Home Good Intentions, a Little Girl's Murder and the Refugee Road to Hell
Home Good Intentions, a Little Girl's Murder and the Refugee Road to Hell

Good Intentions, a Little Girl's Murder and the Refugee Road to Hell

St. Andrew's-Wesley United Church is, in its own words, an "affirming church" with "diverse" members and a "progressive" faith. The Vancouver church is also very focused on bringing refugees to Canada.

Despite being in Canada, when Trump won the election, Pastor Dan Chambers compared it to 9/11. In another post, quoting Yoda, he claimed that Americans are “fueled” by “fear of Muslims”.

But it isn’t Americans, or Caucasians, the targets of Chambers’ rant who are protesting these days. It’s the Asian immigrants protesting the murder of one of the daughters of their community by one of Pastor Dan’s Syrian refugees.

“I Wept, I Rise,” Chambers posted after Trump’s victory. But he never had anything to weep about. Those who knew Marrisa Shen do. And they are rising.

The protests at the Vancouver Provincial Criminal Court at the first appearance of Ibrahim Ali, Marrisa’s alleged killer, had already turned ugly with a Muslim woman in a hijab throwing coffee at a protestor.

In 2015, St. Andrew's-Wesley had helped raise the money to bring Ali and his family to Canada.

The 30K/ 30Day project on Bowen Island through St. Andrews- Wesley set out to raise $30,000 to bring Syrian refugee families to Vancouver. They succeeded beyond their wildest expectations. The money they raised paid for Ali’s brother and his family to come to Canada.

And an extra $15,000 was raised to bring Ibrahim Ali and another brother.

“It would mean they could have a family reunion along with family that is in Burnaby,” was the pitch.

At 1 in the morning, last summer, the body of 13-year-old Marrisa Shen was found in Burnaby’s Central Park. The last sight of her was on the security camera of a Tim Horton’s. After over a year of searching, as her photo in a sailor suit looked out from the TV news, posters and flyers, after hundreds of interviews and tips, the case broke wide open.

St. Andrews- Wesley’s gift to Canada was arrested for her murder. That extra $15,000 had paid for a little girl’s life.

Even the worst crimes have a short shelf life. It takes a committed community to see justice done. Marrisa’s murder would never have been solved if Chinese-Canadians hadn’t attended rallies and protests, and kept the pressure on, and as Ibrahim Ali came to court, they were still out there, chanting, “No Bail” and “Where’s Trudeau”, a reference to Canada’s unpopular pro-refugee prime minister.

Banners reading, “Comprehensive Security Screening Now” and “No More Victims, No Bail” were brandished outside the courthouse.

Protesters insisted that Ibrahim Ali hadn’t been properly vetted. Not that vetting does any good.

Muslim migrants have been responsible for numerous assaults on women across Europe. Vetting for terror ties does absolutely nothing to evaluate how migrants from a culture where unaccompanied women and girls are considered fair game will react to being in Berlin, Manchester or Vancouver.

A member of the "social justice committee from the St. James Church" also showed up to claim that the Syrian refugees were "showing compassion to the girl and her family.”

Vancouver’s liberal churches had been very aggressive in sponsoring Syrian refugees. What they lacked in compassion for Canadians, they more than made up for in their love for Muslim migrants.

Pastor Dan Chamber is certainly not slowing down.

"The vetting situation is very good," he insisted. "A situation like this gives one pause to review, and we’ll review, but it’s really out of an act of compassion and care that there is the response to the refugee situation, which is not going to stop, right?”

Not unless Canadian voters make it stop.

RCMP Supt. Donna Richardson insisted that, “by and large, our refugees that come to the country are hard-working citizens that are happy to be in Canada, and I would just hope that we look at this incident for what it is: It’s a one-off situation.”

90% of Syrian refugees are actually unemployed. Whatever they are working hard at, it doesn’t involve earning a living. Canadian schools are struggling with violent assaults by Syrian refugees.

Mohamad Rafia, a Syrian refugee beat his wife with a hockey stick for half an hour and then claimed that he didn’t know it was illegal. “More should have been done to educate him,” his interpreter insisted.

Perhaps with a hockey stick.

Before his arrest, Mohamad had been filmed and touted as all but an “advertisement for Canadian multiculturalism”. The chair of the group that sponsored Mohamad credited the Convention of Atlantic Baptist Churches as her inspiration. "We have made a difference to at least one family," she insisted.

And ‘differences’ continue to be made.

When Soleiman Hajj Soleiman, a Syrian refugee, was accused of sexually assaulting six teenage girls at a water park, the River City Refugee Project, which brought him to the country, continued to support him.

Soleiman and the River City Refugee Project won, and the girls, ranging from 13 to 15 years old, were left in tears, when the charges against the Syrian refugee were dropped.

"I'm not really focused on what he's accused of," a refugee group spokesman insisted. "I want to show him that he has a community."

He certainly does. It’s the girls who don’t.

"The church will co-operate with the police, and we are keeping everyone involved in this in mind, hearts and prayers,” Pastor Dan Chambers said of Marrisa Shen’s murder.

Mayor Murray Skeels of Bowen Island was even more explicit. “Our hearts go out to both the families, of the victim and of the accused.”

When you sympathize with both sides, you’re really only sympathizing with the perpetrators.

The Canadian women and girls targeted by Syrian refugees have no community. The community leaders, the political and civic authorities they trusted, are not on their side. They’re on the side of the abusers.

Marrisa Shen’s family is lucky enough to have a community. A community that puts her first. That community has been fighting for her for over a year. And that may be enough to get her justice.

Or it may not.

The Syrian refugee machine has the political, cultural and even much of the religious establishment on its side. Its victims have a few banners and their determination.

It’s not an even fight.

Why does the bleeding heart crowd, which overflows with empathy for every Syrian migrant cadging them for money, have so little empathy for abused and murdered Canadian girls?

Helping Syrian refugees feels good. Caring about their victims doesn’t.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions. The path that ended with Marrisa’s body lying in a park began with good intentions. It ended in the hell that the left always makes for others.

One of the essential truths of religion is that what feels good isn’t necessarily good, not for you or for anyone else. The religious denominations hollowed out into social justice mockeries by the left are unable to fathom the most basic concept without which no meaningful system of values can exist.

Goodness isn’t to be found in your feelings, but in the pattern of your outcomes.

The refugee industry shrugs off every act of refugee violence, insisting that each one is a random event that does not speak to the rightness of the cause. That has always been the argument of the left. No matter how often its policies lead to tyranny and mass murder, the fault is in the stars, not in them.

"I know that nothing can't be wrong, that feels so right," Elvis once sang.

That’s the anthem of the left. And as another body lies at its feet, it keeps on singing the same old song. The road to hell begins with good intentions, with slogans about social justice, equality and the oppressed. It ends with mountains of corpses. Or just one small body lying after midnight in a park.

Daniel Greenfield is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. This article previously appeared at the Center's Front Page Magazine.

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  1. Anonymous4/10/18

    Reason is dead in our world. We live in a day care center.

  2. Good Christians turn the other cheek.

  3. I've never understood how the word "compassion" can be used, when it's financed by those unwilling to be wise on the outcomes of their actions. Cultural differences alone are a huge problem, and when a significant amount of refugees is involved, not only do individuals become victims of those that are brought in, the entire community becomes a victim to the additional costs, the flagrant disregard of the customs of the host, and the refusal to assimilate into the society that accepted them into their communities.

  4. Is it though? Is it really based on good intentions? Or is it a lethal political agenda masked with one to make it more palatable? Maybe it's a trojan horse and the people who run that religious organization know it.

  5. Anonymous5/10/18

    Islam is not a religion. It's a form of government that recognizes no other law than it's own. There are no civilians in Islam. There are no innocents outside Islam. Every mosque in infidel lands is a forward operating base. Nothing has changed since 732 AD. Just ask a Muslim.

  6. This is a matter that should outrage every moral person in the world, but the left has consumed the religious communities of the west turning them into enablers that make society prey to Muslims, whose religion allows for the most degrading and unacceptable behavior.

    We’ve lost our minds.

    Islam isn’t a religion. It’s a criminal political movement masquerading as a religion. We really do need to get that.

  7. Tanya G5/10/18

    Why is it so outrageous to admit that some cultures are just not able to coexist.
    Islam has 'never' been able to live at peace with Western Civilization. So why are people so intent on continuing to try and jamb a square peg into a round hole.
    There are over 52 Muslim majority countries...if Muslims think Islam is so great...why aren't they moving to a Nation that actually supports their oppressive and dangerous ideologies. Why come to Christian Nations and demand we change.
    It is pure evil what is going on and Canada better smarten up fast and put a stop to it. We have a right, and a responsibility, to say no to all things Islam.
    Know who you vote for come the next election. We need the right people in office who understand the threat and are eradicate it.

  8. Islam is a draconian ideology started by a violent war lord who taught his followers to rape, murder, oppress and pillage their way to power. Convert to Islam or die was his command and that very same command remains current. The Arabic word Islam means submission. Need we say more?

  9. Islam is nothing more than a primitive death cult bent on dominating every country that shows sufficient weakness to allow takeover.

  10. Watcher6/10/18

    There are three words that keep going around these discussions and I keep losing sight of how dangerous it is to ignore what we don't know.

    The first word is "Arab" which is an ethnicity and existed as such before Islam. The second word is "Islam" which is a religion and the third word is "Muslim". Muslim I take it is a term that is used to classify Arabs who follow Islam. That is, there are adherents to Islam who are not Arab an not Muslim.

    Muslim I believe is a term rulers of the Expanding Caliphate gave to those Arabs they ruled over to divide them from the Infidels - Arab non practitioners of Islam - and Heretics - Arab followers of Islam but the wrong Islam.

    The Muslims we see and know about in the West are overwhelmingly enforcers, advocates, apologists or supporters in agreement with, and serving in their own way, the interests of the Islam of the Expanding Caliphate. It doesn't matter if they would not kill a Westerner, that is the only Islam they know.

    When apologists for the Islam of the Expanding Caliphate say we are Islamophobic and not all Muslims are like that, they are talking about those practitioners of Islam they have never had contact with, and would probably want dead as Infidels or Heretics. The Apologists statements are serving an agenda in support of the Expanding Caliphate.

    So the question isn't What are these people like? The question is how did they get here - who let the Dogs in and who is caring and feeding them while they are here.

    So likely Western political leaders made alliances with these Caliphate supporters without realizing their long term goals of expansion into the West, and when those plans became clear hadn't the political courage to call the relationship between the West and the Caliphate off. They just kept on supporting them.

  11. If something like this happens in my country I will take the matter into my own hands. The necessity of justice is obvious and also obvious is that our Governments and Police are refusing to protect us. Therefore vigilante action is required. There will be fearsome punishments for those who do take action but this is where older men must come to the front line .

  12. Anonymous6/10/18

    islam is a fake religion. moslems have no respect for any woman, especially is they are not moslems. we are at war and don't even know it.

  13. Surely Pastor Dan Chambers is complicite in the murder of this young girl?

  14. Anonymous7/10/18

    Those who are kind to the cruel will be kind the to the cruel.
    I believe this girl was raped by the Syrian Moslem as well but that either Canadian law enforcement and/or their enemedia are covering it up.

  15. Rich is right,it's the enablers who are even more evil than the perpetrators in my opinion because they only facilitate more of the same. It's time for the "silence of the lambs" to end and I suspect Trump's election was only the beginning (but the fight will be bitter and we better be in it for the long haul).

  16. Anonymous8/10/18

    Good intentions didn't pave this road. It was paved by moral and intellectual vanity.

  17. Sickness. Sickness everywhere. It's name is liberalism.

  18. Just a common 'tater8/10/18

    Thank you for posting this expose of these devious, demented and downright dangerous experiments in "tolerance, diversity, and multiculturalism" that have subjected the unarmed and defenseless to the criminal whims of these invaders.

    Fist, let us talk about vetting. Good luck with that. You are required to get a record from the authorities attesting to who you really are and whether or not you are a criminal, terrorist, or otherwise not suitable for admission. These hell hole countries, even when supposedly stable and functioning, let alone when unstable, are notorious for graft, corruption, discrimination, incompetence, and nepotism. If you have a family member working in the right government office or agency, no problem. No insider help? Slip some cash, usually USD under the table and you have whatever you need in documentation.

    Second, these resettling projects usually get fed regular infusions of taxpayer money to keep providing services for these immigrants. Those that are working are often doing so in the black market: Money transfers, black market or stolen goods, counterfeit goods, and various legit looking fronts for these activities. Usually all in cash, no records, no taxes paid.

    If you or I so much as run a yard sale more than once or twice a year, expect the state and local tax authorities to investigate you.

    Lastly, there is no excuse for what happened to this girl, brutally murdered by someone that should never have been let in. The communities affected need to vote with their feet and wallets. Leave the churches of these money grubbing wolves in sheep's clothing. Tell them why, as well.

    Why is it the well publicized Syrian Yazidi and Christian communities were not given these kinds of relief from the attacks by the religion we dare not name? Instead, the perpetrators and/or their supporters get let in carte blanche.

    And to add the final insult to injury, the average citizen in Canada and many US locations dare not own, keep, or carry anything that would give him or her a fighting chance for survival if attacked by one of these anointed ones.

    Brave new world, indeed.

  19. AH....but many of us aren't GOOD Christians. And we want revenge.

  20. I wonder why no one has suggested that the refugees and illegals that come into our countries and commit crimes were brought in for that very purpose.

    It been clear to me from a while ago that the left Democrats - radical or not radical - need heir lumpen proletarian shock troops to perform certain supporting tasks, just as they need their definitely non-lumpen proletarian college campus shock troops to complete certain, different, tasks.

    These shock troops keep the Left in power. They both weaken our society in their own way.


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