Showing posts with the label Anti-Semitism


Survey Shows Majority of Muslim College Students Hate Jews

Campus antisemitism is a problem, but reports focus on the experiences of Jewish students rather than the identity of the perpetrators. Media reports hesitate to name anyone. Jewish organizations zero in on campus hate groups like Students for Justice in Palestine, but that only tells us so much about why antisemitism has become so widespread at certain universities. Brandeis University’s Center for Modern Jewish Studies recently conducted a survey asking college students about their views of Jews and Israel. And the results are revealing. 66% of students, the vast majority, did not hate Jews or Israel. While leftist students only make up 14% of overall students (less than the 17% who identify as conservative), they made up a full 43% of students who were hostile to Israel. The remaining 46% of those hostile to the Jewish State identified as “liberal”. Those activists associated with campus encampments and other forms of harassment are a small minority of leftist extremists who have u...

American Jews Never Learned to Fight Leftist Jew-Hatred

After the Holocaust, the American Jewish community, like most liberals, reduced the mass murder of millions of Jews to a problem of intolerance and prejudice. A massive effort was undertaken to educate about what had happened rather than what was happening. While the first Holocaust museums were being built, the persecution and killing of Jews had mostly shifted over to the Soviet Union and its allies in the Arab Muslim world. American Jews failed to grapple with this shift much as they failed to come to terms with the reality that black nationalist groups were quickly eclipsing the KKK when it came to the domestic hatred of Jews. These are the key ingredients that led to the current open climate of Jew-hatred in America. Instead of talking about what the hatred of Jews looked like today, American Jewish liberals insisted on dwelling on what it had looked like decades earlier in America and in Europe. Like the generals who are always refighting yesterday’s war, they were not dealing wi...

ADL Joins Sharpton for Crown Heights Pogrom Anniversary

In August 1991, racist mobs roamed the streets of Crown Heights, Brooklyn, attacking anyone they thought might be Jewish. Black rioters stabbed, stoned and beat their victims. Community members huddled in their homes watching gangs smash their windows. Al Sharpton appeared to denounce the Jews at an event that included the banner, “Hitler did not do the job.” In August 2023, the ADL ignored the anniversary of the Crown Heights Pogrom and instead joined Sharpton in Washington D.C. The ADL urged its members to take part in Sharpton’s ‘March on Washington’ headlined by his National Action Network and co-chaired by the ADL. The ADL not only failed to commemorate the 32nd anniversary of the Crown Heights Pogrom, it partnered with the hatemonger who was front and center at the pogrom. ADL president Jonathan Greenblatt issued a press release together with Al Sharpton about the recent murder of three people in Florida, while forgetting about the three people who died in Crown Heights. They inc...

Biden’s Anti-Semitism Czar Condemns Israel, Not Anti-Semites

In the early days of June, Deborah Lipstadt, Biden’s antisemitism czar, flew to the United Arab Emirates and condemned Israel’s government while claiming that she worries that the Netanyahu government’s defense of Jews against Islamic terrorism might worsen antisemitism. This was exactly the kind of excuse for antisemitism that the new White House strategy on antisemitism that she was touting was supposed to stop. Instead, the antisemitism czar promoting the antisemitism strategy was falling into the same kind of behavior. Since the release of the Biden administration’s National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism, Lipstadt appears to have condemned three foreign governments: Israel, Hungary and Russia. Lipstadt blasted Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, accusing him of “rhetoric that clearly evokes Nazi racial ideology”, for criticizing Muslim migration into Europe. Was Lipstadt functioning as the envoy to combat antisemitism or Islamophobia? She also condemned Russian ruler Vladim...

ADL Hires Director for Jewish Outreach Who Hates Jews

After the Hamas, kidnapping and murder of three Israeli Jewish teens, resulting in Israeli forces aggressively pursuing the Islamic terrorist group over the horrifying atrocity, Tema Smith retweeted and praised an article titled, "There Are No Good Guys In The Gaza-Israel Conflict". The article, among other things, claimed that, "Hamas — and the Palestinians as a whole — have desperately real and legitimate grievances against Israel." She also retweeted another piece urging Jews to, “repent for Gaza’s dead.” “Here’s the thing: Jews *have* to be ok with Palestinians *explaining* why some turn to terrorism,” Tema Smith insisted two years ago. Now, the ADL has chosen Tema Smith as its Director of Jewish Outreach. As a Jewish activist on Twitter quipped, “Whom do the Jews hire as Director of Outreach to the ADL?” It’s a valid question since Smith, in her own words, has said of her role , “I educate the Jewish community on race and racism as a speaker and writer.” Rat...

The ADL Convened a Summit of Anti-Semites to Fight Anti-Semitism

When three Jewish teens were kidnapped and murdered by Hamas, Israel fought back, Jews mourned, and Sheera Frenkel rushed to claim that Hamas wasn’t responsible. “There is a Hamas official in the story saying they are not Hamas,” she insisted on Twitter. It was a low point in her career of smearing Israel with lies and hate, but not unusual. Frenkel had accused Israel of using white phosphorus , falsely claimed that there had been a blast at an Iranian nuclear facility, wrongly described an Israeli ban on construction materials, and concluded her coverage of the brutal murder of a Rabbi and his family in India with a quote suggesting that “the attitudes of the Chabad, which gives the sense of an elite club for Jews alone, is part of what provoked the terrorists to target them for the attack.” This is the sort of ugly hateful behavior the ADL should be condemning, not celebrating. After a career of spreading disinformation against the Jewish State, Sheera Frenkel got a job covering...

San Francisco State University Prof Says Jewish Pot is Making Black Men Gay

Wesley Muhammad believes that the U.S. government and the Jews are using marijuana to make black men gay. The “Pot Plot” is a popular theory in Muhammad’s Nation of Islam cult. At the Saviours Day Convention in Chicago, an official Nation of Islam event, Wesley Muhammad claimed that , "It is Jewish genius that has helped… to weaponize the weed so that it may effeminize the black male of America. And be clear, it is Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam that is standing in between the total demasculinization of the black man in America.” Some years back, Wesley Muhammad's lecture, “How to Make a Homosexual: The Scientific Assault on Black America" was canceled at a Philly black beauty expo because of its hateful content. But what wasn't good enough for the 23rd Annual International Locks Conference, a black natural hair expo, is unfortunately all too welcome at San Francisco State University. It’s not too surprising that a black “wholistic” hair expo has higher standards ...

Hating Jews is Becoming a Leftist Purity Test

When Sunrise Movement DC issued its ultimatum that either the Jews had to be kicked out or it would boycott a D.C. statehood rally, it was a familiar purity test. And, like most purity tests, was about testing a willingness to hate people and endorse a new extremist position on demand. Purity tests that have no constructive purpose except to undermine and oust a leadership that is insufficiently radical have become commonplace in the Reign of Terror era of American politics. When Democrats adopt socialism, endorse the elimination of the police, tear down the statues of Washington, Jefferson, and Lincoln, champion critical race theory, and insist that there’s no such thing as men and women, it’s as the result of an escalating series of purity tests. Hating Jews is just the latest progressive purity test. Sunrise DC declared that it would not participate in events with what it falsely claimed were Zionist groups, but were actually, mostly fellow leftists who hate Israel as much as they d...

How a Foundation Obsessed With Communism is Leading the War on Israel

In 2013, the Puffin Foundation issued a grant for what was described as a "Soviet Yiddish Songbook". The CD, later issued as “City of the Future: Yiddish Songs from the Former Soviet Union”, is accurate only in that its songs, like Red Army and The Song of the Collective Farmer, are indeed in Yiddish. Otherwise they’re propaganda for a brutal antisemitic regime that killed countless Jews, including one of the men who wrote the song lyrics, and Yiddish culture. The CD was working off an album titled For Youth, meant to be used to indoctrinate Jewish students who had been forced to attend the Soviet Union’s Yiddish schools. The Yevsektsia or the Communist Party’s Jewish Section tasked with destroying Jewish life in the USSR had worked to ban Hebrew, Zionism, and Judaism, while treating Yiddish as a legitimate language. The Communist Party eventually purged its Jewish collaborators and a secret Hebrew revival began to take off among Jewish youth in the USSR. Meanwhile, leftists ...