Four members of of an organization called Christian Peacemaker Teams have been taken hostage in Iraq with their videotape on Al Jazeera. They had ironically come to aid the very terrorists who captured them by collecting 'evidence on detainee abuses.' The Christian Peacemaking Team claims to be a pacifistic organization. Their motto is, " What would happen if Christians devoted the same discipline and self-sacrifice to nonviolent peacemaking that armies devote to war ?" Interesting question, though the Christian Peacemaker Teams has as much chance of answering it as did the Spanish Inquisition since CPT is very much about violence and hate. CPT has become notorious for confrontations with the US border patrol in Arizona and IDF soldiers at checkpoints, including inciting physical confrontations and then blaming the soldiers for the incidents. A sample of Christian Peacemaker Team's hatefulness can be garnered from the rap lyrics of one of their people (an ex-I...
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Sex, Drugs and Activism: Arabs want the Left Out
Increasingly activists who want to make a reputation for themselves have headed to Israel to supposedly protect Arabs from the IDF. Such activists will spend a few months aimlessly hanging around arab towns and leap at any IDF soldier in sight, when one shows up, hoping to get a shot of himself on camera (and shot on camera too.) When he goes home to Wisconsin or Oregon or Bonn or Paris, this 'experience' will make an integral part of his radical activism resume when he or she decides to run for the Green Party, post at or apply for a job at Google. In practice this comes down to western twenty somethings from prosperous families that they're rebelling against hanging around arab towns where they tend not to even speak the langauge and living a slacker lifestyle with a noble title. Much like the 'Human Shields' who went to Iraq before the War to 'protect the Iraqi people' they're also not wanted by anyone except the totalitarian arab regimes w...
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Random Vandalism or a Message?
It's been reported that Netanyahu's car was broken into and two mobile phones stolen after it was supposedly left unguarded. The incident raises a few questions. Netanyahu is running for Likud leadership and is most likely to be the candidate who opposes Sharon in the next election. As a former Prime Minister, his guards are members of Shabak. Standard procedure, observed of them, has been that one guard goes with Netanyahu and one guard remains with the car. This prevents any attempt to wire the vehicle with explosives. Furthermore Netanyahu's car is armored, it would not at all be easy to simply break into. Going to all that trouble for two phones makes little sense nor does it make any sense that the car was unprotected when that was standard procedure. On the other hand such an act serves three purposes. It walks away with Netanyahu's cell phones which may provide usefull information and it allows the replacement of his old ones with new ones on their timing, that c...
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Democracy wins! Terrorists win!
Wanted Palestinian terrorist Zakaria Zubeidi leader of the Al Aqsa terrorist group in Jenin, affiliated with the Palestinian authority, casts his ballot. Israel has hunted Zubeidi for several years but has promised the United States not to interfere in Palestinian elections. Unsurprisingly two terrorists from the Al Aqsa brigade won office, including one in Jenin where Jamal Abu Rob, who killed a number of fellow Palestinians and gave himself the nickname , "Hitler," is the new elected leader. It's hard to conceive of a better demonstration of the complete absurdity of the liberal and neo-con position that Bush has championed and sacrificed thousands of US troops for, that democracy ends terrorism and extremism. Extremists and terrorists are happy to exploit democracy to get to power as the original Hitler did. As long as we are clueless enough to wave democracy as a cure-all mantra, instead of something that benefits a people ready to accept responsibility, we will...
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What do you have left to lose?
Today is Thanksgiving and beyond the turkey and the parade and the sweet potatoes, what is thankfullness. To be properly thankfull for anything is to understand not only what it's like to be without it but to know that in the normal state of affairs, you would not have it. And we lack that understanding. All too often we fail to understanding that our comfortable existance in Western countries, in which we are not discriminated against and no laws are passed against us; is an aberrant state of affairs. One that has very rarely existed and not for very long. Yet we have grown used to it. So much so that when Jews once again become tarred with classic anti-semitic stereotypes, whether it's by the religious right or the liberal left we treat it as a nuisance. We have forgotten that the usual state of affairs was for Jews to briefly abide in a nation before being expelled from it. The Jews of the world look at what happened in Gush Katif with apathy and even us, those few who don...
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Democratically Shooting Yourself in the Foot
The US has insisted that bringing democracy to Iraq would bring stability to Iraq. Iraq today is more unstable and more dangerous than ever. Its government is a collection of quarreling parties and the strongest force are the Iranian allied Shiite leaders. The US strongly insisted that Egypt democratize more and open up its electoral process. The neo-cons assured us that this would reduce support for 'islamic extremists.' Now in Egypt's elections, the Muslim Brotherhood which is the originating body for Hamas and many Muslim terrorist groups and the inspiration for Al Queda, has doubled its representation. The Muslim Brotherhood now has 30 seats to Mubarak's party's 50. Thanks to the US, the spirtual guides of Hamas are drawing closer to coming to power in Egypt. The US has insisted on Hamas participating in Palestinian elections. Diplomats, Neo-cons and Secretary of State Rice has assured us that this will promote democracy and reduce extremism. Instead the partici...
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Conspiracy Fairy on the Loose.
The conspiracy fairy, Fairy Foompha, has been spotted hovering around the Sultan Knish blog for the last few days. As a public service I have volunteered to capture said fairy and send her back to fairyland once and for all!!!! This photo, which can be viewed in the original in any U.S. Post Office, is an accurate portrayal of her insidious countenance. Notice the large eyes and bottle thick spectacles through which she sees her distorted world view! Note the curled toes, which denote her glee at finding conspiracy everywhere and in accusing others of being part of it!!! Take particular note of the ears nestled to the back of the head in the curly green hair. These ears are quick to pick up on gossip. Foompha majored in lashon hara and rechilus in Herb's College of Wizardry and Magic. You will see in her hand the magic wand with which she transforms simple things into the convoluted and ridiculous. The jutting bottom lip which tell of determination to find something wrong with some...
Conspiracy Theories and the Secret of My Secret Identity
I received a rather strange email this week which had been circulated to a number of people including Arutz 7's Tamar Yonah and Worldnetdaily's Aaron Klein and Reuven Koret accusing me of really being Steven Plaut. Why Steven Plaut who has a successful career as a pundit would create an obscure blog to post long articles which he never places in media publications is unclear to me but apparently it involves my supposed involvement in a war against Barry Chamish, whose follower this person is. I've actually only written two pieces on Barry Chamish among over 400 posts in nearly a year so this blog isn't remotely Chamish centered. I have pointed out that Chamish is affiliated with Neo-Nazi holocaust deniers and is himself promoting theories that amount to holocaust denial, e.g. the Holocaust was arranged by the Jews, a form of Holocaust denial innovated by the Soviet Union and repeated by some in the arab world which claims the Zionists were behind the Holocaust. I...
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Tzedakah and Misphat; Givers and Takers
In this parsha, derivations of the word yada, know, are used to indicate intimacy. When G-d decides to tell Avraham of his intentions to destroy Sdom, he says Ki Yedaativ, for I have known him. The word Yeedativ is used here to mean love, Hashem is saying that he has known Avraham that through his knowledge of him Avraham is beloved to G-d. When the men of Sdom encircle Lot's house demanding his guests, they also use a derivation of yada. They demand that the guests be brought out to the mob, Veneida Otam. Here the word also involves intimacy but their intention is rape. In both usages an intimate knowledge is meant but in the first case it involves love for another that comes through knowing another, in the second it involves an assault for personal satisfaction. In its first use G-d sees the goodness of Avraham and gives him special privileges and rewards. In the second use the men of Sdom are so threatened by generosity towards strangers, that they threaten cruelty towards them...
France's Infitada: A Circus Without a Net
Muslim rioting in Paris continues, spreading across France from cities to small suburbs and into other countries including Belgium and Germany with its own large Muslim populations. Curfews have now been declared across France and there is talk of bringing in the army to stem what is now being called The French Intifada Aside from the billions in destroyed property, in torched homes and cars, people have been badly injured, especially the elderly whom in true cowardly fashion the followers of Islam prefer as their prey and whom in true cowardly fashion, the French people are happy to leave behind as they flee. A 61 year old man has died of a severe beating from Muslim rioters and an elderly disabled woman had gasoline poured on her and set on fire. Meanwhile the same media that has shrieked endlessly about Abu Ghraib treating it as the worst crime in human history on par with the Holocaust manufactures excuses for the murderous mobs. To the media women's underwear on the head i...
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The Forgotten Yitzchak's: Who will remember them?
As is the case every year, Israel or at least its politicians and some of its more gullible youth turn once again to the pseudo-religious ceremonies presided over by the anti-religious left for the commemoration of the assasination of Yitzchak Rabin. The real raison d'etre will be a circus aimed at cheerleading the same distastrous policies that has cost numerous Israeli lives, created a terrorist state within Israel's borders and is bringing Israel closer and closer to the brink of anhiliation. The same policies which are rationally indefensible, are lent an aura of martyrdom through their association with a dead politician. But while the mawkish sentimentality will flow like bribes in the histadrut, who will remember the other Yitzchak's. The Yitzchak's murdered by terrorists since the start of Oslo, the victims of Israel's national hero. Yitzhak Ringel was a Baal Tesuvah who became religious after the death of his parents. In 2001 he was killed by a suicide bombe...
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Europe replaced the Jews with 20 Million Arabs
The Europeans Replaced Their Jews with 20 Million Arabs This article was written by Sebastian Villa Rodriguez in one of Spain's newspapers "I walked along the streets of Barcelona when suddenly the horrible truth hit me. Europe died together with Auschwitz. We killed 6 million Jews and replaced them with 20 million Muslims. In Auschwitz we burned an entire culture of intelligence, talent and creativity. We annihilated these brilliant people, truly brilliant and grand people, who helped change the face of this earth. The contribution these people made in all phases of our life such as: science, art, international trading and especially providing this world with a conscience. These are the kind of people we burnt. And, under the illusion of the need to be more tolerant, we had the desire to prove to ourselves that we are healed from our prejudices, we opened our gates to 20 million Muslims who brought unto us stupidity and ignorance, religious zealotry and impatience, crime and ...
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Avraham and the Greatness of Stars and Dust
In Parshat Lech Lecha, G-d first promises Avraham that his seed will be as numerous as the dust of the earth and then as the stars in the sky. These two promises are a contradiction in contrasts, dust is low and common and stars are great and glorious. What do such promises mean? Dust is the source of human life as man comes from dust and returns to dust leaving behind nothing but dust. By contrast the light of stars endures even after the stars themselves are gone, their light shines on to distant places. Since these promises do not apply to merely one generation but the entire continuity of the Jewish people, we might consider them to be two ways of looking at what a generation of the Jewish people will leave behind after it passes on. A generation that is dust may be numerous and cover the world but what it leaves behind is mere dust. A generation that is like stars may die but the light of their greatness shines on after them in this world. It also reflects two ways of looking ...
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