Showing posts with the label humor


Diversity Insurance

Is your home on fire because your local fire department is run by three lesbians named Kirsten and there’s no water because that department is also being run by a diversity hire? Sorry, maybe you should have bought diversity insurance. The vital infrastructure of yesterday’s cities used to be run by somebody’s brother-in-law while the vital infrastructure of today’s cities is being run by a professional grievance expert with the right combination of skin color, sex and sexual appetites and makes that brother-in-law, who at least managed to marry into the right family, look like a genius. That’s bad news for you. Every town, city and state is just one crisis away from melting down like a Somali ice cream cone. Your power grid consists of solar panels, wind turbines and other technology that could barely power a medieval grain mill on the best of days roped together with batteries stolen by migrants from defunct Teslas, and a few actual leftover power plants paid for with carbon credits...

The Absolutely True Story of How Barack Obama Liberated Auschwitz and Saved the Universe

by Barack Tojo Obama It was the spring of '43, 1843 and in every American home there was talk of only one thing, the war. Everyone knew that the war was a mistake. FDR had lied to the American people, word on the street was that he had known about Pearl Harbor before it had even happened. Some said that there had been no Japanese planes, only explosives planted on the ships and wired to explode. The rest was faked in a Jewish Hollywood movie studio. But none of that mattered, we were in the war and every day tens of thousands of young men from Kansas were coming home burned to death. As the son of a housewife from Kansas and a serial philanderer from Kenya, I naturally tried to do what I could to bring my audacity of hope to them. Every day I would go out and meet and talk with many of the fallen heroes who were returning home to an America that was poorer and had fewer jobs to offer them. An America that was racially divided and in which the OSS had been given greater powers than ...

Ron Paul Criticises God for Violently Ending Egyptian Slavery

Bellevue Hospital - Crazy racist Presidential candidate Ron Paul while appearing on Meet the Press criticized God for bringing a violent end to the Egyptian enslavement of the Israelites. "You know I'm a great believer in the ummm Constitution and private property and that was just wrong. The Egyptians paid in honest Gold backed currency for their Israelite slaves and I don't agree with slavery but it was manifestly unconstitutional for God to interfere with the system," Ron Paul mumbled. "Why couldn't he have just paid fair value for them?" When asked to elaborate on this, Ron Paul explained that had God simply paid the Egyptians fair value for every Jew, the whole Exodus thing could have been avoided. "I mean if he had just paid the Egyptians ummm fair value instead of rivers turning to blood and rains of frogs and those other things, just seemed completely unnecessary," Ron Paul continued, "this is not a race issue again, I would feel t...

Thuggee: Religion of Peace

(Due to an unscheduled absence Sultan Knish will not be able to post today. Instead we present this guest editorial from Thuggee High Priest Mola Ram ) Thuggee: Religion of Peace by Mola Ram We live in a diverse society composed of many different ethnic backgrounds and religions, yet we continue to be plagued by ignorant stereotyping from those who see us as different. The Thuggee faith has been particularly hard hit by such cruel stereotyping. The derogatory word 'Thug' stems from the name of our worshipers. Thuggees are widely stereotyped as being murderous robbers who will strangle you with a handkerchief and rifle your purse at a moment's notice. Even our deity Kali is portrayed as some sort of Goddess of Murder. Nothing could be further from the truth. Thuggee is a Religion of Peace. As worshipers of Kali we kneel before her and gain inner peace by submitting our earthly desires to her. As Thuggees we practice charity and kindness. We visit the sick and distribute ou...

Live with the Victorious Hizbullah fighters on the ground it's the BBC

5:31 London - This is the BBC Nigel: Hello my name is Nigel Aintwhyte and in a moment we'll be going live to our correspondent in Lebanon where the full brutal might of the Israeli warmachine has been unleashed on an innocent and unarmed handful of women and children and the few brave Hizbullah fighters courageously defending them against this unprovoked aggression. Stay with us as unlike the American networks we provide you with accurate and unbiased coverage. And now our correspondent, Angela Wentworth. 5:33 Lebanon Angela: This is Angela Wentworth reporting to you from Lebanon where a handful of courageous fighters armed only with their courageous courage, small rocks, RPG's and batteries of advanced Chinese missiles are resisting the Israeli occupation of their country. Here is one of them Hamoud Al-Ghazi. Hamoud how is the fighting going so far? Hamoud: Fighting going great. We down six Israeli planes today. Five yesterday. Many more tomorrow. Angela: This ...