Showing posts with the label diversity


The DEI Dieback

In nature, a useless species that over reproduces due to an unnatural condition in its environment that protects it from the laws of nature, like pigeons in big cities, is vulnerable to a dieback. So too DEI or Diversity, Equity and Inclusion consultants, are facing their own dieback. Like the Norway Rat or the Great American Bedbug, DEI executives suddenly popped up at every Fortune 500 company in the aftermath of George Floyd’s drug overdose death. They subjected employees to racist unconscious bias training, warped product lines and corporate communications to reflect leftist politics, and could be found sitting in First Class seats while flying to DEI conferences all around the country to coordinate with more of their kind. Now the DEI dieback has arrived. One survey revealed that company events and bonuses are cut first, followed by diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) programs. Only 5% of recruiters say that DEI is a priority. DEI job listings fell by a fifth last year and the w...

Affirmative Action Battle Moves on to the Military

One of the Biden administration’s big arguments for racially discriminating against white and Asian students in college admissions was the need for military diversity. More than half of the ‘national interest’ section in its amicus brief argued that the military “depends on a well-qualified and diverse officer corps” which requires that colleges select for diversity over merit. “It is not possible to achieve that diversity without race-conscious admissions, including at the nation’s service academies,” Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar told the Supreme Court. The Roberts decision in Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard shot down affirmative action as a legal practice, but punted on the question of racial discrimination within the military and its service branch academies. A footnote briefly stated that, “no military academy is a party to these cases, however, and none of the courts below addressed the propriety of race-based admissions systems in that context. This opinion als...

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion on Drugs

“I use psychedelic drugs to deepen my DEI practice,” writes Steven Huang, a diversity consultant who urges CEOs to get high. DEI stands for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Every corporation has gone DEI. Some call it racism, others call it a cult, and some have taken the racist cult to an exciting new place. At his DEI firm, Huang “seeks to leverage the power of psychedelics to inspire a generation of leaders to interrogate systems of oppression.” This is DEI. This is DEI on drugs. “So what does Black History Month look like in the psychedelics ecosystem?” he asked. “From the lens of a social justice warrior operating within a ‘corporate’ psychedelic system… it’s a lot to process,” Huang then pitched “black-Centered MDMA-Assisted Psychotherapy, Addressing Racial Trauma” through the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies. MAPS advocates the use of psychedelic drugs to treat trauma. One of its favorites is MDMA, methylenedioxymethamphetamine, better known as ‘ecstasy’ or ...

The Year Woke Went Broke

As companies aggressively lay off workers and cut costs, a survey released last month revealed that company events and bonuses are cut first, followed by diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) programs. DEI job listings fell by a fifth last year and the woke collapse is accelerating. That’s been the conclusion of other surveys and firms describing a corporate environment where DEI’s wokeness programs are the “first to go”. Only 5% of recruiters say that DEI is a priority. Corporate racism is collateral damage in HR cuts. 55% of HR departments surveyed were already cut or expected to have their budgets slashed. And DEI is the mask that HR wears. Layoffs in the tech industry disproportionately affected white women , not because of sexism, but because companies under pressure were shedding the most expendable roles: primarily HR. Some companies like Twilio announced that they would be firing workers based on race. Or, as CEO Jeff Lawson put it , layoffs “were carried out through an Ant...

Diversity's War on Tests

Harvard lashed out at the Department of Education and the Justice Department’s withdrawal of Obama era letters backing extreme racist preferences in education by vowing to "continue to vigorously defend its right, and that of all colleges and universities, to consider race.” To paraphrase the inaugural address of a noted Democrat: “Affirmative action now, affirmative action tomorrow, affirmative action forever.” The right that Harvard is fighting for is the right to be racist. The same right that George Wallace, the KKK and nearly every single college in the country have been obsessed with protecting and preserving. Harvard already stands accused of considering race in its admissions to such a degree that an Asian student's chance of getting in would go from 25% to 95% if she switched races and pretended to be black. Low-income Asian applicants were less likely to get in than wealthier black applicants. "Make no mistake, this is the law of the land. Today’s anno...