Showing posts with the label socialized medicine


Medicare For All Destroys Medicare

The 2013 "Lie of the Year" was Barack Obama's false claim, "If you like your health care plan, you can keep it." Millions of Democrats found that out the hard way. The "Lie of the Year" for 2019 will be, "If you like your Medicare, you can keep it." Medicare for All doesn’t actually offer Medicare for all. It deprives senior citizens of Medicare. Medicare is a program available to senior citizens and the disabled. The idea was that you work, pay taxes and those taxes are used to provide for your health care when you retire. You don’t have to use Medicare and there are a variety of managed Medicare plans by providers offering more options. The first thing that Medicare for All would do is eliminate Medicare, along with all other health plans, and misleadingly use that name to create a government health care system. That’s like announcing an iPhone-for-All government plan that takes away everyone’s iPhones, and replaces them with tin cans

The Big Lie of Socialized Medicine

As the health care debate goes on, Senator Bernie Sanders will toss in a socialized medicine bill. Bernie’s bill won’t be a realistic piece of legislation. The 1 percenter Socialist from Vermont has three successful bills to his name. Two of those involved renaming post offices. He was a marginal figure during the ObamaCare debate. The financials of the plan won’t work. But they never do. ObamaCare insurers are losing billions. Aetna pulled out after $700 million in losses. United Health jumped after losing $720 million. The single-payer that Bernie wants to propose will be even worse. Vermont’s single payer experiment cost $4.3 billion out of a $4.9 billion state budget. The California Senate passed single-payer with no way to cover the $400 billion cost in a $183 billion budget. Democrats who wouldn’t vote for it faced death threats and accusations that they were “murderers”. That’s what every argument about socialized medicine comes down to. Either you support it or you wa