Showing posts with the label Abortion


Feminists for Human Extinction

After the majority of Americans voted for the economy over abortion, furious feminists have announced that they will no longer date, marry or have children. Call it slow motion misery and mass suicide. In the past, Americans protested by refusing to pay taxes, now leftists are protesting by refusing to have children because of their frustrated eagerness to kill those same children in the womb. What began as a last minute election gimmick by the Kamala campaign, which decided that its best strategy for winning the election was dividing us by sex, is now poisoning our culture, and further ruining relationships between men and women. And the media is spreading the poison. CBS News, NBC News and the Washington Post are only a few of the many mainstream media outlets that have taken it on themselves to promote South Korea’s 4B movement to Americans with its ‘four bis’ or ‘four nos’ calling for no dating, no sex, no marriage and no childbirth. Rather than report critically on a movement that...

The DOJ’s Abortion Civil Rights Violations

In May, Paulette Harlow, a 75-year-old grandmother, was sentenced to two years in prison for a civil disobedience protest at a D.C. abortion clinic. In September, Amber Smith-Stewart was sentenced to 30 days in prison for pro-abortion attacks on a pregnancy center. She and her two co-defendants had been tied to attacks on three pregnancy centers in Florida during which threatening messages such as “If abortions aren’t safe than niether are you” and “YOUR TIME IS UP!!” had been scrawled on them that were linked to the wave of nationwide attacks by the pro-abortion Jane’s Revenge terror group. Harlow was sentenced for what the Biden-Harris Department of Justice described as “a conspiracy that created a blockade” of the abortion clinic doors. Generally this is known as civil disobedience, but the FACE Act turned abortion clinics into ‘first amendment free zones’ where people can spend years in prison for doing the same things other protesters get away with. However the FACE Act equally...

Whom Do You Abort When No One is Expecting?

The greatest threat to abortion may be its own success. The Biden administration is preparing to run the 2024 election on abortion. With a miserable economy and failure on every side, that is the one thing still left for the Democrats to run on. But no generation has ever had less use for abortion than this one. After the end of Roe v. Wade, Democrats warned of a decline in abortions, what they failed to mention was that abortions had been declining long before the Supreme Court decision. After Roe v. Wade first came on the scene, abortions shot up all through the 80s and hit a peak in 1990 with 1.6 million. Then, just as the Democrats decided to go all-in on abortion, purging their pro-life wing, abortion rates crashed, and now struggle to pass the million mark. The numbers are even more striking when accounting for the large U.S. population increase since 1990. According to the CDC, there were 345 legal induced abortions per 1,000 live births, 24 per 1,000 women, in 1990 . By 2021, ...

Planned Parenthood’s Ex-Nazi Pedophile Affiliate

Only a week after taking office, Biden rushed to repeal the ‘Mexico City Policy’ which banned foreign aid from going to abortion groups, stating that this would “support women’s and girls’ sexual and reproductive health”. The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) celebrated the resumption of cash. IPPF had lost an estimated $100 million due to the foreign abortion group funding ban and complained that, “53 healthcare projects in 32 countries were impacted… with some Member Associations losing up to 60% of their funding.” It is unknown whether that included Pro Familia: Germany’s IPPF affiliate. In 2020, the State Department had cited Pro Familia in its human rights report despite its ugly history of pedophilia or the fact that it had been founded by a racial eugenicist who had served the Nazis. In 2013, the UPI wire service had noted that “Pro Familia, Germany’s leading family planning group, published articles years ago that appeared to advocate for pedophilia.” The ...

Biden's 'Freedom' Platform of Grooming and Killing Kids

Biden has tried to ban gas cars and stoves ,and has banned incandescent light bulbs , air conditioners , large mesh fishing nets, menthol cigarettes , charter schools , women in sports , conversion therapy, roads in Alaska , and mining in Minnesota among many other things. Now he’s running for a second term on a platform of freedom. “Freedom – personal freedom – is fundamental to who we are as Americans,” Biden, who had fought to force millions of people to wear masks, recited in a campaign video. The last time he was this eloquent, Washington D.C. was all but under martial law and he rode to the inauguration of his stolen election past rows of National Guardsmen in a locked down city. The Biden video then went on to warn that, “the question we are facing is whether in the years ahead we have more freedom or less freedom, more rights or fewer.” And if you doubt that, Biden’s infrastructure bill included a pilot program to remotely track drivers. His newly revitalized IRS is cracking ...

When the FBI Joined Planned Parenthood

 Last month, The Mother and Unborn Baby Care Center, a pregnancy center in Southfield, Michigan, was vandalized causing thousands of dollars in damages. Graffiti left behind reading, “If abortion isn’t safe neither are you, Jane” linked the attack to Jane’s Revenge, a leftist pro-abortion domestic terrorist group that is believed to be responsible for as many as 50 attacks on pregnancy centers and pro-life groups. Southfield police notified the FBI which refused to comment on the case. After 18 attacks directly claimed by Jane’s Revenge over a period of six months, the FBI has made zero arrests. But while under Biden the feds have shown no interest in a national campaign of leftist terrorism, the FBI has been swift to come after abortion opponents. The same month as the Southfield attack, an FBI team of 25 armed agents pounded on the door of of an anti-abortion activist in Pennsylvania who had been accused of shoving a Planned Parenthood escort. A nationwide campaign of domestic te...

Biden’s Defense Department Urges Killing U.S. Babies for National Security

Biden’s Secretary of Defense sponsored a Rand paper which claims abortion is vital to national security. The paper, “How the Dobbs Decision Could Affect U.S. National Security”, warns that the inability to promptly kill children due to the Supreme Court’s decision will lead to “higher health care, child care, and education costs”. If you don’t kill ’em, you’ll have to teach ’em. While lefties loved attacking Rand, a think tank created by a defense contractor that is now a subsidiary of Boeing, only when lefties fully took it over did it become capable of this level of sociopathy. Civilized societies didn’t send women into front line combat except as an act of total  desperation. The Biden administration has financed a survey arguing that not only should we send women into combat, but that we’ll have deployment issues if we don’t kill their babies. Moloch wept. The Rand survey argues that, “Women play an integral role in the U.S. military. A threat to their health and well-being is ...

Whom Would You Kill?

The proximity of two Supreme Court decisions, one upholding the right to carry guns for self-defense, and the other, dispensing with Roe v. Wade and the myth of a constitutional basis for abortion, has unleashed the furies of political outrage and hot takes. “Gonna be very weird if Supreme Court ends a constitutional right to obtain an abortion next week, saying it should be left to the States to decide, right after it just imposed a constitutional right to concealed carry of firearms, saying it cannot be left to the States to decide,” Neal Katyal, Obama's Solicitor General and a potential Democrat Supreme Court nominee tweeted. He wasn’t alone. "States can’t decide how to regulate guns. Also SCOTUS: States decide how to regulate women’s bodies and abortion," St. Louis Mayor Tishaura O. Jones tweeted. "The Supreme Court's back-to-back decisions on guns and abortions have the practical impact of preventing Democratic states from regulating guns — and allowing Repu...

Where Are the Abortion Insurrection Hearings?

Friday evening’s Arizona State Senate session had to be cut short as the legislative body came under siege from Abortion Insurrection rioters. "We have a security threat outside," Senate President Karen Fann announced. Legislators were evacuated into the basement and then had to be evacuated once again from the basement after tear gas fumes being used to stop the insurrectionists entered the building. The Arizona Department of Public Safety reported that a pro-abortion rally by "an estimated 7,000 to 8,000 people" turned into "anarchical and criminal actions by masses of splinter groups" who "attempted to breach the doors of the Arizona Senate and force their way into the building. The violence of their efforts literally shook the building". The statement reported that “the glass doors bowed from attempts of forced entry” and noted damage to a variety of war memorials including those honoring murdered police officers and veterans of the Korean ...

Who’s Paying Protesters to Harass Justices and Churches?

Supreme Court justices have faced harassment and intimidation after a pro-abortion group calling itself Ruth Sent Us posted a map to their homes. Justice Alito and his family, who wrote the draft opinion on abortion that had been leaked by leftists, have had to go into hiding at an undisclosed location. Had conservative protests outside the homes of Sotomayor and Kagan led one of them to go into hiding, the FBI would already be on the case and the media would be calling it an insurrection and a threat to democracy, but it’s not political terrorism when leftists do it. So you can be confident that none of the leftists threatening Supreme Court justices will themselves face justice. And if a single one of them is arrested, they will immediately have the best lawyers and a media press campaign claiming that free speech is being silenced. Just to add bigoted intimidation of houses of worship, Ruth Sent Us also called for protests at Catholic churches. “Stand at or in a local Catholic Chur...

Whose Pain Matters - Babies or Child Murderers?

When the Supreme Court took on its latest abortion case, Justice Sonia Sotomayor denied that babies in the womb feel pain. “There are spontaneous acts by dead-brained people. So I don’t think that a response by a fetus necessarily proves that there’s a sensation of pain or that there’s consciousness,” the 'Wise Latina' coldly contended. Sotomayor’s denial that a baby feels pain was in sharp contrast to her passionate conviction that murderers who kill children experience pain as they receive the death penalty. A few years ago, when Billy Ray Irick's case came before the Supreme Court, Sotomayor was his biggest fan. Irick had beaten, raped, and murdered a 7-year-old girl, but Sotomayor furiously fought for him. "If the law permits this execution to go forward in spite of the horrific final minutes that Irick may well experience, then we have stopped being a civilized nation and accepted barbarism," she ranted. What is barbarism anyway? Is it murdering a child in th...