Showing posts with the label Taliban


Taliban Blame Afghanistan’s Problems on Global Warming

After three decades of wrecking Afghanistan, the Taliban finally found someone to blame for the miserable state of their Islamic emirate. In February, a bunch of bearded men gathered at one of the country’s remaining universities for the Taliban’s first International Climate Change Conference (no women or infidels allowed) under Mullah Abdul Kabir to cope with the crisis. According to the Taliban and its experts, there wasn’t enough water or there was too much flooding, the land is bad, and it’s the fault of someone else. Probably America. “Just like they invaded our country, they’ve invaded our climate,” Lutfullah Khairkhwa, the Taliban’s deputy higher education minister, who has a degree in the Koran, claimed . Khairkhwa then demanded that rich countries give the Taliban money in compensation for all the ‘climate change’ they inflicted on them. And that is what everything really comes down to. Third world countries embraced the global warming hoax because it allowed them to demand ca

Islamic Terrorists Create Famines to Profit From Foreign Aid

Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s first order of business was taking the Houthis off the list of foreign terrorist organizations. That 2021 decision helped lead to the Red Sea crisis today. Only four days after being confirmed, the State Department announced that “undertaking an expeditious review”, Blinken had decided that it should be legal to fund the Islamic terror group. The State Department claimed that it was lifting the terror ban on the Houthis, despite “their reprehensible conduct, including attacks against civilians and the kidnapping of American citizens” because of “the humanitarian consequences” that would take place in Yemen. Now, even in the midst of the Red Sea crisis, the Biden administration has refused to put the Houthis fully back on the list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations, instead it listed them under the much weaker Specially Designated Global Terrorist category which does not ban providing material support to them and has delayed imposing even these sanc

Every Electric Car You Buy Will Fund Al Qaeda

The Taliban recently announced that, “five countries are interested in investing in the lithium mining sector in Afghanistan’s Nuristan province”. A Chinese company has already put down a $10 billion bid that would include infrastructure along with improved roads for the terror group. Shahabuddin Delawar, the Taliban’s mining boss, boasted that, “we have 2.5 million tons in Nurestan alone. Extract it, and Afghanistan can be one of the richest countries in the world.” And who would be in charge of an estimated $50 billion worth of lithium? Hafiz Muhammad Agha Hakeem, the governor of the Nuristan province, recently appeared on a UN Security Council list of Taliban governors who were affiliated with Al Qaeda. The Islamic terrorist group had a stronger foothold in the area than almost any other part of Afghanistan. When Al Qaeda had been driven out of the rest of Afghanistan, it stayed on and went on fighting and killing Americans in Nuristan, While the area was named after a non-Pashtun

Biden Prints Money for the Taliban

After being described as “partners” by the Biden administration, the Taliban announced that they’re bringing back sharia punishments by chopping off hands and stoning their victims. Last year, the Biden administration had praised the Taliban’s “openness” to women’s rights. This development puts the nail in the coffin of claims by Biden administration figures that the Jihadist organization had changed into a kinder, gentler Taliban. But the media has conveniently ignored revelations of the close collaboration between the administration and the Taliban. Front Page Magazine was one of the few conservative publications that exposed the over $1.1 billion in aid directed by the administration after the Taliban takeover, the special licenses issued by the Biden administration authorizing financial transactions with the Taliban and Al Qaeda’s Haqqani Network to distribute that aid, and the billions stolen from 9/11 families for the Taliban. The Biden administration has been stonewalling

Biden Fights 9/11 Victims in Court to Protect Taliban Cash

White House Democrats have a history of fighting against terror victims suing Islamic terrorists. The Obama administration battled American terror victims suing the PLO. In 2015, after they won a $218 million judgement against the terror group, Blinken, then only a deputy secretary of state, intervened claiming that the lawsuit threatened “several decades of US foreign policy.” But now Biden is fighting 9/11 victims on behalf of the Taliban. At stake are billions being held by the Afghan central bank fund in the United States. A decade ago, 9/11 families sued the Taliban, Al Qaeda and Iran. The court found that the Islamic terrorists were responsible and a judgement of $6 billion was handed down. The verdict was described as “symbolic” at the time. CBS News commented that “it would be near impossible to collect any damages, especially from the Taliban or al Qaeda.” But that was before Biden turned over Afghanistan to the Taliban. Since Afghanistan has assets in this country, including

Biden is Paying Osama bin Laden’s Old Airline Millions to Fly Out Afghans

Ariana Afghan Airlines used to fly Al Qaeda terrorists from Afghanistan to the Middle East. As a sideline, it also flew guns and drugs on behalf of the Islamic terrorist organization. While Ariana was controlled by Osama bin Laden, it was allegedly coordinated by Viktor Bout , the Russian arms dealer whom Biden has offered to trade for pothead WNBA player Brittney Griner. But these days Ariana has a new mission and we’re the ones paying for it. The Biden administration is buying bulk tickets on the Taliban airline, according to a congressional report , and paying "approximately $300,000 per flight to a Taliban controlled airline in order to allow U.S. citizens and Afghan allies to continue evacuating." Taliban Air flies Afghans to Qatar, a close ally and state sponsor of Islamic terrorists, and then they go on to America. With tens of thousands to over a hundred thousand Afghans in the pipeline, the Taliban could see over $100 million in payments from Biden for its airline.

Biden Sends Nearly $1 Billion to Afghanistan Since Taliban Takeover

Over two decades the United States and its international partners poured billions in humanitarian aid into Afghanistan. Much of that aid went into the pockets of the Taliban. After Biden’s retreat, the Taliban have consolidated control over Afghanistan. And over all the hungry children, the girls deprived of an education, and all the other sob stories that kept a river of private charity and taxpayer money flowing into a hellhole in which nothing ever got better. The more things change, the more they stay the same. At an aid conference hosted by the UN, the UK, Germany and the Islamic terror state of Qatar, which backs the Taliban, $2.4 billion was raised for Afghanistan. The hosts had demanded over $4.4 billion which would have been the largest amount ever raised for any nation. The Biden administration kicked in another $204 million. That's on top of the $782 million in "humanitarian aid" allocated to Afghanistan last year since the Taliban took over. This year, Biden s

Biden Admin Praises Taliban’s 'Openness' to Women’s Rights

In 2001, the Taliban blew up the giant Buddha statues. Now they’re charging tourists five bucks each to go see the statues that aren’t there. Considering the Islamic knack for destroying statues, tombs, historic buildings, and anything that isn’t a mosque, tourism can be tough. Fortunately the Taliban have the opium business to fall back on. While officially the Taliban deplore drugs, their takeover was partly backed by the country’s drug lords who were eager for an end to America’s war on drugs. Planting season has arrived and everyone is expecting a lot of drug money to start flowing into the Taliban’s terrorist coffers. The Taliban response to international complaints has been the familiar drug shakedown. “If the international community recognizes our government and we receive aid and development assistance, then poppies will definitely disappear,” a Taliban governor told the media. Former U.S. administrations had offered aid in exchange for suspending the drug business. And while