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Every Republican President Is Hitler

“If the British had not fought in 1940, Hitler would have been in London and if Democrats do not fight in 1968, Nixon will be in the White House," Vice President Hubert Humphrey warned. Chicago Mayor Daley had accused Nixon of “Hitler type” tactics. Comparing any Republican presidential candidate to Hitler had been a standard Democratic political tactic for some time no matter how inappropriate it might be. Before Democrats were comparing Nixon to Hitler, they were comparing Barry Goldwater to Hitler. Goldwater had a Jewish father and a distaste for Socialism, which would have made him unwelcome in the ranks of the racially and politically pure National Socialists, but that didn’t stop the Hitler accusations from being hurled by the Democratic party and its political allies in the press. Governor Pat Brown of California said, “Goldwater's acceptance speech had the stench of fascism. All we needed to hear was Heil Hitler.” Mayor Jack Shelley of San Francisco claimed that Goldwa


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Every Republican President Is Hitler

“If the British had not fought in 1940, Hitler would have been in London and if Democrats do not fight in 1968, Nixon will be in the White House," Vice President Hubert Humphrey warned. Chicago Mayor Daley had accused Nixon of “Hitler type” tactics. Comparing any Republican presidential candidate to Hitler had been a standard Democratic political tactic for some time no matter how inappropriate it might be. Before Democrats were comparing Nixon to Hitler, they were comparing Barry Goldwater to Hitler. Goldwater had a Jewish father and a distaste for Socialism, which would have made him unwelcome in the ranks of the racially and politically pure National Socialists, but that didn’t stop the Hitler accusations from being hurled by the Democratic party and its political allies in the press. Governor Pat Brown of California said, “Goldwater's acceptance speech had the stench of fascism. All we needed to hear was Heil Hitler.” Mayor Jack Shelley of San Francisco claimed that Goldwa

Attorney General Kamala Harris Presided Over 64% Rise in Rapes

“Why is Kamala Harris working to provide early release for rapists?"   There is a story that Kamala Harris likes to tell about why she became a prosecutor. Her friend was molested by her father and the young Kamala vowed to protect other women and girls. The pledge did not survive her relationship with Mayor Willie Brown, who was accused of covering up sexual harassment, her favorable plea deal for Mayor Bob ‘Filthy’ Filner who was accused by over 30 women of everything from groping them to putting them in headlocks, and alleged sexual harassment by a close associate in her office during her time as attorney general. Harris would not be the first politician who did not practice what she preached. And there are politicians whose personal hypocrisies did not detract from their good management skills. But what was life actually like for women and girls under Attorney General Kamala Harris? In July 2016, a month after California’s rigged primary made Kamala a shoo-in for the Sena

Meet Kamala’s Palestinian Best Friend Who Changed Her Mind on Israel

“I say this as someone who’s known her since 1997: She’s trying,” Hala Hijazi assured a panel at an anti-Israel DNC event that once she was president, Kamala would crack down on Israel. Hijazi, a Jordanian immigrant who has roots in Gaza, is close to Kamala and they both came up through the ranks together. The Muslim official and fundraiser had worked as a special assistant to former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown whom she described as a “mentor”. Hala Hijazi was there for all of Kamala’s races, raising money for her Senate campaign, promoting an event co-hosted by Willie Brown, and promising that one day Kamala would be in the White House. And she can be seen posing in 2004 at the Bimbo’s club with Kamala, who had just begun her political career as San Francisco’s DA, and Obama, running for Senate. After obtaining American citizenship in 1994, the Muslim immigrant quickly began climbing the political ladder, working for Willie Brown, becoming a ‘human rights’ commissioner, and getti

All America’s Problems are Leftist Problems

The problem with solving problems is that once they are solved, no one needs the solver anymore. The better kinds of problems are recurring problems that ensure customer retention, employing plumbers, locksmiths and police officers, but the best kind are the completely unsolvable problems. And those are the only kinds of problems that the Left wants to solve. Given enough human ingenuity and technological development, most problems can concievably be addressed and that is why the Left has to contrive to make them unsolvable by either causing the problem (homelessness), defining it in such a way that it is inherently unsolvable (equity), defining the inappropriate problem while obscuring the actual problem (gun violence) or inventing fake problems (global warming) that can never be solved because they don’t exist in the first place. Why create unsolvable problems? They’re a virtually infinite source of money and power. The Left came into being by defining inequality as its signature pro

Biden-Harris Gave Over $1B to ‘Palestinians’ Since Oct 7

Oct 7 marked the grim anniversary of the worst massacre of Jews since Holocaust. The terrorist perpetrators of it however could celebrate the over $1 billion in foreign aid from the U.S. 46 Americans had been murdered on Oct 7 and another 12 taken hostage, but ahead of the Oct 7 anniversary, USAID announced that it was sending another $336 million in taxpayer-funded ‘aid’ to the terrorist occupied territories in Israel behind the killings of Americans. USAID boasted that this “brings the total U.S. humanitarian assistance announced for the Palestinian people to more than $1 billion since October 2023.” The terrorists had murdered over 1,000 people and gotten over $1 billion. In 2023, ahead of the Oct 7 attacks, a Freedom Center Investigates expose revealed that Israeli deaths shot up by 900% after Biden dispensed $1 billion in aid to the terrorist areas. Oct 7 would likely never have happened without that blood money. In April 2021, the Biden-Harris administration had restored aid to

The Issue is the Revolution

“There is only one solution, intifada revolution,” mobs of college students chant at terror rallies. What is there to ‘revolt’ against in New York City, Los Angeles or Chicago? The Hamas rallies like the BLM, environmentalist and other radical rallies take place in cities run by mayors and city councils who support their efforts and sometimes even show up to their events. Even before New York City and other municipalities paid out millions in voluntary settlements to the BLM rioters who had assaulted police officers, the dirty secret of the radical mobs was that the authorities were on their side. And will continue to be on their side no matter what they do. The revolution is also the thing that it’s revolting against. Democrats secured control of the country’s major cities only to be faced with the timeless leftist challenge of making the intensification of their rule look like revolution rather than totalitarianism. The USSR and Cuba directed the ‘revolution’ outward by invading, con

Kamala’s Racism

It was 2003 and Kamala Harris was making her closing argument in the race to become San Francisco’s district attorney. Her opponent, Terence Hallinan, the incumbent DA, the son of a Communist father, had been backed by George Soros as one of his first pro-crime DAs, had come out against the death penalty, for drugs and against the police, and that gave him impeccable leftist credentials. How was Kamala going to run to the left of a man like that? The answer came in the form of a postcard mailer featuring black and white photos of the last ten DAs with the words, “It’s time for a change.” What did her leftist opponent have in common with Charles Fickert: a tough Republican DA known for going after leftist anarchists in court and after their supporters outside it with his fists? Not a thing except that they were both white men. When all else failed, Kamala had one argument to fall back on. Race. It was the same argument that she deployed in the 2020 primaries against Joe Biden when she f

Only Tyrants Fear Free Speech

“It’s really hard to govern today,” former Climate Czar John Kerry complained at the World Economic Forum. “The referees we used to have to determine what is a fact and what isn’t a fact have kind of been eviscerated, to a certain degree. And people go and self-select where they go for their news, for their information.” And when it comes to a source that Kerry, the WEF and their political allies don’t like, “our First Amendment stands as a major block to be able to just, you know, hammer it out of existence”. Four years ago, Obama offered a similar complaint that, “if we do not have the capacity to distinguish what’s true from what’s false, then by definition the marketplace of ideas doesn’t work. And by definition our democracy doesn’t work.” Obama and Kerry’s definition of democracy is a system where everyone agrees on what’s true and what isn’t. This regime of facts was very much on display when ABC News moderators crudely intervened in the last presidential debate to support thei

The Government is Coming for Your Thermostat

It’s the middle of a summer heat wave and temperatures are rising. Suddenly your air conditioning turns off. It’s not a blackout or a brownout: it’s the new government plan. Mass government subsidies for inefficient and expensive ‘green energy’ wind turbines and solar panels combined with bans on efficient and cheap oil, coal and gas, have made energy grids unreliable and costly. States that have aimed for widespread use of green energy like California and Texas are suffering blackouts and brownouts at growing rates. Instead of building reliable energy resources, federal and state governments, along with monopolistic energy companies, are making up for green energy with energy rationing. Or ‘smart rationing’. Virtual power plants were a green energy buzzword that promised to harness local battery capacity to distribute energy to the grid, but the diminishing promise of solar panels and the power hunger of electric cars has poured cold water on the idea that the ‘green’ battery devices

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