Showing posts with the label Chicago


City of Illegals

While Mayor Brandon Johnson showed up to defend Chicago’s sanctuary city policies before Congress, federal immigration authorities were expelling Prince Knox, a ‘refugee’ affiliated with the Revolutionary United Front, which chopped off the arms of tens of thousands of people with machetes to take over and provide them with free health care, back to his native Sierra Leone. Prince Knox was one of the many illegal aliens, criminals and assorted monsters protected by Chicago’s ‘Welcoming City’ ordinance and the Illinois Trust Act which form its sanctuary system. And Chicago’s sheltering of illegal alien criminals has forced ICE to carry out ‘raids’ to get them. The media has been running alarmist articles such as NPR’s claim that “migrants in Chicago are skipping health checks due to immigration crackdown fears”, and claims in other media outlets that illegal aliens are too afraid to shop, go to church or send their children to schools. But the only reason for ICE’s raids is Chicago’s re...

‘God Bless the Blackest City in the World’

Chicago celebrated ‘Juneteenth’ with 40 shootings. The Windy City kept up a Father’s Day weekend in which 71 people were shot by fatherless young men in a city where 8 out of 10 black children are born to single mothers. And in which it’s all the fault of “systemic racism”. Over in Daley Plaza, Mayor Brandon Johnson (pictured above) raised the ‘Juneteenth flag’ created by an activist who wanted the black parts of Boston to secede and form a new city named ‘Mandela’. But who needs Mandela, when you’ve got Chicago? “God bless the blackest city in the world,” Johnson, a radical who has presided over massive crime and enjoys an approval rating of 28% , declared. With a 28% black population, Chicago isn’t even the blackest city in Illinois, let alone the U.S. or the world. And the black population has fallen by 400,000 since the 80s. Hispanics are actually the second largest group in Chicago, but since 60% of them disapprove of him, it’s understandable why he didn’t want to mention them. O...

They're Not Just Brainwashing Kids. They're Taking Them to the Polls

What would a city be like if the teachers’ unions didn’t just run the educational system, but the entire place top to bottom? To find out just pay a visit to the streets of Chicago. If you dare. When Mayor Brandon Johnson ran for office, the Chicago Teachers Union had made its pitch for its former “legislative coordinator” after putting millions into his campaign by promising that “if a teacher became mayor, we could build the city we all deserve.” It’s only May and 800 people have already been shot. The violence is so ubiquitous that the Cinco de Mayo parade had to be canceled due to gang violence along its route. But CTU members are building the city that they think they deserve with a demand for a $50 billion contract, the total tax receipts for the entire state, calls for average teacher salaries of $144,620, free abortions and thousands in funding for every illegal alien. With 45 days off the parts of the year they actually work, 9 forms of leave added to the 15 they already have...

Mayor Lori Lightfoot Accuses 75% of Chicago of Being Sexist Racists

With 77 people shot last week, it’s another pleasantly murderous autumn week in Chiraq. Mayor Lori Lightfoot got her $16 billion budget with its focus on ‘equity’ passed. By equity, Lightfoot meant giving herself a maximum 5% raise. Aldermen, or as the newly woke Windy City calls them, Alderpeople, got a 9% raise. It is unlikely that Lori will ever see a dime of the pay hikes for her $216,210 salary because they’re due to kick in by 2024. No one thinks Lightfoot will be in office by then except the unions still funding her campaign which managed to burn through $607,449 in campaign funds without even running any ads. It’s another achievement in an administration filled with them. Where is the money going? Who knows. It’s Chicago. Everyone wants a nibble and a political operation has got a lot of mouths to feed. But everyone knows where her numbers are going. Last year, Chicago’s failed racist mayor had a 26% approval rating. Up from 16%. Only 5% strongly approved. 50% strongly disappro...

'Peace Circles' Instead of Prisons Lead to Shootouts in Chicago

1,120 people have been shot this year in Chicago and 282 people have been murdered. Last week, four people were shot and killed in four hours in just another Wednesday. Good thing the city has “peace circles”. Police defunders have been tasked with coming up with “restorative justice” alternatives to the three P’s, police, prosecutors, and prisons, that ask criminals to apologize to their victims. That’s the principle of the “peace circle” in which the thug meets with his victim, says “sorry” and then leaves a free man to shoot, stab, or kill. Chicago's pro-crime politicians eagerly embraced "peace circles". There are peace circles in schools and a whole lot of "trained facilitators" have hung up their shingles. While pro-crime activists claim that peace circles come from Indian culture, they’re actually one of the stupidly disastrous ideas promoted by Howard Zehr, a white leftist who went to a black college on a minority scholarship, and helped inflict the conc...

150 People Were Shot in Chicago Since Illinois Sent the National Guard to D.C.

After shooting deaths shot up 75% in Chicago, Governor Pritzker announced that he was dispatching 500 more National Guard troops to fight “the dark forces of racism” in D.C. Washington D.C. may be suffering from “the dark forces of racism” since it’s currently in the hands of the party of racism, slavery, and segregation, but those National Guard troops would do a lot more good in Chicago where 81%, the majority of shooting victims, are black. Around 150 people have been shot since Pritzker sent the troops to D.C. instead of Chicago. After the billionaire governor took a break from working on his Wisconsin mansion to dispatch 200 National Guard troops to protect Joe Biden from being attacked during the inauguration, 29 murders were perpetrated in Chicago. There was nothing for the Illinois National Guard to do in D.C. where the biggest threat to Joe Biden’s safety remains pulling a dog’s tail in the shower, but deploying those troops could have been used to save lives back home in Ch...

Chicago Teachers Strike for $100,000 Salaries

Since October 17, the Chicago Teachers Union has banished 361,000 students from their classrooms by going on strike to demand a $100,000 average salary for its members. The union insisted that taxpayers, “stop short-changing the people who make our schools work”. 4 in 10 Chicago public school students don’t meet national reading standards. Or, as celebratory press releases declared, 61% of Chicago students actually met the national average. Math is obviously not a key skill of Chicago educators except when it comes to demanding obscene pay hikes. A “record” 57% of Chicago students also met the national average in math. If 57% doesn’t deserve a $100,000 salary, what does? Currently, Chicago teachers are living on starvation wages of $78,211 a year. The people responsible for that 57% “record” are shortchanged with a miserly starting salary of $52,958, a beggarly $82,630 10-year midcareer salary, and a $108,242 maximum salary that barely keeps them out of the poorhouse. They ...

The Man Who Banned Guns in Chicago Had 23 of Them

"Bullets and booze don't mix," Alderman Edward Burke growled. Then the Chairman of the Finance Committee vowed to fight the NRA. He had spent much of his 50 years in power fighting for gun control. And the man dubbed “Alderman-for-Life”, whose wife who sat on the Illinois Supreme Court, had the heft. Five years ago, Chicago had lost yet another of its serial gun control battles. But Burke and the Democrat machine were vowing to go on fighting with more laws attempting to restrict the Second Amendment. Burke, an Obama and Blagojevich ally, and the godfather of Chicago politics (dubbed its real mayor), hated and loved guns at the same time. He had nearly as many guns as he had gun control bills. When the FBI raided the offices of the powerful Chicago Democrat, they found 23 guns. That’s a lot of guns for one man. Especially for a man who had worked hard to ban handguns in Chicago. "What it does do hopefully is put a freeze on the number of handguns that are pr...