7/3/25

    The reason I refuse to attend Mass. I can not in good conscience associate myself with the current Pope's policies and extremely flawed ideolgies.

  3. It would be a serious error to believe the Pope is Christian.


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