Showing posts with the label Cuomo


He Covered Up Cuomo’s Nursing Home Deaths, Now He’s a CDC Deputy Director

In March 2020, Dr. Howard Zucker had his name on the infamous ‘Cuomo Death Order’ that has been blamed for the deaths of thousands of nursing residents. The New York State Health Department’s order stated that “no resident shall be denied re-admission or admission” to a nursing home “solely based on a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of COVID-19.” It even banned nursing homes from testing incoming patients to prevent cases from being detected. In nursing homes that complied with the order, residents swiftly began dying. By the end of the pandemic, 15% of the state’s nursing home residents were dead. Over 9,000 infected patients were sent into nursing homes and over 15,000 nursing home residents died. The outcome surprised no one. Christopher Laxton, the head of the Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine, noted that Cuomo and Zucker, “unaccountably failed to include clinical expertise in operational leadership when these policies were formed and we don’t know why.” New Yor...

Cuomo Quits Over Cuomosexuality, Gets Away With Cuomocide

All over Southeast Asia, there are women and little girls bent over sewing machines in sweatshops churning out “Cuomosexual” t-shirts that no leftist letch will buy anymore. You can't buy a Confederate flag on Amazon, or a copy of a book challenging transgender identity, but the site is littered with $20 "I Identify as Cuomosexual" t-shirts and rainbow Cuomosexual face masks. Like Andrew Cuomo, his Cuomosexual crap has no future. Now all the Cuomosexuals know just what identifying as a Cuomosexual really means. You can use your $285 “Cuomo for President” cashmere sweater to wrap the shattered pieces of your “Crushin’ on Cuomo” coffee mug, and use it to mug somebody on 5th Avenue. Last year, former Governor Cuomo endorsed tearing down President Teddy Roosevelt’s statue. Now his cult of personality icons are the ones falling on his walk of shame out of Albany. Not so long ago, they worshiped him. The Television Academy gave him an Emmy, the Washington Post compared him to F...

Cuomo Killed Thousands of Seniors and Lost a House Seat

Governor Andrew Cuomo is many things: a mass murderer, a sexual predator, and a sore loser. Cuomo spent $70 million census outreach, but his horrifying policy of forcing nursing homes to accept patients infected with the coronavirus had killed untold thousands of New York seniors. Now the census is done and New York is going to lose a House seat by 89 people. “We’re looking at legal options, because when you’re talking about 89, that could be a minor mistake in counting,” Cuomo whined. The ‘9’ is fitting because that’s the number of women who accused him of sexual harassment. Maybe it’s a minor mistake like the time Cuomo’s aides rewrote a report to hide the real death toll in nursing homes as he was prepping his book on his brilliant leadership during the pandemic. A report by New York’s Attorney General Letita James estimated that the undercounting might have been as high as 50%. But minor mistakes do happen. “We were in a position where we weren’t sure if what we were going to give...

Cuomo’s Vaccine Passports and the IBM Connection

Are you a New Yorker who wants to live a normal life? Move to Florida. And if you can’t do that, get an Excelsior Pass. ‘Excelsior’ means ‘higher’ in Latin and is New York’s motto. It’s probably not the best motto for a broken state tiptoeing toward bankruptcy. And it’s an even worse name for a vaccine passport that allows businesses to discriminate. A day after April Fools’ Day, the Excelsior Pass launched in New York to enable businesses to determine whom they can refuse service to by employing IBM’s Digital Health Pass. IBM describes its vaccine passport as “voluntary” and will allow New Yorkers “the ability to voluntarily share their health status on their own terms”, but there’s nothing voluntary about forcing people to use a passport carrying private health information in order to live their lives. There’s nothing less voluntary than that. Digital passports are big business and a few weeks ago IBM closed on a multimillion dollar contract for a German vaccine passport and is in th...

When Cuomo Was Accused of Sexual Harassment 20 Years Ago, Dems Defended Him

"I Started to Think This is a Bad Guy": Andrew Cuomo's Biographer on the Governor's Brutish History," a Vanity Fair headline blares. The biographer, Michael Shnayerson, is the author of The Contender, a biography of Cuomo, of which the author on his site writes, “I think the picture that emerges is ultimately a positive one.” In the recent article, he however fusses, “I discovered that much of Cuomo’s M.O. and many of his character flaws… have been evident for years.” Just not so evident that anyone in the media would actually write honestly about them. In Vanity Fair, Cuomo’s biographer mentions the time that his subject was accused of sexual harassment. “HUD’s inspector general, Susan Gaffney, was a woman who dared to speak up, so she became a target,” he writes. Gaffney did indeed speak up and became a target. And The Contender followed the usual Cuomo line of treating her allegation of sexual harassment as absurd nonsense. The suggestion that Gaffney had gone...

The Last 3 Dem Governors of New York Sexually Harassed Women

For 20 years, Democrat sexual predators have run the state of New York. For 13 years, the terms of the last three Democrat governors, sexual harassers have held down the office. And for 20 years, Democrat attorney generals who were sexual predators ruled. It’s quite an achievement for a national and state party that claims to protect women. "There is a disrespect for women that this administration chronically exemplifies. After the #MeToo movement, they did absolutely nothing when it came to sexual harassment," Governor Cuomo ranted about President Trump during the Kavanaugh nomination. That was the same year that Cuomo had halted an investigation into Manhattan DA Cy Vance’s mishandling of the Weinstein case back in 2015, six days after Cuomo got a $25,000 check from the law firm that had represented Weinstein in 2015, which had donated $10,000 to Vance. Vance's office had also asked a judge to reduce Jeffrey Epstein's sex offender status so low that he wouldn't...

If Cuomo Goes Down, So Should Whitmer, Newsom, Murphy, and Wolf

Governor Cuomo of New York is having a bad month, but it’s not because the Democrats and the media finally noticed that his order forcing nursing homes to accept infected coronavirus patients may have killed thousands of senior citizens: it’s because he’s up for reelection in 2022. With Biden in the White House, the Democrats no longer need a model pandemic governor, and the AOC wing of the party in New York is preparing to primary him with an unfiltered socialist. That’s why the Cuomo scandal has shifted from the trivial matter of 8,000 to 13,000 dead nursing home residents to the much more serious contention that the Cuomosexual-in-Chief may have once kissed a former aide: a Bernie Sanders supporter named Lindsey Boylan. Democrats don’t know what to do with thousands of dead nursing home residents, but they’re pretty experienced at monetizing #MeToo scandals. Some might question whether the purity of Ms. Boylan’s lips, important as they are, should matter more than thousands of dea...

Democrat Governors Freed the Criminals and Killed the Elderly

In March, Governor Cuomo's administration ordered nursing homes to accept infected coronavirus patients and prohibited even testing incoming patients for the virus. The same month that Cuomo began the process of infecting countless nursing home residents with the virus, he also began freeing thousands of criminals from prison to protect them from the virus. Over 3,000 criminals have been freed from New York State prisons to protect them from the virus, and New York City’s Mayor Bill de Blasio freed 1,500 criminals, and they swiftly began committing a variety of crimes, but despite the media hype claiming that prison was a death sentence and a campaign by woke celebs like John Legend, criminals were not at risk. Only 19 inmates in New York State actually died of the virus. Meanwhile an estimated 11,000 nursing home patients have died of the virus statewide. Unlike the prison numbers, which are easily accessible, the Cuomo administration has stonewalled and refused to provide the ac...

While Cuomo Targets Orthodox Jews, Muslim Mass Gatherings Go On

Every year, Shiite Muslims in Flushing, Queens conduct the Arbaeen, a procession in honor of Mohammed's grandson whose death at the hands of a Sunni caliph marked the pivotal break between Shiites and Sunnis, slapping their faces and chests for their beheaded Imam Hussein. Queens  now has a large Muslim population , and regular fall processions of wailing crowds. The coronavirus didn’t change that. In early October 2020, videos show a huge knot of Muslim men packed closely together in circles, not wearing masks or with masks down, chanting and furiously beating their chests in memory of Hussein’s martyrdom. Some are shirtless in the traditional fashion. The slaps are meant to be hard enough to cause real pain and there’s plenty of reddened skin on display. The Shiite procession marches down Flushing’s Main Street, past rows of Chinese stores without a police officer in sight. The media also doesn’t stop by to document the event. It’s one of a number of Shiite mass gatherings ...

Anti-Semitic Democrats Blame Orthodox Jews for the Coronavirus

“I have to say to the Orthodox community tomorrow, ‘If you’re not willing to live with these rules, then I’m going to close the synagogues.’” Governor Andrew Cuomo told religious Jews. His basis for the decree was a photo of mourners who weren’t practicing social distancing at a funeral. But the photo of a crowd of Orthodox Jews on Cuomo’s slide was from 2006. It was a very different message than Cuomo’s condemnation of bigotry when he had insisted, “There is zero evidence that people of Asian descent bear any additional responsibility for the transmission of the coronavirus." The new message is, don’t blame the Asians, blame the Jews. They did go to a funeral in 2006. Cuomo was picking up where Mayor Bill de Blasio had left off in his infamous tweet targeting Orthodox Jews. “My message to the Jewish community, and all communities, is this simple: the time for warnings has passed,” the New York City leftist boss had raged. Medieval bigots blamed the Black Plague on Jews poisoning ...

Cuomo, De Blasio Go After Jewish Weddings, Cheer Black Lives Matter Riots

Governor Andrew Cuomo, whose horrifying move forcing nursing homes to accept coronavirus patients may have killed between 6,000 and 11,000 senior citizen s, has vowed to crack down. On Jewish weddings. “Whether it’s young people at a bar or religious people at a wedding, it’s the same thing to me. It’s ignorant, it’s disrespectful and it violates the law,” Cuomo fumed. Religious people being ignorant, disrespectful, and violating the law by attending a wedding is awful. But when celebrities want to perform at MTV’s VMA awards, they get a special exemption from quarantine regulations because Lady Gaga, Ariana Grande, and Miley Cyrus gyrating on a stage is respectful, whereas the communal celebration of G-d and family life is disrespectful. Cuomo then vowed that if Mayor de Blasio wouldn't crack down on the Jewish weddings, he would come after the Jews. But De Blasio, who has a history of targeting the Chassidic Jews of Brooklyn, is no slouch and had blamed a rise in coronavirus ca...