
Friday Afternoon Roundup - Occupy Cain

What's the real danger of Islamophobia? Think of it as a license to kill. the most pernicious thing about the Islamophobia myth is that once it is used to legitimize Muslim grievances, it is then used to legitimize the violent Muslim response to those grievances. Once you accept that Islamophobia is a serious problem, you have taken the first step to justifying violence as a response to that problem. That is how it began in Israel, once the narrative of Muslim suffering under the “occupation” was accepted; Muslim terrorism became legitimized as a resistance to the occupation. Once you accept that Muslims in France have been marginalized by an Islamophobic society, then criticizing their religion marginalizes them further and justifies their violent response. ... That’s the Orwellian Doublespeak of Islamophobia: we are to be afraid of being afraid and if we are afraid enough, then perhaps we won’t need to be afraid anymore. The left’s twisted politics endorse militant t...

Islam, the Religion of Slavery

The slow collapse of Dubai, a desert mirage built on oil money, human misery and the greed of Western businesses, reminds us once again of the fate of all slave economies in the end. But for all the skyscrapers in Dubai, the glittering avenues built by slave labor and the abundance of luxury American and European automobiles-- the story of Dubai and Saudi Arabia is very much an old story in a Muslim Middle East, of fat prosperous sheiks clutching their ill gotten gains to themselves and ruling over harems and companies of slaves, until the end comes. Like Muslim Brotherhood derived terrorists using the latest Web 2.0 social media as part of a quest to drive humanity back into the dark ages, the Gulf States are a very old story with the external gilt and glitz of modernity. While the Muslim world may employ the tools and utilities of the 21st century, even mimic its terminology, it has never left its own dark ages... and its dominant religious and social movements are all geared tow...

The Professional Protester

Contrary to their own claim that they represent the 99 percent and the media's ceaseless hype, OWS is about as representative of ordinary Americans as your average professional protester. Which is not very. Even opponents of the Tea Party could not seriously claim that it was a movement of professional protesters, but that's exactly what OWS is, leavened with assorted hippies, homeless people and bored students and aging radicals along for the ride. The professional protester is the left's answer to everything, built around a core of far-left groups and community organizations that use local protests as a form of blackmail, these are the people who show up at everything from anti-war rallies to budget meetings with variations of the same tired agenda. The rioting and anti-semitism are hardly a surprise. The professional protester contingent has its anarchists who can be counted on to start smashing things at the wrong time and groups who run the gamut from supportin...

Price Tag Attacks and Peace

To the sort of people who think that a few teenagers living in a shack on a hilltop represent the greatest threat imaginable to the peace process and world peace-- the so-called "Price Tag" attacks in which local Jewish farmers strike back against Muslim attacks as a deterrent against further violence are an obsession. Whether there are actually any "Price Tag" attacks and how many "Price Tag" attacks there are is open to question. Security agencies tasked with going after "right wing extremists" usually get their man and after a splashy announcement and prolonged detention have to let them go because their case doesn't actually exist. At that point it doesn't matter, the arrests have already been widely reported and the conclusions have all been drawn. The investigation of a mosque burning incident has already resulted in arrests of people who couldn't have physically done it. But the arrests themselves are a form of "Pric...

A Pakistani Love Story

It's still quite a while till Valentine's Day in the United States, but in Pakistan the day of love came early as a Romeo named Ahmed Yusuf threw acid in the face of his 9 year old Juliet, his wife/cousin causing extensive burns over her body. Ahmed Yusuf couldn't have known any better. Throwing acid at a woman in Pakistan is their culture's version of roses and chocolate. And since he was only 10 years old, his father and brothers were happy to help out. After the father who had married off a 9 year old girl to her 10 year old cousin noticed the acid burns, which the family tried to pass off as a skin condition, he earned a "Father of the Year" trophy by taking her back home, but that didn't dissuade his brother and nephews who showed up and thew acid on her again. Now the acid burned girl and father are on the run with the Pakistani police in hot pursuit because the local law favors turning the girl back to her husband. The whole thing might en...

Trickle Down Government Economics

Forget the sly jokes and sneers-- today everyone is a believer in Trickle Down Economics, the only divide is over where the trickle is supposed to be flowing down from. This administration has been an experiment in unusually aggressive trickle down government economics. The left and the right don't disagree that the money goes from the top down, from funds controlled by small groups of people down until it reaches the bottom of the pile. They disagree who that 1 percent, the small groups of people should be. Should they be CEO's or Washington officials. Does the economy grow when businesses hire workers to make products or provide services, or does it grow when as much money as possible is vacuumed up by the government into a central revenue stream which it uses to fund infrastructure projects, subsidized companies and government employment. The left's chief defenses of its methodology is that elected officials represent the public will and that its wealth redistrib...

Friday Afternoon Roundup - In the Fields of Cain

Name the UN affiliated organization chaired by Jimmy Carter that's teaching your kids to put American presidents on trial in front of international courts? That would be the Model UN. The UNA-USA’s agenda includes AMICC or the American Coalition for the International Criminal Court​, whose goal is to push through American ratification of the Rome Statue which would place the United States under the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court and would preempt the Constitution. To that end Model UN’s also teach students to act out roles in the International Criminal Court bringing world leaders to trial. One of the world leaders who will be brought to trial at the Hilton Model UN is George W. Bush. At the MUNCH 2012 Model UN ICC, President Harry Truman will be brought to trial by American students answering to a panel of foreign judges. It does not take much imagination to see what the best and brightest are being readied to do to their own country. See the rest of i...

End the Occupation

The big lie of Occupy Wall Street begins with its name, it isn't occupying Wall Street, it's occupying the resources of a city with a budget crisis on its hands. Wall Street has been locked down since after September 11 and the Zuccotti Park encampment and its associated barricades isn't doing much to impact the lives of the brokers and financial analysts the idiots in their best protest gear are braying about. The people who are being impacted are the small businesses adjacent to the protesters who are experiencing a return of the post 9/11 lockdown that wiped out so many downtown businesses. But the people who are suffering the most from the OWS brats are the 1 percent, not the top 1 percent, but the bottom 1 percent, the people who are the most dependent on city services that are being diverted directly or indirectly by OWS. That means the kid in the projects who needs the police to be there instead of macing white guys from Portland who think that braiding their...

The State of the Race

The race for the Republican nomination has all the appeal of a three-legged sack race by a bunch of blindfolded angry drunks-- and it's not entirely the fault of the candidates. Elections used to be events, now they're a permanent process that begins some time after the last election wraps up. The long round of debates is the slow long road to the primaries that succeeds in making everyone seem unequal to the task. After the battle of 2010, conservatives were looking for a candidate to raise the standard and lead a charge on Washington D.C., instead we're stuck with a bunch of politicians with feet of clay and clumsy soundbites. The debate isn't about ideas, not about what needs to be done in Washington D.C. or even what the candidates believe, it's a bunch of personality clashes between men who want the job, but lack the combination of ideas, competence and inspiration to make it happen. We have inspirational candidates, we have candidates with ideas and we h...