
Former Clinton Advisor Helps Murder Israeli Civilians

Former Senior Advisor to Clinton Sidney Blumenthal helpfully leaked the information that the NSA was helping Israel track weapons shipments to Hizbullah from Syria and Iran. "A report by columnist Sidney Blumenthal in Salon claims that Israel is receiving intelligence from the US’s National Security Agency. Blumenthal claims to be in touch with “a national security official with direct knowledge of the operation” to supply Israel with signals intelligence from American assets to help it monitor armament transfers from Syria and Iran to Hezbollah." By exposing the measures being taken to prevent the missles and rockets being sent to a terrorist organization intended for use against Israel cities, will alert Iran and Syria that their communications are being intercepted and help them avoid detection and insure that more Israeli civilians are murdered. While Democrats are speaking for the prosecution of Bush officials over the leaking of the identity of a non-undercover CIA empl...

In rebuilding we are destroyed and in destruction we are rebuilt

In rebuilding we are destroyed and in destruction we are rebuilt. Change is death but it is also life for in every change a part of the thing changed, a part of us, is also destroyed. Yet the paradox is that change is also life for all that lives must change to live or perish. Life itself is a process of changes. The very way in which we identify life is the rhythm of movement, of activity, of change. Life itself is therefore a series of little deaths, a series of changes that propel us in a variety of directions. There are different reasons why people mourn. We mourn an irreversible passing such as death, yet we also believe that this death may be irreversible in the here and now, but it is not final, and what we mourn is itself a temporary loss in the here and now. We exhaust our very human emotions stored inside our all too human bodies with mourning for a physical loss and giving us time to recognize that even the physical loss and certainly not the spiritual loss, is not ete...

Mel Gibson's Top 10 Arrests

10. Arrested for riding the tilt-a-whirl without any pants on. When arrested accused the officers of doing the bidding of ZOG. 9. Officers were summoned to a neighbor's swimming pool an inebriated Gibson was urinating into. Proclaiming, "a man's toilet is his castle," Mel Gibson wrestled with officers telling them, "his jew lawyers would fix their wagons good." 8. Deputies called to the Malibu Fisherman's Festival where a drunken Gibson was apparently trying to convince a children's clown to hear his confession while vomiting on his oversized clown shoes. After being arrested, Mel Gibson threatened to "get the clan and show you kike bastards a real holocaust or two." Officer's report unclear whether Gibson meant a scottish clan or the klan. 7. Officers stopped Gibson as he was dancing down the street on the day of Pope John Paul's funeral waving a half-empty bottle of whiskey and telling bystanders who asked for his autograph that t...

Hezbollah's Felony Murder

When an Israeli school is bombed, the newspapers of the world give out a collective yawn burying the news somewhere deep down. When an Arab school is bombed, the newspapers of the world give a great cry of outrage and rush to gleefully print every picture they can. When an Israeli baby is murdered, the politicians of the world caution Israel not to strike against the terrorists and the peace activists of the world are full of 'understanding' towards the murderers who felt driven to do such things. When an Arab baby dies as collateral damage in an Israeli attack the politicians and the media and the activists cry Holocaust. When another Arab baby is killed in a suicide bombing in Iraq, the media has nothing to say. When Israelis die, their blood is cheap. When Arabs die their blood is priceless, so long as the blame for it can be placed at the door of the Jews. It does not matter that the Qana story is as full of holes as Jenin. That the building Israel bombed collapsed...

Phony Outrage, Phony Politics

Last week Democrats were supposedly outraged by Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki's refusal to condemn Hizbullah and condemnation of Israel. Howard Dean called him an Anti-Semite. Senator Barbara Boxer and Charles Schumer boycotted his speech. Then of course Dick Durbin just had to join in the fun. Now I have no doubt that as a Shiite with close ties to the Iraqi Ayatollah, Maliki's views on Jews are pretty much what they are across the Arab world where the median range is between those who want to kill Jews now and those who want to kill Jews later. That doesn't mean the born again Pro-Israel Democrats are anything but laughable. " We don't need to spend $200, $300, $500 billion bringing democracy to Iraq to turn it over to people who believe Israel doesn't have a right to defend itself and refuse to condemn Hezbollah ," Howard Dean said. This pretty much categorizes the Clinton administration, certainly the Carter one. They certainly never believed Israel had ...

In Vino Veritas

The report says Mel Gibson told the deputy, "You mother f****r. I'm going to f*** you." The report also says "Gibson almost continually [sic] threatened me saying he 'owns Malibu' and will spend all of his money to 'get even' with me." The report says Gibson then launched into a barrage of anti-Semitic statements: "F*****g Jews... The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world." Gibson then asked the deputy, "Are you a Jew?"

Three Soldiers and the Price of Disengagement

Nine IDF soldiers were killed in the Hizbullah village of Bint Jbeil. One of those killed was 20 year old corporal Ohad Klausner. Klausner's father spoke out saying that his son had not been trained to fight terrorists but to expell Jews. Disengagement had become the priority of the Sharon government and it increasingly focused the efforts of the military and inteligence branches on fighting other Jews, rather than fighting terrorism. The price for that is being paid on the battlefield. Major Royie Klein who was killed in that same battle was a deputy commander of the elite Golani brigade. In the best tradition of Israeli Defense Force offiers, he fell on a grenade to shield his own men and died. Now his widow and her two children are threatened with expulsion from their own home because of a Peace Now petition (members include the Defense Minister and Pime Minister Olmert's wife) demanding the demolition of twelve houses in Eli, they claim were built on land belonging to Arab...

Olmert's Shamefull Performance

In 2000 Ehud Olmert's current political ally and then Prime Minister Ehud Barak withdrew from Lebanon giving Hizbullah a free hand to build up an army at Israel's borders and turn former Israeli controlled territory into a war zone from which to shell Israel all the way to Haifa. Barak promised that the retreat would secure Israel's borders so that Israeli troops would not have to return to Lebanon. He lied. In 2005 Ariel Sharon and Ehud Olmert withdrew from Gaza. They turned Gaza over to Hamas which began building up an army there and using it as a base for terrorist attacks against Israel and to shell Israeli towns and cities. Sharon and Olmert claimed that the withdrawal would secure Israel's borders and Israeli soldiers would never return to Gaza. They lied. A year later and they're back. A year later and the only difference between Lebanon and Gaza is that the Hizbullah had 6 years of free reign to prepeare for this war, while Hamas less than 1 year. With Israe...

Muslim Fake Deaths, Burials a Common Practice

(Reuters) " Pakistan's Supreme Court has ordered an inquiry into the case of a man who spent three years in jail for a murder that never happened, a court official said Tuesday. The woman Malik Taj Mohammad was convicted of kidnapping and killing was arrested for theft two years ago and is serving a jail sentence in the eastern city of Gujarat. The woman, Malkani Bibi, was said to have been murdered during a property dispute between relatives, although Taj had maintained that his accusers had performed a mock burial." Something to keep in mind when more Lebanese or Palestinian 'casualties' come in, some of whom wind up walking off during their own funerals like the last time....

Why Arab Ideas of Shame and Honor Make Peace Impossible

Most people remember the Iraqi Information Minister's outrageous statement that are no American troops at Baghdad International Airport. Some were outraged by it, others bemused by the sheer baldfaced denial of reality. Few realized that in truth they were getting a view into how Arab cultures cope with defeat. Arab cultures cope with defeat by first denying it happened and then by pasting conspiracy theories over it. Few Arab states ever admit they were defeated. Saddam erected statues to his victory in the 1992 Gulf War and the Iran-Iraq War. Egypt celebrates its victory in the Six Day War. This attitude is not just a matter of historical revisionism but how Arab countries and Arab societies approach wartime as well. With his entire air force destroyed and Israeli forces advancing on Cairo, Nasser and the entire Egyptian political and military establishment continued to insist that they were winning. Nasser even telephoned the King of Jordan telling him that the Israelis were on...

Things Which May Not Be Said in Russia

"MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Defence Minister Sergei Ivanov invented a new unit of currency on Friday: "That thing your are not allowed to say." rocess of adopting a law that will fine government ministers for saying "dollar" when they could have used the word "rouble" instead. But old habits die hard. Telling reporters about a contract to supply fighter aircraft to Venezuela, Ivanov said the deal had "a value of more than one billion of that thing that you are not allowed to say anymore."

Flying Pigs Over Lebanon

There is something strange going on when Israel bombs an Arab country and half the Arab world seems to be condemning the Arab side. Indeed there's more criticism being directed at Israel from Europe with the usual socialist suspects wailing and tearing their clothes, then there is from the Arab world. Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia have issued statements critical of Hizbullah. Even Saddam got in the act warning Syria that its ties with Iran might lead it to disaster. While the media glorifies Hizbullah, the rest of the Arab world is turning its back. So why are pigs flying over Lebanon? Some would interpret this as an acknowledgment of Israel's show of strength but Israel hasn't shown all that much strength and while Egypt and Jordan would generally want to avoid a regional war, after all both of them signed peace treaties with Israel on recognizing that fighting wars with Israel was pointless; Saudi Arabia is certainly not in that category, let alone Saddam. It wou...

Live with the Victorious Hizbullah fighters on the ground it's the BBC

5:31 London - This is the BBC Nigel: Hello my name is Nigel Aintwhyte and in a moment we'll be going live to our correspondent in Lebanon where the full brutal might of the Israeli warmachine has been unleashed on an innocent and unarmed handful of women and children and the few brave Hizbullah fighters courageously defending them against this unprovoked aggression. Stay with us as unlike the American networks we provide you with accurate and unbiased coverage. And now our correspondent, Angela Wentworth. 5:33 Lebanon Angela: This is Angela Wentworth reporting to you from Lebanon where a handful of courageous fighters armed only with their courageous courage, small rocks, RPG's and batteries of advanced Chinese missiles are resisting the Israeli occupation of their country. Here is one of them Hamoud Al-Ghazi. Hamoud how is the fighting going so far? Hamoud: Fighting going great. We down six Israeli planes today. Five yesterday. Many more tomorrow. Angela: This ...

The Arab Mind and the Cost of War in Afghanistan, Lebanon and Iraq

When Osama Bin Laden's Al-Queda launched an attack on the US, he could not have remotely foreseen the consequences of it. If Osama had been thinking of fighting a drawn out guerrilla war with American forces in the hostile terrain of Afghanistan and repeating the 19th century Afghani expulsion and victory over the British colony in the colossal military disaster what is called the First Afghan War, he was in for a bitter disappointment. It was certainly on the mind of leftists like Robert Fisk who mockingly recited lines from Robert Kipling's famous poem and gloated over the thought of US soldiers being butchered and mutilated in Khyber Pass. The First Afghan War had not been a war but a case of ignorant Orientalist British politicians who refused to listen to their military commanders and surrendered to the Afghans, allowed themselves to be disarmed and then butchered. Osama might have done better to pay attention to the aftermath of that massacre when the British return...