Showing posts with the label Race


Bring DEI to the NBA

After the growing backlash to DEI, the Cleveland Cavaliers told NBC News that while other organizations may be moving on, the NBA team was sticking with the racist program. In 2023, Cavaliers CEO Nic Barlage vowed to tie DEI metrics to bonuses and make sure that DEI would be “organically woven within the DNA of your culture.” “It is just how we go about things,” said Kevin Clayton, the Cavs’ chief DEI officer, who, like most equity bureaucrats, is black, explained. “We believe that everybody in our organization, every person in our community, is part of our diversity, equity and inclusion story.” What does that actually mean? According to their DEI website, the Cavs promise that “our team members at all levels mirror the demographics of the communities that we live and work in.” The Cavs have 13 out of 17 black players making for a 76% black team in a half black city. 45.8% of Cleveland is black, 36% is white and 13% is Latino. To truly “mirror the demographics” of Cleveland, the Cavs ...

Ta-Nehisi Coates Trades Blackness for Wokeness

There is a remarkable moment in the latest unremarkable woke cash grab of a book of essays by Ta-Nehisi Coates. The single most successful black nationalist memoirist of modern times had taken a trip to Africa, only to discover that he knows nothing about it, and to Israel, to “discover” that he already knows all about it from reading New York Times articles. And that Israel is racist. Coates got famous for being able to find racism everywhere, including when a white woman pushed past his son in a Manhattan movie theater elevator. “I was only aware that someone had invoked their right over the body of my son,” Coates whined in Between the World and Me . “There was my own insecurity in my ability to protect your black body… I came home shook.” The poet of black fragility had filled his Pulitzer Prize finalist book with odes to the exploitation of “black bodies” (primarily his own) by the white people lurking in elevators everywhere. Even the firefighters and police officers who peri...

FEMA’s DEI Crippled Hurricane Helene Response

“I don’t know that anybody could be fully prepared for the amount of flooding and landslides that they are experiencing right now,” FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell protested to CBS News. The ravages of Hurricane Helene had left parts of Asheville, North Carolina underwater, but it wasn’t just the homes and roads that were underwater, but FEMA’s botched response.. Criswell, who had been appointed to head FEMA by the Biden-Harris administration as a reward for coordinating New York City’s horrendously botched response to the pandemic, posed in a starched FEMA blouse and gold necklace on a morning show even as private volunteers were once again having to step in because the Federal Emergency Management Agency had failed. FEMA was unprepared for the flooding because under Criswell, a DEI hire whose resume included being “the first woman commissioner of New York City Emergency Management”, the agency had shifted from disaster management to DEI disasters. Goal 1 of FEMA’s Strategic Plan w...

Whiteless Privilege

Books have been written, movies made and college courses taught about white privilege. Denouncing the evils of whiteness indiscriminately allows people of all races, even white people like Robin DiAngelo and Tracie McMillan, to earn a very good living from hunting for white privilege. Less discussed is ‘whiteless privilege’. Even when one of the biggest beneficiaries of whiteless privilege, Vice President Kamala Harris, has made that her identity. What race is Kamala? Kamala is at once black and Indian, and none of the above because what matters most is not what race she is, but what race she is not. By not being white, she is a person of color and thus whiteless. Kamala has white ancestry by way of her father, but in a world where men can be women and women can be androgynous and can then march in pride parades as Androgynes for Gaza while wearing half-burkas, what you are matters much less than what you identify as and what you don’t identify as. One of the most powerful women in the...

‘God Bless the Blackest City in the World’

Chicago celebrated ‘Juneteenth’ with 40 shootings. The Windy City kept up a Father’s Day weekend in which 71 people were shot by fatherless young men in a city where 8 out of 10 black children are born to single mothers. And in which it’s all the fault of “systemic racism”. Over in Daley Plaza, Mayor Brandon Johnson (pictured above) raised the ‘Juneteenth flag’ created by an activist who wanted the black parts of Boston to secede and form a new city named ‘Mandela’. But who needs Mandela, when you’ve got Chicago? “God bless the blackest city in the world,” Johnson, a radical who has presided over massive crime and enjoys an approval rating of 28% , declared. With a 28% black population, Chicago isn’t even the blackest city in Illinois, let alone the U.S. or the world. And the black population has fallen by 400,000 since the 80s. Hispanics are actually the second largest group in Chicago, but since 60% of them disapprove of him, it’s understandable why he didn’t want to mention them. O...

Mrs. Gates and Mrs. Jobs Make a Racism Movie

Origin, the movie, claims to be about the origin of racism in America, but its own origin story lies with the Ford Foundation, Laurene Powell Jobs, the widow of Steve Jobs, the Apple guru, and Pivotal Ventures, the nonprofit started up by Melinda French Gates after she dumped Bill Gates, which provided much of the money needed to fund the $38 million smear of the United States. What kind of movie would two wealthy woke white women fund? A pop history take on racism. Origin is based on Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents, another one of those 2020 books about a racial reckoning of the kind that Mrs. Jobs and Mrs. Gates would have encountered in book clubs and while browsing The Atlantic (Mrs. Jobs owns it) or Slate (Bill Gates used to.) Isabel Wilkerson, the protagonist of book and film, is another one of those critical race theory ‘public intellectuals’ with a media platform, a former New York Times bureau chief, who stars in it because it follows her deep thoughts about race which u...

Biden Puts the DEI in the Death Penalty

 A racist shooter is getting the death penalty while the 9/11 mastermind is getting a pass. Over the summer, the Biden administration warned 9/11 family members that it was negotiating a plea deal with Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the mastermind of the attacks, and four other Al Qaeda terrorists directly involved in the plot to murder thousands of people in America. Biden had previously freed Mohammed al-Qahtani, the 20th 9/11 hijacker , and Zuhail al-Sharabi, another hijacker for an expanded version of the 9/11 attacks, along with an Al Qaeda ally who plotted to smuggle nukes into America and still another terrorist who plotted to blow up gas stations in Maryland, among others of the ‘worst of the worst’ still being held in Gitmo. No wonder that Biden ducked out on the 9/11 commemoration to avoid facing family members. While Biden’s people are trying to cut a plea deal for the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks, they have, for the first time, demanded the death penalty for another kil...

Black Puppeteer Sues for Being Accused of Blackface During Black History Month

Last year, for Black History Month, Franck Sylvestre was canceled for racial stereotypes even though he’s black. Now he’s suing the Red Coalition which claims to fight “systemic racism”. Sylvestre was born in France to parents from the French West Indies, he moved to Montreal and began putting on his own productions which combined music, slam poetry, dance and, this is where he got into trouble, puppetry. While Sylvestre’s previous black history month shows had gone without a hitch, he began presenting ‘L’incroyable secret de Barbe Noire’ or ‘The Incredible Secret of Blackbeard’, meant for children, in which he acts out the part of a boy from his island home who on hearing a story from his grandfather discovers a treasure chest with gold from Cortez, of the famed pirate himself (while wearing a pink mask and wielding a wooden pirate sword), and a puppet. The puppet is black. Sylvestre’s family had originated from Martinique, once the haunt of Blackbeard, and his shows had incorporated...

The Army’s ‘Recruitment Crisis’ Happened When White Recruits Stopped Showing Up

A DEI driven 43% drop in white recruits caused the Army’s ‘recruitment crisis’. The military recruitment crisis that has crippled our defense capabilities has been talked to death by generals, politicians and pundits who have blamed everything from rising minimum wages to obesity to Gen Z culture for the problem. They have raised enlistment bonuses to unprecedented levels, spent fortunes on ad campaigns that feature lesbian weddings and doubled down on DEI as the answer to the crisis. And yet the crisis has grown worse. That’s because recruitment was a self-inflicted problem caused by a woke racist military. Between 2018 and 2023, white Army recruits, once the mainstay, fell from a bare majority of 56% to a minority at 44% . This was not an unintended effect, but policy. “We are an Army that wants to look like America,” Maj. Gen. Kevin Vereen, the first black head of Army Recruiting Command, had proclaimed. Gen. Gary Brito, the first black head of Army Training and Doctrine Command un...