Showing posts with the label Racism


Dems Demand Biden Aid Black Klansman

“What the Negro needs is a Hitler.” 18 members of the Congressional Black Caucus, along with Rep. Rashida Tlaib and two other non-black members, signed a letter asking Biden to exonerate America’s first black Klansman. The letter does not mention that Marcus Garvey had allied with the KKK, admired Hitler, told his followers to read Mein Kampf and declared , “what the Negro needs is a Hitler.” It also does not mention that Garvey had himself in mind for the job, that the self-proclaimed “Provisional President of Africa” wore imaginary military uniforms and sent his thugs to beat up black civil rights leaders before being expelled in disgrace after defrauding his followers. Or that the charges of mail fraud that 21 House Democrats want to exonerate Garvey from were brought at the urging of black civil rights leaders of the day who demanded federal intervention. House Democrats are not the first to argue that Garvey was railroaded. After the trial, Garvey claimed that he had been convicte...

Kamala’s Racism

It was 2003 and Kamala Harris was making her closing argument in the race to become San Francisco’s district attorney. Her opponent, Terence Hallinan, the incumbent DA, the son of a Communist father, had been backed by George Soros as one of his first pro-crime DAs, had come out against the death penalty, for drugs and against the police, and that gave him impeccable leftist credentials. How was Kamala going to run to the left of a man like that? The answer came in the form of a postcard mailer featuring black and white photos of the last ten DAs with the words, “It’s time for a change.” What did her leftist opponent have in common with Charles Fickert: a tough Republican DA known for going after leftist anarchists in court and after their supporters outside it with his fists? Not a thing except that they were both white men. When all else failed, Kamala had one argument to fall back on. Race. It was the same argument that she deployed in the 2020 primaries against Joe Biden when she f...

Black Puppeteer Sues for Being Accused of Blackface During Black History Month

Last year, for Black History Month, Franck Sylvestre was canceled for racial stereotypes even though he’s black. Now he’s suing the Red Coalition which claims to fight “systemic racism”. Sylvestre was born in France to parents from the French West Indies, he moved to Montreal and began putting on his own productions which combined music, slam poetry, dance and, this is where he got into trouble, puppetry. While Sylvestre’s previous black history month shows had gone without a hitch, he began presenting ‘L’incroyable secret de Barbe Noire’ or ‘The Incredible Secret of Blackbeard’, meant for children, in which he acts out the part of a boy from his island home who on hearing a story from his grandfather discovers a treasure chest with gold from Cortez, of the famed pirate himself (while wearing a pink mask and wielding a wooden pirate sword), and a puppet. The puppet is black. Sylvestre’s family had originated from Martinique, once the haunt of Blackbeard, and his shows had incorporated...

Systemic Racism is a Conspiracy Theory Cult

What is a conspiracy theory anyway? Conspiracy theories are, by definition, things that other people believe. Nobody believes in conspiracy theories, they believe that other people do. As an old dead white Elizabethan male who invented the toilet once quipped, “Treason doth never prosper. What's the reason? Why if it prospers, none dare call it treason.” Like treason, a conspiracy theory with the backing of the establishment becomes an article of faith. What’s the most dangerous kind of conspiracy theory? The kind no one dares to call what it is. Political extremism is invariably based on a set of conspiracy theories. And when the extremists take power then their conspiracy theories become establishment dogma. The dividing line is easy to spot. Extremists who aren’t in power invent conspiracy theories about those who are, while extremists who are in power invent conspiracy theories about those underneath them. The shift from conspiracies about an established upper class to conspira...

Hawaiian Racism and the Maui Fires

When Christopher Kunzelman’s wife was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, he asked her where she wanted to spend the last days of her life. She chose Maui. Kunzelman came from Scottsboro, Arizona, bought a house and prepared to move his family in, but he soon learned that he did not belong there. Locals warned him “this is a Hawaiian village. The only thing coming from the outside is the electricity,” and “you don’t even belong in Hawaii.” While he was moving in the furniture, two men showed up . They told him, “You seem like a nice guy, but you’re the wrong color for this place.” When he didn’t get the message, one of the men told him, “your skin is the wrong f****** color.” and hit him on the back of the head with a shovel. The Polynesian islanders beat him with the shovel, punched him, and kicked him in the ribs while he lay unconscious. They told him, “No white man is ever going to live here.” Kunzelman regained consciousness and made his escape while the two men were discussing how...

White Men Face Systemic Racism in the Workplace

A recent survey revealed that 1 in 6 hiring managers had been told to avoid hiring members of a particular gender and race. Normally editorials and cable news hits would have been scheduled, politicians would have held hearings and the civil rights apparatus of every federal and state agency, including the Department of Labor, would have launched massive investigations. But since the group being discriminated against were white men, civil rights professionals and the media gave each other a thumbs up and congratulated themselves on a job well done. Even while academics, journalists and politicians went on blathering about the nonsensical notion of ‘systemic racism’ toward minorities in a country where white people pass themselves off as minorities for career advancement, educational attainment and business opportunities, the survey peeled back the real face of systemic racism. 52% of hiring managers believe that their workplace practices racial discrimination and 50% believe that t...

Latinos Can Be White Supremacists or Oppressed Minorities. Not Both

Forget George Zimmerman, Latino white supremacy is having its moment now. “Latinos Can Be White Supremacists,” The Atlantic asserts. The New York Times traces, “The Long and Violent History of Anti-Black Racism in the Latino Community”, Slate delves into, “The Roots of Latino White Supremacy” and The New Yorker profiles, “The Rise of Latino White Supremacy”. None of these articles mention Jose Vasconcelos , the ‘Mexican’ politician and thinker who created the term La Raza Cosmica, giving us the La Raza movement, and who propagandized for Nazi Germany. Much like the KKK roots of the Democrats, it would be politically inconvenient to note that the party staked its bet on the racial nationalism of Latino and black movements to take over America. But that’s what identity politics is under its thin disguise of fighting racism. If Mauricio Garcia, the Texas mall shooter whose rampage set off a corresponding media rampage about the threat of Latino white supremacy, did indeed have Swastika a...

Hitler’s Multicultural Supporters

“The world today needs a Hitler,” CNN correspondent Adeel Raja tweeted. Tala Halawa, the BBC’s “Palestinian” specialist, had previously tweeted a rant that included #HitlerWasRight. Researchers have found that the #HitlerWasRight hashtag was intertwined not just with the usual white supremacists, but with more “progressive” hashtags like #FreePalestine. Raja, a Pakistani Muslim, and Halawa, who hails from Israel’s West Bank, don’t fit the image of what people think Hitler’s fanbase looks like, but they’re more typical than you might think. During the latest conflict between Israel and Hamas terrorists, Pakistani celebrities and politicians praised Hitler. “I remember a saying by Hitler who said he had spared some Jews to let the world know why he killed them. Today I have developed a firm faith in this,” a Pakistani parliamentarian declared . Pakistani actress Veena Malik tweeted the same fake Hitler quote. “I would have killed all the Jews of the world … but I kept some to show the...

The Soros Activist at the Heart of California’s $800 Billion Slave Reparations

In 2021, the Equal Justice Institute celebrated a settlement with the University of California in which the system agreed to stop using SAT and ACT test scores, objective merit-based metrics, in college admissions, until 2025. The racialist lawsuit claimed that test scores violate the California Constitution’s Equal Protection Clause as “indicators” of race. The “SAT is a barrier to equal opportunity”, Lisa Holder, a counsel with the Equal Opportunity Institute, claimed. Like a lot of destructive leftist activists, Lisa Holder received a Soros Justice Fellowship from the radical billionaire’s Open Society Foundation. The similarity in the names of the Equal Justice Society and Soros’ Open Society Foundation is more than strictly coincidental as Soros was one of the EJS’ founding donors. Beyond drawing six figures in compensation from the Equal Justice Society, Lisa Holder has her own law practice that focuses on racial issues and occasionally draws a check for teaching at UCLA. Holder ...