“What the Negro needs is a Hitler.” 18 members of the Congressional Black Caucus, along with Rep. Rashida Tlaib and two other non-black members, signed a letter asking Biden to exonerate America’s first black Klansman. The letter does not mention that Marcus Garvey had allied with the KKK, admired Hitler, told his followers to read Mein Kampf and declared , “what the Negro needs is a Hitler.” It also does not mention that Garvey had himself in mind for the job, that the self-proclaimed “Provisional President of Africa” wore imaginary military uniforms and sent his thugs to beat up black civil rights leaders before being expelled in disgrace after defrauding his followers. Or that the charges of mail fraud that 21 House Democrats want to exonerate Garvey from were brought at the urging of black civil rights leaders of the day who demanded federal intervention. House Democrats are not the first to argue that Garvey was railroaded. After the trial, Garvey claimed that he had been convicte...
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Showing posts with the label black nationalism
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ADL Joins Sharpton for Crown Heights Pogrom Anniversary
In August 1991, racist mobs roamed the streets of Crown Heights, Brooklyn, attacking anyone they thought might be Jewish. Black rioters stabbed, stoned and beat their victims. Community members huddled in their homes watching gangs smash their windows. Al Sharpton appeared to denounce the Jews at an event that included the banner, “Hitler did not do the job.” In August 2023, the ADL ignored the anniversary of the Crown Heights Pogrom and instead joined Sharpton in Washington D.C. The ADL urged its members to take part in Sharpton’s ‘March on Washington’ headlined by his National Action Network and co-chaired by the ADL. The ADL not only failed to commemorate the 32nd anniversary of the Crown Heights Pogrom, it partnered with the hatemonger who was front and center at the pogrom. ADL president Jonathan Greenblatt issued a press release together with Al Sharpton about the recent murder of three people in Florida, while forgetting about the three people who died in Crown Heights. They inc...
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America’s Most Racist Poet is Taught in Colleges Across America
“We are all beautiful (except white people, they are full of, and made of shit),” Baraka wrote in ‘A School of Prayer’. This was about the nicest thing that he ever said about white people. “Come up, black dada / nihilismus. Rape the white girls. Rape / their fathers. Cut the mothers’ throats,” the black nationalist raved in.another poem. In a poem published by his own Jihad Press, Baraka fantasized about a race war, “cracker you may be wood and fire is what you need… n___r you might be fire and need to be burn some wood” and declared that, “Allah speaks in and thru me now.” In his play, ‘A Black Mass’, Baraka dramatized the Nation of Islam’s myth of a black mad scientist creating white people with the emergence of “a beast” who is “white with a red, lizard-devil mask” and who “hops around, all the while screaming, ‘white, white, white'”. The play concludes with the narrator warning, “There are beasts in our world. Let us find them and slay them. Let us lock them in their caves. Le...
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African Feminist Slave Traders vs. White Male Slave Liberators
Sony, spurred by the success of Black Panther, decided to make the ‘Amazon’ Agojie warriors of Dahomey, the inspiration for the fictional female warriors of the comic book, into a movie. The Woman King had a $50 million budget to bring the real Wakanda to life. It opened at the top of the box office as a black nationalist story of female empowerment about heroic slave traders. While a movie celebrating the Confederacy could never be made, African slave traders who sold hundreds of thousands of slaves and engaged in mass sacrifice are Hollywood heroes. Despite the fact that the movie had originated with white actress Maria Bello of Coyote Ugly, Gina Prince-Bythewood, its half-black director, made sure “people of color” would be in charge during the production. Prince-Bythewood, who had been given up for adoption by her white birth mother and was raised by a white couple near the vineyards of Monterey, claimed that she cried about her “connection to the material” glorifying one of the wo...
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Russian Spies Were Behind Black Nationalist Protest Groups
After years of Russiagate conspiracy theories about how the Russians had somehow rigged the 2016 presidential election using Facebook ads, the Senate Intelligence report awkwardly revealed that the Russian operation had focused most of its attention on black nationalists. The Senate report revealed that "most of the videos" put out by the Russian IRA troll factory on YouTube "pertained to police brutality and the activist efforts of the Black Lives Matter organization" and found that "no single group of Americans was targeted... more than African-Americans" around "race and related issues". But that was an understatement. The Russians had created their own Black Lives Matter groups, activists and protests. It is still not fully clear where the dividing lines between black nationalists and Russian agents lie. And the media has consistently buried these revelations about the real Russian role in our politics to focus on the discredited smears targ...
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Black Panther Defense Minister Leaves Congress to Spend More Time With His Hate Group
After the last of the old Senate Democrat Klansmen rode off into the sunset, it’s the turn of the longest serving former official of a racist hate group to throw his own retirement party. Rep. Bobby Rush, the former Deputy Minister of Defense for the Black Panthers, announced that he’s joining his fellow Democrats fleeing the sinking ship ahead of the midterms, not for political reasons mind you, but in order to spend more time with his grandchildren. "I don’t want to be a historical figure to my grandchildren," Rush said. That stands to reason considering his history. Rush was recruited by Stokely Carmichael, a deranged bigot who would later describe Adolf Hitler as “the greatest white man”, to form a Black Panther chapter in Chicago. "We plan to arm the total black community so when the pigs come down on us, we will be equal," Rush once bragged. "We advocate offensive violence against the power structure... we are at war and the Minister of Defense must be i...
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Kamala Stopped FBI From Monitoring Black Supremacists Like Waukesha Killer
Two years ago, Senator Kamala Harris, along with Senator Cory Booker and six other Democrat Senate members, attacked the Justice Department for monitoring black supremacists. The politicians signed a letter falsely claiming that black identity extremists was “a fabricated term based on a faulty assessment of a small number of isolated incidents”. And they argued that monitoring black racists was racist. When Kamala Harris was running for president, the privileged daughter of wealthy foreign students falsely claimed that she faced segregation in Berkeley, California. “That little girl was me,” she famously declared. In Waukesha, Jackson Sparks, an 8-year-old boy, was killed by the black supremacist terrorist whom Kamala Harris had protected. That little boy’s blood is on her hands. Kamala had joined a crusade by Senator Cory Booker to pressure the FBI to eliminate the black identity extremists category and stop tracking terror attacks by black supremacists. Later that same year, two dev...
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Verizon Cut Off Donations to Republicans, Partnered With Antisemitic Farrakhan Pal
Verizon is a $200 billion corporation and Cornel West is the author of “The Ethical Dimensions of Marxist Thought”. Verizon is one of the biggest companies in America, while West claims to hate corporations so much that he taunted Obama as a “Rockefeller Republican in blackface”. But Verizon’s Yahoo subsidiary is working together with the infamous socialist who had praised Venezulean butcher Hugo Chavez as part of its #YahooAllyshipPledge which vows to connect “diverse creators” with “thought leaders, nonprofits and activists, including Dr. Cornel West.” West got a doctorate in philosophy for his aforementioned dissertation on the ethical dimensions of an ideology that killed millions of people in which he mentioned “the profound tragedy of the epochal change in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe” and argued that, “Marxist thought becomes even more relevant after the collapse of Communism in the Soviet Union.” Verizon has not publicly stated its position on the relevance of Marxist ...
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White People Aren’t Human
The Nation of Islam may be the largest racist religion in America. It is certainly the most influential with Louis Farrakhan’s original Million Man March drawing some 400,000 racists and allies of the hate group, including a young Barack Obama, who would later be photographed as a senator with the black supremacist leader at a Congressional Black Caucus event. House Majority Whip Rep. James Clyburn, the third highest ranking Democrat, and the kingmaker who got Biden the Democrat nomination and the White House, had thanked Farrakhan for, "offering up a number of precepts that we ought to adhere to.” Clyburn is one of a number of congressional Democrats who have Nation of Islam links. Despite a history of violent terrorism by the Nation of Islam and its spinoff groups, its racist theology which believes that white people are subhuman devils who will be killed off, and its antisemitism and conspiracy theories, the hate group is also incredibly culturally influential. Black National...
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