The strange, true story of Biden family corruption that no one will discuss. On March 1, 2018, Joe Biden got a $200,000 check. The story of where that check came from involves everything from “bloodstained currency” to smuggled gold bars to ‘The Exorcist’. But above all else it involves an enemy Muslim tyranny with ties to 9/11 and Hamas. When I first broke the story a week before Election Day , it was about how hospital patients in smaller poorer hospitals, including one that had inspired ‘The Exorcist’, had suffered because of the corrupt greed of the Biden family. But even then there was a strange element which led to one of the key figures in the case receiving “blood-stained currency from a Middle Eastern country” and a “torture ticket” after suing James Biden: Joe’s brother. Four years later, in the midst of the Hamas war, the identity of the “Middle Eastern country” behind the Biden business takes on new importance because it is a state sponsor of Hamas. And congressional inves...
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Showing posts with the label corruption
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NY’s BLM Lt. Gov Who Backed Police Defunding Busted for Bribery
Sen. Brian Benjamin wanted to defund the NYPD, but he should have fought to defund the FBI because it was the feds that busted the “progressive politician” on bribery charges. “Last year we made historic strides towards ending mass incarceration with major reforms," Sen. Benjamin had boasted when he was in the legislature. “But there is still more work to do.” Benjamin’s current work will be avoiding incarceration on five bribery charges. The busted radical had fought to end bail, turning arrests into a revolving door, close down the Rikers Island prison, limit police enforcement options, and protect parole violators. While the leftist crook has claimed that there is a school-to-prison pipeline, the real pipeline is the politics-to-prison pipeline in Albany. Governor Spitzer was forced out in a prostitution scandal, his Lt. Governor, David Paterson, was pushed to the door in a sex scandal, and his successor, Andrew Cuomo, well you may have heard that story. No sooner did Cuomo’s L...
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The Real USC Scandal is How Democrat Pols, Not Celebs, Got In
The arrest of Los Angeles Councilman Mark Ridley-Thomas over a bribery scheme was nothing special. Recent arrests and indictments have decimated the ranks of the Cincinnati and Detroit city councils. The corruption of urban Democrat machines is a dog bites man story and the responsibility of those machines for much of the misery they blame on the myth of “systemic racism” may well be the single most underreported story in the establishment media. What makes the Ridley-Thomas arrest stand out is that the bribe was academic. Sebastian Ridley-Thomas, Mark's son, had followed his father into Democrat politics, and was elected to the California State Assembly before being accused of sexual harassment. The second generation of the Democrat dynasty was falling apart and Sebastian stepped down while blaming health problems. The health problems didn’t prevent him from creating Millennial Advisors, and the Policy, Research and Practice Initiative to “research” black voters. And he got a job ...
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Boehner Stands to Make Millions in Drug Money From Biden Win
Nine years ago, the New York Times was accusing John Boehner of racism. Now it’s eager to lap up every drop of vomitous bile from the former Republican House Speaker. When Boehner asked Obama to move his speech by one day to avoid clashing with a Republican debate, NBC political analyst Richard Wolffe suggested that Boehner only did it because of "the color of his skin". Wolffe meant Obama's skin, not Boehner's, which always looks like spoiled meat served in some blackmarket back alley cafe in Havana. Since then Boehner has followed the usual career track of former RINOs from “worse than Hitler” to “sleazy lobbyist” to “author of unnecessary memoir bashing Trump”. Boehner’s memoir On The House, like his political career, has no reason to exist. Even when he occupied one of the most powerful elected positions in the country, Boehner was mostly notable for looking like he was on the edge of tears. That and the time his bartender was arrested for wanting to poison him. ...
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How a Trump Prosecutor Took Down a Third of the Cincinnati City Council
"As Donald Trump returns to Cincinnati today, I think it's important to say in my role as an elected leader for the city that he does not represent our values - not anywhere close. Indeed, he undermines them daily," Councilman P.G. Sittenfeld tweeted two years ago. Now, P.G. Sittenfeld, the leftist mayoral candidate, whose Senate bid had been funded by Obama and Biden backers, was arrested on corruption charges. In some places that might be a shameful distinction, but in Cincinnati it just means a third of the city council has been busted. Or 40% of the ‘Gang of Five’, the five Democrats who had illegally colluded on city business via text messaging resulting in $101,000 in fines and attorney fees to be paid for by taxpayers. When Democrat politicians violate the law, it's the taxpayers who still end up on the hook. Sittenfeld, a young leftist, was being touted for bigger things. One of his fundraising events was hosted by Bill Burton, Obama's former deputy press...
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The Bidens Cashed In While a Pennsylvania Hospital Couldn't Care for Patients
The old slogan, "The Best of Care" can still be found on Ellwood City Medical Center's old promotional materials. When the pandemic began, the old rural Rust Belt country where President Trump beat Hillary Clinton could have used a hospital. Any hospital. There was even talk of reopening the defunct hospital again to treat coronavirus patients. But, like so much in Pennsylvania, the Ellwood City Medical Center never recovered from the Democrats. The FBI raided it in January and the hospital lost its license next month. Not that it mattered at that point because the hospital had already been shut down since December. Despite that, the hospital managed to score $1.8 million in coronavirus relief funds. With no hospital, local residents face a trip if they’re injured. And if the injury is bad enough, they might not survive. The closed hospital in Pennsylvania is just another piece of the Biden legacy. In the three years since Americore CEO Grant White was allegedly introduc...
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The Media Took Millions in Loans Meant for Small Businesses
Even while the media is blaring stories about the abuse of the Payroll Protection Plan loans from the Small Business Administration, its own industry took millions in loans and wants billions more. Unlike many small businesses which were forced to shut down because of the lockdown, the media has been wrongly listed as ‘essential’ and exempted from the shutdowns, but that hasn’t stopped it from taking money that should have been used to compensate small business owners who can’t stay open. Even when the media operations cashing in on the SBA loans aren’t anyone’s idea of a small business. The Seattle Times maxed out its PPP loan with a $10 million payout. The Seattle Times is not only Washington State's largest daily, but its parent company, the Seattle Times Company, owns two other papers, and had, as recently as 3 years ago, put out 7 papers. It also owned multiple newspapers in Maine which it sold off for over $200 million. It had two printing plants, one of which it sold. ...
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The Hellish Dingell Legacy
A decade ago, Time Magazine unveiled an in-depth article on the death of Detroit. One of the politicians whom the article blamed for Detroit’s woes was Rep. John Dingell. The Dingell clan has held a congressional seat outside Detroit since 1932. Their 87-year tenure has not coincidentally coincided with the decline of a thriving industrial city into a post-apocalyptic wasteland. But it’s been good for the Dingells, three of whom have sat in their congressional seat since the days of Herbert Hoover, the rise of Hitler, and the radio age, and fattened their pockets on its sinecures. Dingell Sr. was the son of Polish immigrants who started out in politics as a union boss, jumped into a newly created seat, and kept it through eleven elections before passing it on to his son. Dingell Jr, outdid daddy by becoming the longest serving member of Congress in American history. Before he died, he passed on the seat to his second wife, whom he married when she was 28 and he was 55 years old. ...
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How Obama’s Senior Response Director Profited From Disaster in Puerto Rico
By September 2018, despite billions of dollars in aid, Puerto Rico was still a mess. By August, FEMA had stopped paying for the nearly 2,500 displaced Puerto Ricans who had been living in hotels after Hurricane Maria had wrecked their homes. But the FEMA times were good at Casino Del Mar. San Juan's Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz had become a CNN celeb by wearing a, "Help Us We Are Dying" t-shirt. But no one was dying at the luxury resort in San Juan with its 15,000 square feet of gaming tables and its seven restaurants. Except maybe some especially unlucky gamblers. Its blue neon wave walls were shimmering, the machines were jingling and there were some high rollers at the tables. One of those high rollers was a FEMA administrator. Ahsha Nateef Tribble’s job had been to get Puerto Rico working again. That’s why Ahsha had been appointed FEMA's Power Sector Chief and Infrastructure Chief for Recovery. And she was certainly helping one part of Puerto Rico recover. At...
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Oh To Be a Democrat in New Jersey
NAACP President Jeffrey Dye had a record of threatening his brother with a knife, getting caught with six bags of crack cocaine, assaulting police officers on two separate occasions, so of course he was appointed to work for the New Jersey Department of Labor & Workforce Development. Governor Phil Murphy’s Dem administration had previously appointed Al Alvarez, his guy in charge of Latino and Muslim outreach, accused of trying to rape one of his staffers during the campaign, as chief of staff the New Jersey Schools Development Authority. The last time Dye had gotten in trouble was when he had been charged with aggravated assault after a confrontation with 3 police officers in 2007. That’s not counting the time he failed to file campaign finance reports while running for public office. Dye morphed into a perennial Democrat candidate, running and losing one election after another, and headed Passaic’s NAACP chapter. As Rachel Dolezal, a white woman claiming to be black, who hea...
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