Showing posts with the label feminism


Assaulting Women is the New Feminism

Last year, Payton McNabb, a teenage girl, was seriously injured while playing in a high school volleyball game against a transgender male athlete in North Carolina. A year later she’s still struggling with partial paralysis and constant headaches, and has trouble learning. If Payton expected feminist groups to side with her, she was disappointed. Instead the Feminist Majority Foundation, the nonprofit that publishes Ms. Magazine, denounced the “Fairness in Women’s Sports Act” bill meant to protect teenage girls like her. The Feminist Majority Foundation, along with Feminist Campus, Equal Rights Advocates, Girls Inc, Women’s Legal Defense and Education Fund, Trust Women, United State of Women, and the National Organization for Women, and numerous feminist groups signed a letter attacking the federal ‘Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act’ for daring to protect women from suffering the way that Payton and other female athletes had. A dozen organizations with “women”, “girl” or “f

Barbie and the Left’s War on Childhood

Barbie dolls are meant for little girls from 3 to 12, while the Barbie movie is rated PG-13. The material in the movie isn’t appropriate for children, but neither is it appropriate for adults. Parents are expected to take young girls to the movie which is one part pink glitz, as it is being marketed through every corporate media outlet, and one part extended feminist rant denouncing men and our society. Tacky and vulgar, Barbie the movie is the work of children in adult bodies who have been given adult powers, but confuse leftist virtue signaling with adult responsibilities. Barbie is the latest invasion of childhood spaces by adults who have never grown up. Peter Pan long ago stopped being a fantasy and became an extended societal nightmare. The majority of attendees at Disney theme parks are no longer families, but childless millennials , and the same is true of subscribers to the Disney+ streaming service. Barbie follows up on Disney’s legacy of replacing family and children’s progr

Feminists Were Against Single Sex Spaces, Before They Were For Them

Before anyone worried about a 300 lb bearded man sharing dressing rooms, saunas, and sports teams with the fairer sex, the war on single sex spaces was being waged by feminists. During the 1970s, feminists demanded access to all-male clubs and insisted that female sports reporters had the right to interview half-naked male athletes. The consensual single-sex male space had all but disappeared in the new century except as a distant memory. The triumph of feminism further atomized male spaces and communities while leaving female ones intact. By the next decade, books like Hannah Rosin’s ‘The End of Men (and the Rise of Women)’ forecast a world in which masculinity had been reduced to an evolutionary dead end. Such hollow triumphalism still persists in some feminist circles, but, as any biologist could have explained, the end of men foreshadowed the end of women. Men and women cannot in the long run exist without each other either biologically or societally. The feminist movement is using

Male Democrats Under 50 Are Now More Anti-Feminist Than Older Republican Men

"Drag queens make everything better. Drag queens are fun," Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel gushed. "A drag queen for every school! That is what would be fine for a kid." "Drag storytellers, and the libraries and schools that support them, are advancing a love of diversity, personal expression, and literacy that is core to what our city embraces," New York City Mayor Eric Adams tweeted after a newspaper report that the city had spent over $200,000 on transgender strip shows and other drag acts in public venues, including schools and libraries. At 53 and 61, Dana Nessel and Eric Adams have been touted as the future of the Democrats, but they're already deeply out of step with Democrats under 50. Especially young male Democrats. A new Southern Poverty Law Center survey reveals massive age and gender gaps that show that gender identity politics is alienating younger generations of Democrat men and women. The survey found that 47% of Democrat men

ACLU Files Motion Denying Existence of Women

The ACLU claims that there’s a War on Women… and it’s fighting it. "We're Not Stupid: Outrageous Quotes from the War on Women," the ACLU had headlined a post about its pro-abortion activism in 2013. A decade later the ACLU is arguing in court that women don't exist. Not only does the ACLU’s current abortion coverage eliminate any mention of women, but in response to a civil rights lawsuit by women, it actually filed a motion arguing they don’t exist. Last year, the Women’s Liberation Front, one of the few remaining feminist groups that have rejected transgender intersectionality’s displacement of women, filed a lawsuit against California’s prison system over housing men who claim to identify as female together with women. The feminist groups filing the lawsuit noted that , "of the incarcerated men seeking to transfer to women’s prison 33.8% — FULLY ONE THIRD — are registered sex offenders." Krystal Gonzalez, one of four women being represented in the lawsuit

Model Afghan Refugee Sexually Assaulted Woman Who Helped Resettle Him

Matie with Lt. Gov Mandela Barnes (via  Empower Wisconsin ) As soon as Haji Matiullah Matie arrived in the United States, he became the poster boy for Afghan refugees. In November 2021, as swarms of unvetted Afghan refugees airlifted by Biden with Taliban permission arrived in the United States, military social media accounts made him the face of Operation Allies Welcome and promoted stories about his reunion with an officer he had known. It no doubt helped that Matie had served as a “facilitator and fixer” for Marine Lt. Gen. Lawrence Nicholson. Unlike the Americans who were beaten in the streets, Matie and his family got a password and a special sign that got him access to the airport and a free ride to America. The New York Times wrote up Matie’s story and so did many other media outlets. By the time he was finally resettled from Fort Pickett, Virginia, to Wausau, Wisconsin, he was famous. When he flew out to his new home in the small Wisconsin city, the mayor was there to meet him

Biden Admin Praises Taliban’s 'Openness' to Women’s Rights

In 2001, the Taliban blew up the giant Buddha statues. Now they’re charging tourists five bucks each to go see the statues that aren’t there. Considering the Islamic knack for destroying statues, tombs, historic buildings, and anything that isn’t a mosque, tourism can be tough. Fortunately the Taliban have the opium business to fall back on. While officially the Taliban deplore drugs, their takeover was partly backed by the country’s drug lords who were eager for an end to America’s war on drugs. Planting season has arrived and everyone is expecting a lot of drug money to start flowing into the Taliban’s terrorist coffers. The Taliban response to international complaints has been the familiar drug shakedown. “If the international community recognizes our government and we receive aid and development assistance, then poppies will definitely disappear,” a Taliban governor told the media. Former U.S. administrations had offered aid in exchange for suspending the drug business. And while

As Many as 1 in 3 Afghan Refugee Women at U.S. Base are Pregnant

When Biden's Afghanistan retreat first brought tens of thousands of Afghans to the United States without any visas or vetting, officials at Fort McCoy warned about numerous incidents of Afghan child brides. Democrats and senior military officials have denied these allegations, but shocking new statistics out of Fort McCoy raise new questions of just how pervasive this is. When thousands of Afghans first arrived at the military base in rural Wisconsin, local residents in Sparta, the “Bicycling Capital of America”, a small city of less than 10,000, began warning that the Afghans being housed at Fort McCoy were putting a significant strain on their infrastructure and their medical services. I was told that there were as many as 800 pregnant refugees at the base. The number seemed wildly implausible, but now the official number is out. According to military officials, there have been 500 pregnant Afghans at Fort McCoy and, according to a local news report, “the numbers keep growing”.

Can Feminism Destroy China?

China’s one-child policy suppressed the birth rate with forced abortions and political terror for a generation. Only allowed one child, many Chinese families chose to abort their baby girls. The deficit of 40 million female babies is now the specter stalking Communist China. China’s aggressive military moves against Taiwan and India are a desperate gambit by a corrupt Communist elite facing domestic social instability and millions of men who can never marry. But while the focus has been on too many Chinese men, it’s the too few women whom the regime is starting to fear. The Communist society is being forced to reckon with the social problem of supply and demand in the marriage market. Women, formerly despised, are now in the driver’s seat, with the bride’s family demanding tens of thousands from prospective grooms. That price is putting marriage out of reach for a whole other category of poorer men. But what really has the Communist elite worried is not the high price of marriage, but

Joe Biden Wants to Help Women by Freeing Rapists

Earlier this year, Frankie Harris, 38, a vicious criminal attacked a 64-year-old woman in Harlem from behind, strangled her for three minutes, and then pulled her to the ground and raped her. Then he left her in a pool of her own blood. When the police caught him, he claimed it was “consensual”. His victim died after spending a week in a coma. The monster who attacked her (pictured) had been set loose twice after previous attacks that same year, including forcible touching and sex abuse, and was sent into supervised release programs, instead of being safely locked up because New York Democrats had eliminated “cash bail”. The pro-crime program of eliminating bail protections has led to a wave of assaults on women. While New York City judges have released rapists without bail , including an illegal alien child rapist , it’s become the new normal around the country where the combination of pro-crime “criminal justice reform” and Soros DAs has effectively dismantled the criminal justice s

Feminism Without Women

50 years after Ms. Magazine was founded by Gloria Steinem, the prototypical feminist magazine decided to erase women by referring to them as “birthing people” and “people with vaginas”. Once the champions of newspeak jargon like “herstory” that was supposed to emphasize the role of women, Ms. Magazine and the Feminist Majority Foundation are now erasing women. After generations of accusing men of objectifying women by reducing them to body parts, the professional feminists are eliminating women entirely by reducing them to body parts. Ms. is short for Miss which was itself short for Mistress. At some point, the magazine will have to be renamed to Xer or They. And the Feminist Majority Foundation owes its name to yet another romance language name for women creating a movement named after women without women. Can there be a feminist movement without women? Will feminism have to be renamed Xerinism or Theyinism? In 2020, 55% of white women voted for President Trump despite a drumbeat of d