Showing posts with the label Walz


Gov. Walz’s Legacy is That Majority of Students Can No Longer Read

Test scores in Minnesota hit a 30 year low under the former high school teacher. (Note to Subscribers: After the mailing list service I was using shut down, I was forced to switch to a new service. That's why this is the first email in a week. I've been trying my best to get this right, but if there are any issues with the email, please let me know.)   Gov. Tim Walz has made much of being a former high school teacher in his political campaigns. The DNC brought out former students of his on stage and the media has rolled out adulatory stories claiming that Walz’s time as a teacher will help him shape America’s education policy. The recent release of the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments (MCA) test scores for 2024 by Education Commissioner Willie Jett, a Walz appointee, were described by the Minnesota Star Tribune as “stagnant with only about half of students meeting or beating grade-level standards in math and reading.” The paper struggled to describe an empty glass as half-f...

Spokesman Says Walz’s Lies Make Him Authentic

Gov. Tim Walz began his political career with a lie . According to the story that launched his career, Walz, a “football coach” and a “command sergeant major” took two students to a Bush campaign event only to be subjected to a “KGB-style interrogation” because one of the students had a Kerry sticker on his wallet. Walz, facing arrest by the Secret Service (because one of his students had a Kerry sticker on his wallet) then demanded “if they really wanted to arrest a command sergeant major who’d just returned from fighting the war on terrorism.” Since then we’ve learned that every part of that story was a lie. Walz was not a command sergeant major, he hadn’t returned from fighting a war and he wasn’t even actually a football coach. And the entire story which he kept on repeating as recently as 2020 never happened. Instead, Walz showed up with some of his students outside a Bush event with a protest sign claiming to be a veteran of the War in Afghanistan who supported Kerry. That there...

Tim Walz's 30-Year Relationship With China

With the United States and China engaged in a heated trade war, the US-China Peoples Friendship Association (USCPFA) scheduled its national convention in Minneapolis. Minnesota’s soybean trade made it China’s best leverage against President Trump’s tariffs and the regime was fortunate to have one of its own in the governor’s residency. Gov. Tim Walz was the highest ranking elected official with the broadest ties to China. And so it surprised no one when the US-China Peoples Friendship Association listed him as one of its speakers at the convention alongside notable Communist influence operation figures. Earlier that year, Walz had gone on a foreign trip to Asia along with his Lt. Gov: leaving no one in charge of Minnesota. While the trip was ostensibly undertaken to find alternative trading partners to China, it was actually a propaganda move to stir up opposition to Trump’s trade war. In September 2019, Gov. Walz returned claiming that the state’s farmers ‘remain in desperate need o...