Showing posts with the label medicine


If You're the Right Race, Your Doctor Will See You Now

50 years after the end of the Tuskegee Experiments, the Biden administration brought back racism into medicine with a rule providing financial incentives to doctors embedding the horrifying racist ideas of Ibram X. Kendi into their practices. The form of racism misleadingly described as “anti-racism” believes that all white people are evil and that any medical problems are the result of identity politics, not individual choices. The racist Biden Medicare rule falsely claims that "systemic racism is the root cause for differences in health outcomes between socially defined racial groups" while demanding that "practice guidelines " be "aligned with a commitment to anti-racism". Do No Harm , an organization formed to oppose the injection of critical race theory in medicine, filed a suit to oppose , what Dr. Stanley Goldfarb, chairman of Do No Harm, calls a “discriminatory and illegal policy advocated by the likes of Ibram X. Kendi being imposed on our health...

Equity in Medicine is Racist and Lethal

February 1st is the Department of Health and Human Services deadline for public comments on bringing "equity" to organ donations. Equity invariably means racial quotas and artificially moving minorities to the head of the line and there’s no reason to expect anything else. The Association of Organ Procurement Organizations (AOPO), which had already been blamed for “organ transplant disparities”, has been constantly touting its own AOPO Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Task Force and promising to implement its recommendations. Lost in all the noise is the reality that lower rates of organ donations and transplants from minorities are not, as equity advocates insist, evidence of systemic racism, but medical and behavioral differences. For example , “African Americans are half as likely as whites to agree to donate a loved one's organs” and there’s generally a “lower donation rate among racial/ethnic minorities, specifically including Blacks, Hispanics, and Asians”. Organ ...

Medicare For All Destroys Medicare

The 2013 "Lie of the Year" was Barack Obama's false claim, "If you like your health care plan, you can keep it." Millions of Democrats found that out the hard way. The "Lie of the Year" for 2019 will be, "If you like your Medicare, you can keep it." Medicare for All doesn’t actually offer Medicare for all. It deprives senior citizens of Medicare. Medicare is a program available to senior citizens and the disabled. The idea was that you work, pay taxes and those taxes are used to provide for your health care when you retire. You don’t have to use Medicare and there are a variety of managed Medicare plans by providers offering more options. The first thing that Medicare for All would do is eliminate Medicare, along with all other health plans, and misleadingly use that name to create a government health care system. That’s like announcing an iPhone-for-All government plan that takes away everyone’s iPhones, and replaces them with tin cans ...