Showing posts with the label history


The Myth of Mt. Denali

The decision to bring back Mt. McKinley’s name touched off outrage from those who insist that Mt. Denali was the original ‘indigenous’ name for Mt. McKinley. But which “indigenous” name? The National Park Service notes that, “no fewer than nine Native groups… used unique names for the mountain. There are five Athabascan languages surrounding the park, each with its own oral place name.” And Mt. Denali is not even the right tribal name. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, who co-sponsored the bill to change Mt. McKinley’s name to Mt. Denali, attacked President Trump’s decision to rename the mountain because Mt. McKinley “must continue to be known by the rightful name bestowed by Alaska’s Koyukon Athabascans, who have stewarded the land since time immemorial.” But the Athabascans don’t call themselves that, they use the name ‘Dena’. Athabasca is actually a lake in Canada. The name was wrongly applied by Albert Gallatin, President Jefferson’s brilliant but erratic French immigrant Treasury Secretary. B...

Democrat Platform Says America Was Built on Stolen Land

The DNC 2016 party platform began by claiming that “Democrats meet in Philadelphia with the same basic belief that animated the Continental Congress when they gathered here 240 years ago.” Four years later, out went the Continental Congress and all of America. The 2020 DNC platform began with a politically fashionable ‘land acknowledgement’ asserting that America was an illegitimate entity operating on stolen land “built on Indigenous homelands.” The 2024 platform likewise begins with a ‘land acknowledgement’ claiming that Chicago properly belongs to 13 different Indian tribes. Once again, the DNC asserts that they “recognize that our country was built on Indigenous homelands.” That is to say America should not exist. If the Democrats truly believe it, why not turn over Chicago to the Indian tribes? Land acknowledgements were initiated by an Australian Marxist terrorist supporter at a counterculture festival in the 1970s. Its goal was to establish that Australians were foreigners an...

Ending ‘Treason Citizenship’

Terrorists running around cities waving the flags of Islamic terror groups could have easily been removed from the United States, even if they were born in this country, until the 1960s. That’s when the Warren Court detonated one of the ‘bombs’ buried in the 14th Amendment. The 14th Amendment, passed during a period of suspension of civil liberties and legal norms after the Civil War, was an example of why the Framers made it so difficult to add amendments to the Constitution and why adding them is usually a bad idea. Unconstitutional, punitive and sloppily written, the ticking time bombs in the 14th in just the past few years were exploited to try and ban Trump from running for office (Section 3), to allow Biden to bypass Congress on spending (Section 4) and to force women to compete against ‘transgender’ men (Section 1.) But the biggest time bomb in the 14th Amendment was birthright citizenship. The 14th Amendment had set out to end once and for all the debate about black citizenshi...

Israel Declares Independence from Biden

As Israel marks its 76th Independence Day, instead of a day usually filled with parades and fireworks, the Israeli people will buckle down to the business of a nation at war. Too much of the population is either deployed in the field or may soon be, displaced from their homes near the Gaza border or aware that at any moment rocket alerts could sound for incoming missiles from Gaza, Lebanon, Yemen or Iran. This year, Yom HaZikaron, Memorial Day annually observed for the fallen, will overshadow Yom Ha’atzmaut or Independence Day. Much like America’s Greatest Generation, the men and women who scrappily fought for Israel’s independence using crude weapons and WWII surplus gear are passing out of history. Few now remember a time when Israel did not exist and some have come to take it for granted. While Israeli Air Force jets won’t be doing flyovers for the 76th, the leftist protesters, some backed by foreign interests, will still continue their rallies and riots that only serve to aid Hamas...

The Left’s Plot Against George Washington

In Portland, the BLM mob toppled a statue of George Washington. Four years later, local leftist activists and officials have continued sabotaging efforts to restore it again. In New York City and Chicago, officials have discussed removing statues of Washington. And the Father of our Country isn’t even safe at the University of Washington where calls to remove him continue. But the War on Washington isn’t just a recent phenomenon. The Left didn’t want until George Washington was a statue to topple him. Newspapers like The National Gazette, The Philadelphia Aurora and The New York Time Piece, which were the vanguard of the emerging Democratic-Republican party, depicted him being led to the guillotine. Democrats today claim that they oppose George Washington because he was a slave owner, but why did Democrats who were not only slave owners then but defended slavery (unlike Washington who favored liberating slaves and whose Washington Benevolent Societies were the organizing network for b...

Chicago Dems Plotted the World’s Greatest Jailbreak to Steal a Presidential Election

During the Civil War, Democrats came up with a unique plan to find more voters. [Pre-order a copy of   Domestic Enemies: The Founding Fathers’ Fight Against the Left ’.] “They will vote early and often, and they will fight,” Charles Walsh, a top figure in the Democratic political machine who had unsuccessfully run for Sheriff of Cook County, promised. The year was 1864 and Walsh, the “doorkeeper’ of the Illinois House, who lost an election to a Republican by less than 800 votes, had a plan to win a presidential election the Chicago Way. It was simple. Abraham Lincoln was so associated with Illinois that “Land of Lincoln” would become its name, but Chicago was a whole other matter. Could Chicago Democrats hope to win Illinois? The Democrats had bet big on Chicago by bringing the Democratic National Convention to town. The Democratic convention adopted a platform claiming that “after four years of failure to restore the Union by the experiment of war”, it was time to negotiate a...

Is Biden Really the 14th Greatest President in American History?

The 2024 Presidential Greatness Project Expert Survey has officially announced its results. And the survey from the American Political Science Association says that Obama is greater than Eisenhower and JFK, that Bill Clinton was greater than John Adams and Biden is greater than Reagan (not to mention Ulysses S. Grant and James Monroe of the Monroe Doctrine). Is Biden really the 14th greatest president in American history? Obviously not. But these same “political science experts” also ranked Obama as the 7th greatest president, Bill Clinton as the 12th greatest president and Carter near the upper middle as the 22nd greatest president. The Presidential Greatness Project Expert Survey reflects the partisan hijacking of American history within academia. The top level of the rankings have been stacked with contemporary Democrats with FDR in 2nd place, Truman in 6th (just behind Thomas Jefferson), Obama in 7th, LBJ in 9th, JFK in 10th, Bill Clinton in 12th, Biden in 14th place and Woodrow Wi...

How the Kennedy Family Caused Today’s Immigration Crisis

And brought Obama's father to America.   When LBJ signed the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act into law, JFK had been dead for two years, but it, more than the Cuban missile crisis or the race to the moon, was his real legacy which still impacts us today when there are no more Americans on the moon or nukes in Cuba. At the signing, LBJ paid tribute to “the vision of the late beloved President John Fitzgerald Kennedy”. Little did the 36th president know that the 44th president, born to a radical Kenyan student, was already growing up in this country due to JFK’s personal intervention during his 1960 presidential campaign. “This bill that we will sign today is not a revolutionary bill,” President Johnson argued. “It does not affect the lives of millions. It will not reshape the structure of our daily lives… Yet it is still one of the most important acts of this Congress and of this administration.” Only the last was true. It affected not only millions, but tens of millions, and i...