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Kamala’s Racist ‘White Devil’ Pastor

After the Biden coup, Kamala phoned Rev. Amos Brown to pray for her political campaign. Kamala, an “old timer” and “dues paying” member of Brown’s church had turned to one of the most hateful political figures in her old city to offer spiritual inspiration for her presidential bid. “America has not changed” since the days of segregation, Kamala’s pastor had argued while revisiting the killing of Emmett Till. “This sin of race is so deep, so pervasive in the body politic of America that if we don’t find a remnant to help turn things around, America is going to go down.” Rev. Amos Brown, a politically influential minister known to some as the Sharpton of San Francisco, had a long history of race-baiting and of accusing America of racism. “I know America. America is a racist country,” Brown had previously claimed. “Greed, bigotry and too many whites with this evil, brutal system, built the American economy,” the radical preacher who was a member of the national board of the NAACP argued.


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Kamala’s Racist ‘White Devil’ Pastor

After the Biden coup, Kamala phoned Rev. Amos Brown to pray for her political campaign. Kamala, an “old timer” and “dues paying” member of Brown’s church had turned to one of the most hateful political figures in her old city to offer spiritual inspiration for her presidential bid. “America has not changed” since the days of segregation, Kamala’s pastor had argued while revisiting the killing of Emmett Till. “This sin of race is so deep, so pervasive in the body politic of America that if we don’t find a remnant to help turn things around, America is going to go down.” Rev. Amos Brown, a politically influential minister known to some as the Sharpton of San Francisco, had a long history of race-baiting and of accusing America of racism. “I know America. America is a racist country,” Brown had previously claimed. “Greed, bigotry and too many whites with this evil, brutal system, built the American economy,” the radical preacher who was a member of the national board of the NAACP argued.

America is Run By a Movement, Not a Man

Joe Biden has gone from a vacation at a billionaire’s estate in California to a postponed appearance at the DNC convention in Chicago, and then once more to a vacation in Delaware. The man who formally serves as president of the country barely has anything resembling a public schedule. And his private one appears to be equally empty. Biden is satisfied with occasionally showing up at a few events a week, mumbling something and then moving on. Meanwhile his VP is on the campaign trail and appears equally out of reach, only now finally agreeing to a single CNN interview with Gov. Tim Walz, her running mate, there to back her up. If Kamala Harris can’t handle a press conference, can she handle running a country? And if neither POTUS nor the VP are running the country, who or what actually is in charge? During the summer coup that successfully ousted Biden as the nominee (while leaving him in the nation’s highest office) it was revealed that there hadn’t been a full cabinet meeting since O

Israel Has a Right to Win

“Israel has a right to defend itself,” Kamala told CNN. And then insisted that the “war must end.” What Kamala was really saying was that Israel has a right to defend itself against an attack, but it doesn’t have a right to win. Democrats and some Republicans have offered the same formulaic responses since Oct 7. And long before that. “Israel has a right to defend itself from rocket attacks,” Obama said in 2014 before calling for a ceasefire. Israel has a right to defend itself, Bush and Clinton used to say before urging a quick end to the fighting in order to make a deal with the terrorists Israel is defending itself against. Israel has a right to defend itself is the bare minimum allotted to anyone. Everyone has a right to defend themselves when they are attacked. Agreeing to it is not a pro-Israel statement. It is at best a neutral position to which the alternative position is that the Israelis should have allowed themselves to be overrun, destroyed and massacred, men, women and chi

Kamala, Antifa, Pedophiles and Terrorists Share Platform

During the 2020 election, the DNC announced a partnership with the Action Network, a leftist nonprofit, aimed at raising money to “elect Democrats up and down the ballot”. Now the Action Network is boasting that “in the first 24 hours after President Biden endorsed Vice President Harris, organizations raised over $70 million using Action Network.” “Action Network has been foundational to the DNC’s fundraising and organizing success over the years,” a DNC official gushed. Action Network was also crucial to the fundraising of Antifa . Going by the International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund on the Action Network, the mostly peaceful but also mostly violent street riot group was fundraising with a banner carrying the black and red Antifa logo and a sign demanding “Free All Antifa Prisoners”. The Anti-Fascist Defence Fund was using the DNC partner group to raise money for, among other matters, “replacing damaged/stolen property” and “antifa prisoner support”. The Antifa fund claimed to

Kamala’s Visit to Terror U

A year after Richard Lakin, a 76-year-old retired Connecticut elementary school principal, was brutally murdered, Senator Kamala Harris visited the terror university that had honored his killer. After being shot in the head and stabbed in the face while riding a bus in Jerusalem, Lakin, a beloved educator and grandfather, lay in the hospital for weeks before his death, and visiting American politicians had paid a call to his bedside. Kamala would not be one of them. Instead, when Kamala went to Jerusalem next year, she visited Al Quds Bard College. 2,500 students at Al Quds University had taken part in a ‘chain’ in honor of Richard’s killer: Bahaa Alyan. Mohammed Alyan, the killer’s father, gloated , “Today I have over a thousand Bahaas- the students who continue his path.” He claimed that all Arab Muslim settlers in Israel had become “seekers of martyrdom” which is the Islamic euphemism for terrorists. Al Quds students then wrote letters to ‘soul’ of the monster who had sliced open a

Germany Vows ‘Knife Control’ After ISIS Refugee Slashes Throats at Diversity Festival

After a Syrian Muslim refugee slashed the throats of a few middle aged people at the Festival of Diversity, the German government has announced that it will ban knives over three inches long. The ISIS terrorist was one of over a million migrants who had invaded Germany while claiming to be “refugees”. The migrant was also one of the many scheduled to be deported, but was not. All that the Muslim terrorist had to do to evade deportation was leave government housing when the authorities came looking for him. And then when the military age Arab Muslim migrant came back, the deportation order had expired and he couldn’t be deported. Undeported Muslim refugees have been one of the largest sources of terrorism,crime and violence in Europe. So the German government is proposing a ban on knives over three inches. After laying a white rose at the site of the Diversity Festival slashing that left three dead and eight wounded, Chancellor Olaf Scholz promised rapid action would be taken against kn

Whiteless Privilege

Books have been written, movies made and college courses taught about white privilege. Denouncing the evils of whiteness indiscriminately allows people of all races, even white people like Robin DiAngelo and Tracie McMillan, to earn a very good living from hunting for white privilege. Less discussed is ‘whiteless privilege’. Even when one of the biggest beneficiaries of whiteless privilege, Vice President Kamala Harris, has made that her identity. What race is Kamala? Kamala is at once black and Indian, and none of the above because what matters most is not what race she is, but what race she is not. By not being white, she is a person of color and thus whiteless. Kamala has white ancestry by way of her father, but in a world where men can be women and women can be androgynous and can then march in pride parades as Androgynes for Gaza while wearing half-burkas, what you are matters much less than what you identify as and what you don’t identify as. One of the most powerful women in the

Survey Shows Majority of Muslim College Students Hate Jews

Campus antisemitism is a problem, but reports focus on the experiences of Jewish students rather than the identity of the perpetrators. Media reports hesitate to name anyone. Jewish organizations zero in on campus hate groups like Students for Justice in Palestine, but that only tells us so much about why antisemitism has become so widespread at certain universities. Brandeis University’s Center for Modern Jewish Studies recently conducted a survey asking college students about their views of Jews and Israel. And the results are revealing. 66% of students, the vast majority, did not hate Jews or Israel. While leftist students only make up 14% of overall students (less than the 17% who identify as conservative), they made up a full 43% of students who were hostile to Israel. The remaining 46% of those hostile to the Jewish State identified as “liberal”. Those activists associated with campus encampments and other forms of harassment are a small minority of leftist extremists who have u

Spokesman Says Walz’s Lies Make Him Authentic

Gov. Tim Walz began his political career with a lie . According to the story that launched his career, Walz, a “football coach” and a “command sergeant major” took two students to a Bush campaign event only to be subjected to a “KGB-style interrogation” because one of the students had a Kerry sticker on his wallet. Walz, facing arrest by the Secret Service (because one of his students had a Kerry sticker on his wallet) then demanded “if they really wanted to arrest a command sergeant major who’d just returned from fighting the war on terrorism.” Since then we’ve learned that every part of that story was a lie. Walz was not a command sergeant major, he hadn’t returned from fighting a war and he wasn’t even actually a football coach. And the entire story which he kept on repeating as recently as 2020 never happened. Instead, Walz showed up with some of his students outside a Bush event with a protest sign claiming to be a veteran of the War in Afghanistan who supported Kerry. That there

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